Dr. PSS. Srinivasan is an Edupreneur. Founder of Knowledge Institute of Technology Trust, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Knowledge Business School, and Principal of Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem. He shares his enriching experience being an integral part of the education sector and how it has transformed over time. He mentions why it is important to have a shared vision and how collective decision making leads to transformatory changes which shape towards improvement of the institute. Talking about making connections with the industry, he says they invite mentors and industry experts to help guide faculty and students. This guidance helps students to secure a good placement. The college brings in a variety of mechanisms, which helps take continuous feedback and improve accordingly. Sharing the vision, he wants the institute to become one of the world class universities at Salem district by 2035, and rank in top colleges of the country. He conclude the interview on a high note with the aim of bringing deep insightful research, strengthening the incubation and forming international tie-ups
The world is changing rapidly in terms of technology and our institute is agile in matching the pace
The world is changing rapidly with respect to technology. As a founder and principal of the college, I have been constantly watching the changes happening across the globe in terms of technology changes, students' mind set, learning styles, curriculum, contents beyond curriculum, teaching learning process, examination and evaluation process, and we are AGILE in making changes.
KIOT has established 15+ Industry Linked laboratories and 10+ centres of excellence towards producing ready to deploy engineering and MBA graduates.
Each class room and laboratory is equipped with modern teaching aids, and the library has exhaustive online learning resources apart from hard copies. Each faculty must undergo a minimum of two FDPs, one TL process enhancement program, attending one conference and publishing 1-3 research papers per year. This is being made as a mandatory requirement in the faculty appraisal program. Management sponsors all the expenditure.
A shared vision and collective decision making executes with precision
I am a people leader. I believe in shared vision and collective decision making. At KIOT, all major strategies and key decisions are made with participation of all the HoDs and Directors meeting, which is headed by the principal. Such a process makes everyone become an integral part of decision, and executes meticulously to make it happen in reality.
We have industry experts mentoring our faculty as well as our students to help them seek a good employment
KIOT and KBSS have a very good Industry connection with 300 + companies across India. We take feedback about their requirements and emerging trends on a regular basis.
Based on their needs, we run industry supported courses in all the disciplines. Curriculums for such courses are framed by Industries. Faculty is trained at industries by training the trainer model. Industry experts also handle a few topics directly at weekends. Each department runs 2-5 such courses. That is why the students become highly employable and result in 90% plus quality placements year on year.
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Making students utilize the available resources is a task in itself
Customer friendly management, dedicated faculty with negligible attrition, good number of industry linked labs, technical clubs and forums, 500+ recruiter base makes the job of the principal more comfortable, were a few to name. However, there were many challenges which came our way. Major one is the student’s mindset. There is a saying, we can take the horse to the pond, but we can’t make it drink. Similarly, making the students use the available resources is the challenge. We have making TL process more and more Experiential Learning to solve this issue.
We bring in a variety of mechanisms which helps us to take continuous feedback and help us improve accordingly
KIOT has a variety of mechanisms by which continuous feedback from students and parents are taken. I (principal) meet all the students directly, receive feedback and address to all the students once in a semester. We invite all parents for the parents meeting department wise once in a semester. Apart from written feedback from all, we listen to parents directly for 90 minutes in every batch, and give a reply towards the end of the meeting. This process makes customer satisfaction to its best. Satisfied customer brings more customers. We don’t advertise much. Alumni, current students, and parents make 80% of our admission.
Our aim is to be in Top 200 and become a deemed university in the future
We are an affiliated, non-autonomous, institution at present. All eligible courses at KIOT are NBA accredited and the college is NAAC accredited. We are in the process of getting autonomous status shortly. We are planning to bring KIOT within TOP 200 India ranking by 2025, possibly a deemed university by 2030, Top 500 in the world ranking by 2035.
Our true vision is to become one of the World Class Universities by 2035
KIOT management is our greatest strength. The trust has 50 members, out of which 22 are Eminent Engineering College professors. They all hold PhD degrees and have more than 20+ years of experience. Remaining 28 are Engineers working in India and Abroad, and First Generation Entrepreneurs. The team has the knowledge and experience in Higher Education Institution (HEI) building and taking the institution towards excellence. Our true vision is to become one of the world class universities at Salem district by 2035.
The faculties abroad does more research oriented work which helps in shaping the pedagogical implications
In abroad, faculty does more industry collaborative research, and it helps in teaching the future technology to the students while studying itself. Such ambience is not prevailing in India due to various reasons. To overcome such difficulty, KIOT has 5-7 Technical Clubs in each department, where in all such future technology areas are exposed to students using industry experts. Making the students to undergo Internships and the concept of Make A Product help the students to work on future technologies.
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We want to keep abreast with what we have earned and make a shift towards deep insightful research, strengthening the incubation and forming international tie-ups
In the first 11 years, we are very successful in achieving Excellent Campus infrastructure, Industry linked labs and centers of excellences, Qualified, Experienced and dedicated faculty, 300+ recruiters connect, 90% plus quality placements year on year. In the next 10 years, our focus will be on more funded R&D, publications, citations and patents, strengthening the incubation and startup facilities and more programs with Industry and foreign university tie-ups.