On 24th of October 2018, the marketing club of AIM, ‘Marketing Maestros’, organized a special socio-cultural event by the name of “YOU & THEM” from 1:45 pm onwards at the institute’s B B Verma Auditorium. 

The event was divided into two sub-events – the first being the “Joy of Giving” based on the theme of ‘do good to feel good’ and the second being a “Dance, Drama, Music & Mime Show-D2M2” based on the theme of ‘for a change for a cause’.

In the first event, “Joy of Giving”, the first year students teamed up with children from the slum area and each team was required to create an artifact. Apart from this, the first student was also supposed to create some usable item from waste material which had to be gifted to the child in their team. Each team was judged on the basis of the artifact and the best out of waste product created by them. The teams’ creations were displayed in the B B Verma Auditorium from 1:45 to 2:15 PM.

The above event was followed by a powerful display of the musical and histrionic talents of the AIMIANS in a “Dance, Drama, Music & Mime Show – D2M2”. Here, the first year students used the medium of dance, drama, and music & mime to create awareness on various burning social issues. This sub-event received loud applause from the audience for a realistic and poignant portrayal of several contemporary social problems beseeching everyone’s urgent attention and introspection towards long-term solutions.

The event was well-received and thoroughly appreciated by all attendees.