Baljot Rajpal converted IIFT Kolkata with a IIFT NTA percentage of 90. He graduated from City Premier College, Nagpur. He had no after college work experience. Baljot interacted with the Collegedunia Team and shared his IIFT Kolkata MBA Admission experience. 

Collegedunia Team: What was your IIFT percentage? Did you avail reservation benefits for IIFT MBA Admission?

Baljot: My IIFT 2021 percentage was 90% and being a general class candidate I did not avail any reservation benefits. 

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Collegedunia Team: Describe your Pre MBA Academic Performance for Collegedunia readers?

Baljot: I had scored 10 CGPA in the 10 board exam and a decent percentage in 12 boards i.e. 91.41%. Also, I completed my graduation from City Premier College, Nagpur with 90%.

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Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any).

Baljot: There was an extempore round. There was plenty of time to think and write and you can start whenever you are prepared. And 3 minutes of time was given to speak.

Pro Tips: Take your time and make good points. Even though my interview was online I had a smile all throughout the process.

Collegedunia Team: What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Baljot: The topic given was- Online Gaming: Advantages and Disadvantages.  

Collegedunia Team: What was your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?

Baljot: I started with a generic introduction by telling how technology has changed our life. Then I told a few advantages consisting of the points like income, new career option, a way to connect with different people, increasing the market (for chips, computers, laptops) and sites with a few examples of how my brother plays online games and a few kids who won millions of dollars by winning. Then I discussed a few disadvantages- reduced concentration level, addiction, fraud. And then concluded by saying that it's better to have a balanced use of gaming. 

Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Baljot: The Panel consisted of 3 faculty members and each interview session lasted for around 15-20 minutes. Two of the interviewers took a normal interview but one interviewer tried to create a stressful environment.

Pro Tips- Be confident. If you don't know any answer, humbly say that you don't know and you will move forward.

Collegedunia Team: Mention at least 5 questions that were asked in IIFT Kolkata MBA Interview and how you responded to each of them?

Baljot: The questions asked during the Interview are:

Ques 1. Why should we select you as a fresher? 

Ans. I believe that there should be a mix of freshers and work experience people in the batch for maximum learning and I want to complete my education before entering corporate.

Ques 2. Which type of market is Automobile? 

Ans. I was not able to answer this question but the answer was oligopoly.

Ques 3. What are the four P's of marketing? 

Ans. I said the 4P’s are Products, Price, Place, Promotion.

Ques 4. Why IIFT? 

Ans. It will give me dual specialisation. And I am intrigued by the fact that it is a student driven college. It will enhance my learning.

Ques 5. What is Maharashtra famous for? (Since I am from Nagpur) 

Ans. Cotton and mentioned a few other things.

Collegedunia Team: Mention any three reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Baljot: The three main reasons were:

The major reason for joining the college is because it has trade as an additional subject and is the best one to learn trade. The other reason was the placement statistics. And, the third reason would be the suitable location of the college. 

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Collegedunia Team: What was the reason for you not converting other colleges?

Baljot: I got nervous in my first interview and couldn't perform well. I couldn't answer the questions that I even knew the answers of. And I wasn't prepared for a few topics in XAT and hence didn't clear the cut off for XLRI.