Mr. Nitin Jain is the Dean Training & placement; SSIPMT Raipur. He is an experienced T&P professional with a demonstrated history of working in the technical education industry and also in a result oriented work-landscape. In his interview he talks about how college is growing at a rapid pace and how being at a leadership position has helped to secure the high admission rate. He goes on to describe the hard work put in by the institute to ramp up the skills in students and to bridge the industry-academia gap. Also, the institute imparts hands-on training that is designed by a battery of learned academicians, with inputs from industry leaders. This came into existence with upgrading the curriculum, which in-turn led to excellent placements of the students. In the later segment he talks about the challenges they faced and how The life cycle of technologies is getting shorter and is shorter and posing peculiar challenges for everyone. On a concluding note he advises students to set targets for tomorrow from day one because winning is achieved through a rigorous, all round training program

Our leadership position has helped us secure the high admission rate 

We are a fast growing Engineering & Management institute in the state of Chhattisgarh. Our leadership position has helped us secure the highest number of admissions in the Capital City of Raipur. Additionally, in terms of ratio of number of admissions to number of seats, we are among the top 3 in the state. This has been possible owing to the excellent placements our students have secured, and because of the overall ecosystem we have spawned in the institute. SSIPMTians can be found in some of the finest companies known. In a nutshell, SSIPMT, Raipur is just over 11 years old and yet has been able to give tough time to some of the most entrenched institutes in the region.

The institute strives hard to develop the skills in students and to bridge the industry-academia gap

Technically, SSIPMT, Raipur is affiliated to state technical University, and the University introduces new programs, which the institute adopts. The University introduces new courses from time to time, and over the years, the syllabus has seen a paradigm change in order to keep the students abreast with technologies trending in India Inc. However, in keeping with the fast paced technological disruption in the market, we at SSIPMT, Raipur impart training on new technologies at regular intervals in all branches. Some of the key training we impart are related to IoT, AI, semiconductor chip designing, robotics, blockchain, etc.

The institute strives hard to ramp up the skills in students and to bridge the industry-academia gap. Additionally, our intake in B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering has increased from 120 to 180, and the intake in M.B.A has gone up to 90 from 60.

Extra-curricular activities helps students to groom their personalities and explore their talents in more than just academic excellence

SSIPMT Raipur is known for its extra-curricular and co-curricular programs. We strongly believe that these programs help groom students in much more than just academic excellence. These programs/ activities run throughout the calendar. We organize hackathons, competitive coding contests, tech fests, sports, cultural events, NSS, NCC and many other competitions/ activities routinely. Additionally, the ongoing pandemic too hasn’t dampened our spirits, and the institute has tied up with Coursera & edX to offer free certificate programs to students.

Check SSIPMT, Raipur Courses & Fees

We have met the industry standards which has helped us bag good placement offers for the students

Over the last 5 years, we have been able to place each and every student in the circuit branches, having an academic record of minimum 60% throughout in leading MNCs. That’s a 100% placement in three branches namely CSE, IT & ET&T in the institute. So much so that at times we have been faced with the difficulty of refusing companies to come for recruitment. In the Mechanical engineering branch, we typically place 50% to 60% of the students in leading corporations. In the Civil engineering branch, only a handful of students seek placement, as most of them aspire for higher/ foreign studies, and/ or prepare for government jobs.For our MBA students, providing placements has always been really easy. Each year, we are left with only those students who do not seek placement. Rest all get placed.

I try to make myself available to my students to help them out in any way possible

Being the Dean Training & placement of the COLLEGE , I feel a direct connection with my students and staff members. I interact with them quite often. Either it is through meetings, conferences, or even informally. As far as my students are concerned, I am always available to them. I keep a check by meeting them at their departments, in their classes, their labs while they are conducting experiments, and in fact, in the canteen when they have a lunch break.

The life cycle of technologies is getting shorter and shorter and posing peculiar challenges for everyone

I feel the biggest challenge for technical education is the rate at which technologies are getting obsolete. The life cycle of technologies is getting shorter and shorter and posing peculiar challenges for everyone. Even the ongoing pandemic has brought in a great amount of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) all around. But, at SSIPMT Raipur, we love challenges and winning is in our DNA. We have thought through these challenges by seeking inputs from industry veterans, doctors, psychologists and our own team, and are geared up for any and all challenges ahead. 

We inspire every student to be innovative, and search for problems in our day-to-day lives, and thereby attempt to create solutions

We believe in Indian culture, values and ethics. And we groom our students to become responsible citizens. Drawing from our mission, the institute has always stressed on giving back to society. We inspire every student to be innovative, and search for problems in their day-to-day lives, and thereby attempt to create solutions for them. This has led to some interesting new products that SSIPMTians have been able to create. We have patents for some of the innovations and some are under process of getting patented. 

To sum up, SSIPMT Raipur has earnestly endeavoured to create an enabling and learning environment for the holistic development of all its students, and has succeeded to a great extent.

The institute imparts hands-on training that is designed by a battery of learned academicians, with inputs from industry honchos

I can easily claim that our curriculum lives upto the expectations of the industry. In addition to the University's curriculum, the institute imparts hands-on training that is designed by a battery of learned academicians, with inputs from industry honchos. We organise, seminars/ webinars, expert talks, HR conclaves regularly in order to understand the industry and its practices closely.

Click here SSIPMT, Raipur Placement

Winning is achieved through a rigorous, all round training program

As I mentioned earlier, winning is in our DNA through a rigorous, all round training program. Right from day one, we set our expectations forward. We even set forth industry’s expectations from OUR students joining the workforce and keep a close vigil on each and every student in the class. We give each and every student the time he/ she takes in reaching our level of expectation and never let go on any student.