Scholarship applications must convey the degree of passion an applicant has to study the desired subject at a coveted university.

- Kulneet Suri (Sr. Director at IMS Noida)

Scholarships are gateways to one’s dream universities to study their desired subject. Tuition fee is waived, be it full or partial is beneficial to any student with all the opportunities remaining intact. Students who can crack the registration process, they can fly off to that coveted academic career without any financial burden and focus on their growth without any thoughts of loans or debts.

Most of us have a preconceived notion that it is quite challenging to secure a scholarship, but in reality, it depends on your approach and current doings. A few things done right from your end will help you grab the scholarship. Given below are 5 major sure shot techniques that you can follow to win a scholarship and then call it a day.

Read about Institute of Management Studies Noida

Tip 1: Filter the scholarships

The first thing you need to do is to narrow down the scholarships that are meant for you. Having a pool full of options can overwhelm anyone and the general trend is to opt for the famous names.

Not all scholarships fall in the same educational needs of the student. Make sure to take the required time to filter the right ones. Take a look and consider the facilities the grant promises, future benefits, do you want the experience, and so on. This way, you can strike out a few additional options and focus on the correct ones.

Tip 2: Start small and move up the ladder

Most students from the best management schools in Delhi NCR aim for the top scholarship opportunities through international entrance exams like GRE or TOEFL. You may also walk down the same path, but there is no harm in starting small. These exams can prove to be hard to crack; you may have to appear for it multiple times.

Smaller scholarships are easier to land and can provide you with the confidence to crack the big ones. Try to get a grant for summer training somewhere or travel allowance to volunteer abroad and then opt for the GRE.

Tip 3: Put in your sincere efforts in the essays

Nowadays, most of the scholarship applications invite essays to filter their candidates. There are a specific number of words to present one’s case and area of interest. The written material provided by you will be the deciding factor if you are a deserving student or not.

Instead of using generic statements, use anecdotes to establish candidature, and talk about the inspiration behind choosing a subject. Smart work and presentation style will help you stand out.

Tip 4: Identify the pattern and prepare accordingly

It is evident that no two scholarship exams or applications will be similar. It is important to judge the parameters like the pattern of the exam, type of competition, difficulty level and more. Considering these factors will help you form an idea about the task at hand and will save you much time.

For instance, if scoring 55 out of 100 will get through preparing to score an 80 is a waste of resources. The saved time can be used for something valuable, like building an added skill to put in your Resume.

Tip 5: Check and recheck application

Most applications get disqualified at the first stage itself due to poorly edited content. Thoroughly proofread every line of both your application and resume. You can also bring in an extra set of eyes to help you out. It happens that a grammatical error that you may have skipped your friend can identify it.

Experts also suggest editing in a print copy rather than the digital form as it is easier to catch mistakes with pen and paper. In short, do everything to eliminate errors and send a flawless application.

Show the evaluators your desire to land the scholarship. Make them feel your interest with whatever resources you have at hand. The best MBA colleges in Delhi NCR region have events and workshops to teach you such tricks that can help you land any scholarship on earth.