Shriti Sengupta got admission at IIM Udaipur with a CAT percentile of 96.8%. Shriti had no previous work experience after completing her graduation from Ramjas College, DU. She shared her IIM Udaipur MBA Admission experience with the Collegedunia Team, read below
Collegedunia Team: What was your CAT percentile? Did you avail reservation benefits for IIM MBA Admission?
Shriti: I secured a CAT percentile of 96.8% in my examination. And, I am from General background, so there were no reservation benefits.
Check IIM Udaipur Admission
Collegedunia Team: Can you please describe your Pre MBA Academic Performance for Collegedunia readers?
Shriti: I had secured 10 GPA in my 10th board exam, and 95.8% in 12th board exam. Also, I completed my graduation from Ramjas College, Du with a percentage of 84.20%.
Check IIM Udaipur CAT Cutoff
Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any).
Shriti: The GD was conducted in the online mode with 8 members in my group and three moderators. The time given for the GD was around 15 minutes of which 10 minutes were to speak, 2 minutes to think and 3 minutes to summarise. Initially my team made a ruckus out of the GD however later I initiated a system where everybody got a chance to speak. As important it is to speak in the GD, it is also important to listen to others points and not cut them in between.
Collegedunia Team: What was the WAT/GD Topic?
Shriti: The topic given for the GD round- Robots and AI would replace humans in organisations.
Collegedunia Team: What was your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Shriti: I initiated the GD by stating that I don't completely support the point as human touch is very important to run any organisation. The emotional or personal aspect which often a robot lacks is present in a human which according to me is very important to run an organisation in a way where everyone works in harmony and are given a chance to put forward their best.
Check IIM Udaipur WAT Tips
Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Shriti: The PI was conducted in an online mode. There were 3 members in the panel of which only one was asking the question and the other two were observing. Two of them were faculty and one of them was an aluminium from the college IIM Trichy.
My interview went for around 20-25 minutes. The panel number allotted to me was 7th however there was a long wait time before my interview.
Pro Tip for all the aspirants would be to keep calm during this time of waiting as it can be really difficult to be patient.
Collegedunia Team: Mention at least 5 questions that were asked in IIM Udaipur MBA Interview and how you responded to each of them?
Shriti: The series of questions that were asked during the Interview are:
Ques 1. Tell us about yourself?
Ans. This specific question is different from person to person. However it is important to include points that you want the panel to ask questions on. For this question, I talked about my schooling, graduation, PORs, my interest in Kathak and how all this aligns with MBA.
Ques 2. Which 2 skills you learnt in Kathak would help you in MBA?
Ans. (I asked for 30 seconds to think about the answer). I told them that though kathak has taught me a lot and in many ways that would affect my life, I have narrowed down 2 skills that will help me during and after my MBA.
1 - while doing "chakkar" in kathak you have to have a steady aim to make a great chakkar. Similarly during my mba I should have a clear aim of what I want to fulfil out of my journey so as to make the most of it and not get distracted as if that happens neither my mba nor my chakkars would end well.
2 -I have been learning kathak for 12 years now and it has taught me to be consistent. Even my board exams or any obstacles did not stop me from learning and doing Kathak similarly should be my consistency while I am doing MBA. As was my experience in kathak I would want to import the same on MBA where no obstacle could stop me from accomplishing my goals.
Ques 3. Questions related to my graduation?
Ques 4. Why pursue an MBA?
Ques 5. Any long term goal?
Check IIM Udaipur CAP
Collegedunia Team: Mention any three reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.
Shirti: The three main reasons were:
1)The college has seen immense growth in the past decade hence would continue to do the same.
2) The Institute is the hub for marketing, the field in which I wanted to pursue my specialisation in.
3) IIM Udaipur along with Brand tag has an amazing faculty which include professors teaching in IIM A,B and C.
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Collegedunia Team: What was the reason for you not converting other colleges?
Shriti: I had received interview calls from all except IIM A,B and C and unfortunately due to my poor GD and PI preparation, I couldn’t convert to any other colleges.