Dr I. Padmanaban is the Professor and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He has 22 years of teaching and research experience.His area of specialization is Construction Management. He has motivated his faculty members to harness funds worth INR. 41 lakhs from various funding agencies such as DST, CSIR, TNSTC, ICMR, and AICTE for research purposes. He has also organized an international conference sponsored by AICTE with foreign delegates from the US, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, and Dubai. He established the Research Centre of the department affiliated to Anna University in which 36 Ph.D. scholars are currently working in various emerging areas of research. He has published 36 papers in national/international conferences and referred journals and his department has published 154 technical papers in various refereed journals of repute. He is a constant source of motivation for his students and faculty members.
What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
“Curate industry-relevant curriculum and inculcate best practices in them”
In my role as a HOD, I am responsible for preparing for our students' curriculum. Our curriculum should be based on the requirements of the industry so that our students will be industry-ready. This is accomplished by regularly interacting with industry, taking regular feedback, and infusing it into our curriculum as a way to prepare students to work in an industry after they graduate their 4 years of education.
How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?
“Open communication and regular interaction are key factors”
On-campus, we strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere. There is a mentorship program at our organization. Every faculty mentors between 20 and 30 students on a regular basis. Regardless of whether a student has a personal or academic problem, their mentor is available to help. As a family-oriented college, our faculty members take their responsibilities very seriously and perform their duties as assigned.
What are the best practices offered by the department to the students?
“Student-clubs, personality development programs and innovative pedagogy”
On our campus, we have a culture that encourages innovation, where things are built from scratch. By using bamboo filters and compact concrete, we try to create new and exciting products. Students also recently showcased their smart house designs during a competition. The clubs at our college help students improve their skills as they focus on creation and innovation. Also, the students are developed as individuals through the personality club. We focus on activities that help students gain confidence, articulation and knowledge on any specific subject matter.
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How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated?
“With the help of Program advisory committee and modern subjects of the field”
The curriculum guidelines are consistently updated in accordance with the industry. In addition, we evaluate our curriculum against top institutes, including IIT Madras and MIT. Based on benchmarking with leading institutes and discussions with the industry, we work to improve the curriculum. Furthermore, we have a Program Advisory Committee (PAC) consisting of both alumni and current students from our college. The plan of study that the students need to take in their 4 years of education will enable them to be industry-ready in the future.
Do you have any extracurricular activities to enhance the skills of the students?
“Special interests student clubs to enhance leadership and interpersonal skills”
At our college, we have 11 clubs, including a fitness club and a personality club. Each of these clubs has activities on weekends. Each student who is a member of these clubs takes on the responsibility of organizing specific events. Students develop leadership skills, interpersonal skills, and their overall personalities through these programs. The soft skills they learn in college will help them later when they enter the real world.
What do you see as the department’s greatest strengths?
“Research-based education and inclination towards critical-thinking”
Our expertise lies in developing new products and conducting research. The entrepreneurship aspect is an area that we wish to improve. We have also begun mentoring startups. Additionally, we are working to inculcate a startup culture among our students.
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What valuable advice would you like to the students for a prosperous career ahead?
“Focus on practical learning and acquiring skills”
Students have their own sets of skills. Don't follow others into a discipline, and rather prioritize your strengths and dislikes. The value of any field is the same, no matter which it is, be it engineering, commerce, or arts. Likewise, try to apply what you learn in a practical way. Thus, you should always strive to excel in whatever field you choose.