Interview by Yash Panchal
Dr. Mantri Venkata Raghuram is presently working as the Professor of English & Head of the Dept. Sciences and Humanities in Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur.
Experience in the education industry
I began my career in Education industry as English Faculty in 1993. Students demand high profile programmes that are well taught and enhance their employment prospects. This, I feel is a challenge attributed from the dynamic nature of demands from the industry that makes it best to work on.
Strategies to help the underachievers of the classes
Immersing students in a teaching environment that requires them to use learning activities that are likely to lead to the intended outcomes – constructive alignment.
Most important current debates in Dr. Raghuram’s field
The buzz word is OBE. Outcomes-based education (OBE) has set academic benchmarks and increased institutional accountability.
What strategies would you use to ensure that the ablest students taking your subject excel and are stretched?
Constructivism, Phenomenography, Surface and Deep approaches to learning.
Challenges faced
Taking Educational Technology to conservatives.
Curriculum ensuring best practices of the industry
By following AICTE Model curriculum.
Ensuring quality of education
As a senior member of IQAC, policies outlined to maintain the quality of education are scrupulously followed.
Establishing a relation with the students
Through Interactive and Reflective Teaching. This requires transformative reflection, a theory of teaching to reflect with and a context of experiences as the object of reflection (self-monitoring).
Dr. Mantri’s philosophy of leadership
A good learner is a good leader. Leadership includes four crucial attributes – vision, voice, credibility and commitment. A leader always gives a positive reinforcement. He focuses on strengths, not the weaknesses of his team while turning challenges into opportunities. A reflective, problem-based lifelong learning ensures a good leadership style.
Suggestions for the current youth
Adopt Peer Teaching / Learning as an effective tool. Take Tutorial sessions and Assignments seriously.