Dr. CV Guru Rao is a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, M.E in Information Science & Engineering from Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College, Allahabad, M.Tech in Electronic Instrumentation from Regional Engineering College, Warangal, B.Tech in Electronics & Communications Engineering from Nagarjuna University, Guntur. Currently, he is working as a Director of SR Engineering College (Autonomous institution under JNTUH), Ananthasagar, Warangal, India. He has published 227 technical research publications in various National/International Journals/Conferences and authored 5 textbooks. He has served in several academic positions such as Chairperson/Board of Studies, Member/Academic Advisory Committee, Chairperson/Academic Council, Member-Secretary of Governing Body with various institutions.
SRECW maintains industry standards to cultivate youth for a better tomorrow
SRECW has grown from an affiliated private self-financed engineering college to an autonomous institution. Shortly, it would become a private university under the auspices of Govt. of Telangana. The differentiators of the curriculum are design, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills. The use of modern tools such as Projector, LCD, and ICT is in place. The teachers are constantly striving to maintain industry standards to cultivate the youth for a better tomorrow.
Interactive learning is the philosophy of leadership
Interactive learning is the philosophy of my leadership. I believe in transparent style leadership. Transparency is the key to any organization and lays the foundation for sustainable growth.
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We develop value and ethics in our students to be ready to face the future
Our courses and track record speak for themselves when it comes to marketing. Beyond that, we develop our students to be life ready by inculcating our values and ethics. This further spreads the word about our excellence.
Training and workshops for skill development gives a cutting edge
What they can take away from our institute is an employable Degree. We regularly conduct various training programs to make the student job-ready. Apart from this, we provide the students with state of the art laboratories, sports facilities, and the best teachers. We believe that we should constantly work towards the wholesome development of the student. On the same lines, we have a Career Guidance Cell (CGC) that supports the students in identifying their interests, strengths, and planning appropriately to justify their professional needs. The cell surveys the interests of the students and guides them according to their interest in Placements/Higher studies/Competitive exams/starting their enterprise.
We have the presence of experts on relevant boards of studies
We make sure that our students become the best resource for the country in the future. For this, we organize bootcamps, workshops, and seminars by well-known industry professionals to maintain best practices. We have the presence of industrial experts on relevant boards of studies, academic council, and the governing body of the institution.
We will be in the top 10 universities in India, in the future
We are aiming to be in the top 10 universities in India. We are soon to be a University, and are making progress to develop global citizens by incorporating world class teaching methodology combined with state of the art facilities.
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Emphasizing on the greatest strengths
We emphasize building personalities by interaction. Our industry collaborations also form a major part of our strengths. We are the collaborator institute of the project 'Making Deep Learning and AI skills mainstream in India to fulfill the trilateral needs of entrepreneurship, Industry-academia partnership, and application-inspired Engineering Research.
Learning is a continuous process and should never be stopped
Never stop learning. Learning is a continuous process and is not limited to the classroom. It is important to learn how to learn first. Beyond that, all the necessary resources and support are available for a student to excel beyond his course limits.