During the final years, every B.tech/B.E. student is standing in a place that has two opposite directions, one takes them to grab job opportunities after graduating and the second is to pursue M.Tech for more skill and proficiency. The article will talk about the second direction on how it's advantageous for you and impacts your career in a positive way. 

What is M.Tech? 

M.Tech full form is Master of Technology which is a 2-years Postgraduate degree that enables students to develop the ability to create and advance technology in the field of computer science and engineering. It is a skills-oriented program that studies Mathematical applications, advanced data structures and algorithms, soft computing, mobile applications services, the compiler for HPC and optimization techniques. 

K.R.Mangalam University offers this 2-yrs M.Tech program with believing in providing students a quality education for a good future as their prime responsibility. KRMU has collaborated with big industry giants to give students excellent placement opportunities. They also have a transport facility, hostel facility, fully-equipped computer labs and other amazing facilities. 

KRMU M.Tech Admission Eligibility 

The eligibility criteria for M Tech 2022-23 Admission is must have a Bachelor's degree from B.E./B.Tech from a recognized college/institute/university with a minimum of 60% of total aggregate marks. 

KRMU M.Tech Selection Criteria

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an online mode entrance exam conducted for students who seek postgraduate and doctorate-level courses. This exam is conducted in collaboration with seven IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Guwahati, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. Many government and private institutions in India accept the GATE exam results for admission to their M.TECH program. 

Benefits of M.Tech

  • M.Tech offers you a complete insight into the knowledge of computer science. It also helps you to develop more skills or hone the skills you already have to perfection. 
  • Many Big industrial giants are looking for Employees who have a better understanding of the technical aspects of computer science, this reason can also bag handsome salary packages. 
  • After completing your Master of Technology you can also go for a PhD or pursue a career as a researcher. 

Job opportunities after M.Tech 

  • Business Analyst: They work on analyzing business areas to make improvements for increasing productivity and efficiency. 
  • Software Developers: From testing and finding out problems in software to developing new software programs all come under the role of a software developer. 
  • Data Scientist: They have strong analytical skills which are needed to clean, interpret and present data using methods and tools. 
  • Lead Software Engineer: They oversee and manage the flow of work within the development team till the completion of tasks. 
  • Computing specialists: They often are engaged in installing, maintaining and repairing computer hardware and software. 
  • Application Developer: Their interesting job role comes after graduating with a Master of Technology (M.Tech). They use coding and designing to develop new applications for projects. 
  • Project Manager: They supervise the projects in all aspects to make sure they should be done on time and within budget to meet the desired goal. 
  • Associate Software Engineer: They are professionals who are responsible for improving the existing software and designing new application software.