Pragati Engineering college

Dr. S Sambhu Prasad is the Principal at Pragati Engineering College. His experience spans a period of 27 years in Teaching and Research and 15 years as Principal, Dean of Academic Affairs, at various engineering colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. Having a rich and vast experience in the educational field, here is what he has to say in his interview about the education sector.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education section?

“My 29 years’ experience in the education domain is a success and provides me with inner satisfaction”

Before joining Pragati Engineering College as principal in 2012, I had an opportunity to serve various notable institutions. Having 15 years exposure as Principal in different institutions provided me with experiential learning and enriched my experience in academic administration catering to the needs of the student community. The factors that keep me connected with education sector are 

  1. Enriching the future engineers with expertise and being energetic amidst students.
  2. Trusting and providing the future professional leaders to the nation.
  3. Meeting the aspirations of the parents.
  4. Meeting the industry needs.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style ?

“I practice what I preach and firmly believe in this principle”

 According to me, leadership means practicing before preaching and having empathy while addressing the needs of the stakeholders. In handling various stresses in the education sector, we need to apply a mix of different leadership styles. Broadly we have a strong decentralization hierarchy within our system with participative leadership.

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Any ideas into how your college could be more welcoming to students of different races and economic backgrounds? 

“We try to bring in diversity as much as we can through our various students centric scholarship”

As per the policy of the State Government of Andhra Pradesh, the Government has made higher education accessible to the students since 2008 through the Fee Reimbursement scheme to many of the students with low economic backgrounds. Besides, the college is promoting deserving students to avail college-sponsored scholarships. These types of policies have provided an opportunity for many students belonging to different economic grounds.

It will take some more time to attract the students belonging to different races within the country. However, we have drawn students from neighbouring countries to come and study at our institution.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the college and the students are?

“My focus is always to help elevate the level of our students by making use of various strategies” 

The most important responsibility is to consistently plan and execute various strategies to take the college to the next level ensuring continuous improvement. I firmly believe that understanding each student and knowing their requirements and meeting them is synonymous to the Doctor’s role where he observes the symptoms of each patient and gives a customized treatment to each patient. My roles and responsibilities to the college and the students are many:

  • Providing a good learning environment in the campus and continuously monitoring its sustenance.
  • Providing value addition and career guidance to the students. Additionally, addressing various aspects of the students with empathy. 
  • Focusing on enrichment of their communication skills and enhancing their success in placements.
  • Continuously be available to the students to receive their requirements and get feedback and improve the inputs to them.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Students should focus on acquiring the skill-sets to establish themselves”

The challenge before the aspiring students is acquiring skill sets in Interdisciplinary aspects. To handle this challenge, they need to work both hand & smart with effective time management with a passion for learning. This approach enables their decision making. Finally, I advise the student community to adhere to professional ethics and always keep a learning attitude.