Sukumar Krishnan graduated from Madras Christian College. He is a student at XIMB. Sukumar scored 99.33 in the X-GMT exam and got selected for the MBA-BM course. He also had 10 months of work experience in Deloitte as Risk-Based Auditor.
Sukumar Krishnan Profile
- Current institute: XIMB
- Graduation College: Madras Christian College
- X-GMT score: 99.33
- 10th Percentage / GPA: 9.2
- 12th Percentage / GPA: 86.17
- Graduation Percentage/GPA: 75
- Work Experience: Deloitte India, 10 months, Risk-Based Audit
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Sukumar Krishnan Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Sukumar Krishnan: “General (No reservation)”
Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Sukumar Krishnan: “The interview was conducted online via Zoom. The panel had three male professors.
I was asked some theoretical questions without much time to think, from my field of interest (Marketing) most of which I couldn't answer. By the end, the interview panel was friendlier. The best you can do is keep calm, admit what you don’t know, and be confident when you answer."
Check XIMB Admission
Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them.
Sukumar Krishnan: “1) What is your field of interest?
- Marketing
2) What is the BCG Matrix?
- Answered half of it, INCORRECT
3) What are Porter's Five forces
- Couldn't answer
4) Why did you leave your job so soon?
- Sir I was alone in Chennai during covid and my expenses shot up during lockdown and working hours were getting longer too and WFH wouldn't have been possible back home, I also decided to take one year off to explore my interests and prepare for MBA exams. (They didn't seem convinced).
5) You've forgotten your UG BBA stuff. What if you forget stuff after learning from here too?
- Sir my UG had more of a theory, but here since it is a project-based approach, I'm sure I'll retain the info much better
6) Finance prof- How would you price a product having elastic demand?
- Keep it high. (Wrong answer, prof explained to me why it should be kept low)
7) A problem with the GST.
- Correctly solved."
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.
Sukumar Krishnan: “I converted SIBM-Bengaluru and LIBA as well.
I chose XIMB because-
- Bigger brand name, vast alumni base.
- Better placements both in terms of median pay as well as a variety of roles offered.
- Better-ranked in govt as well as private rankings."