Utkarsh Raj got admission to IIFT Kolkata with a IIFT percentage of 97.57%. He had work experience before graduation from Patna College with 69%. Utkarsh went one-to-one interview with the Collegedunia Team and shared his IIFT Kolkata MBA-IB Admission experience, read below

Collegedunia Team: What was your IIFT percentage? Did you avail reservation benefits for IIFT MBA-IB Admission?

Utkarsh: I secured 97.57% in the IIFT 2021 Examination. And, I am from General background, so there were no reservation benefits.

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Collegedunia Team: Can you please describe your Pre MBA Academic Performance for Collegedunia readers?

Utkarsh: In 10 board exams I scored 95%. I secured 80.40% in the 12 board exam. Also I graduated from Patna College with a decent percentage of 69%. 

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Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any).

Utkarsh: IIFT Kolkata conducted an online GD round for the selected students. 

Collegedunia Team: What was the WAT/GD Topic?

Utkarsh: The topic given pertained to general topics that are constantly in the news.

Collegedunia Team: What was your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Utkarsh: The answers or points that I had put forward were quite general in nature.

Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Utkarsh: The mode of the PI was online. The Panel consisted of 3 faculty members and each interview session lasted for around 15-45 minutes. It was not a stressful interview. 

Collegedunia Team: Mention at least 5 questions that were asked in IIFT Kolkata Interview and how you responded to each of them?

Utkarsh: The questions asked during the Interview are:

Ques 1. Tell us about yourself?

Ques 2. Why pursue an MBA?

Ques 3. Why do you have gap years?

Ques 4. Why did you not convert UPSC?

Ques 5. Why do an MBA after UPSC?

Collegedunia Team: Mention any three reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Utkarsh: The reasons are:

The primary reason for choosing IIFT Kolkata was the placement statistics. The second reason would be the suitable location of the Institute and the third would be the batch diversity of the Institute. 

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Collegedunia Team: What was the reason for you not converting other colleges?

Utkarsh: The processes of other colleges were a bit tedious.