Abhitosh Das converted KIIT School MBA admission with a 71 percentile CAT score. He told us about the Pi situation and GD topics. He also advised that candidates should be honest while answering. He shared a more interesting experience with us:
Abhitosh Das Profile
- Current institute: KSOM Bhubaneshwar
- Graduation College: Institute of Technical Education & Research
- CAT score: 71
- 10th percentage/ GPA: 80.57
- 12th percentage/ GPA: 57.8
- Graduation percentage/ GPA: 7.92
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KIIT School, Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Abhitosh Das: “General (No reservation)”
Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)
Abhitosh Das: “The GD was conducted via offline mode and it consisted of 10 members and we were allotted a time limit of 20mins. The GD had 2 moderators and we were asked to prepare for 2minutes and then start the discussion. There was no specific sequence, everyone was free to talk and put forward their valid points. And when there was any grievance the moderators interfered.”
What was the WAT / GD Topic?
Abhitosh Das: “We were asked to discuss Is MBA necessary to become a successful Manager?”
What were your answers/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Abhitosh Das: “I had put forward a few points that supported the topic. As far as I remember I started with a few examples of Top CEOs and how they became successful in this highly competitive corporate world. Apart from that I also stated how MBA curriculum grooms a student with real scenarios which further helps them in real life.”
Describe the general setting of your Interview.
Abhitosh Das: “The PI was conducted via offline mode and it had a panel of 3 members. One was the placement dean, the other two were faculties from different departments. The interview went on for 20-25 mins and it was completely a stressful interview. The faculty will try to confuse you as much as they can and will try to make you stressed. So try to remain calm and quiet, answer the questions smartly, and avoid falling into their trap. Answer what you know, do not bluff anything.” Check KSOM Bhubaneshwar Admission Process
Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them
Abhitosh Das:
The first question was to introduce yourself. I started by introducing my home town, details about my graduation college, my strengths & weaknesses. The second question was regarding my interests and hobbies, I started by giving details about my interests and hobbies. They asked scenario-based questions and I answered them the one which I felt was correct. The fourth was regarding my family background and why I am opting for MBA in marketing being from a financial background. And the last question was Why I am opting for MBA after BTech, and I answered it smartly stating that managerial skills along with technical skills will help me to grow in this highly competitive corporate world.
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted
Abhitosh Das: The 3 main reasons were it is one of the top universities in Orissa, the placement stats were quite good and the faculties were highly qualified.
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What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges? (If any)
Abhitosh Das: “There were no specific reasons but I will suggest everyone stay in touch with the recent trending topics and Current affairs.”