Meenakshi College of Engineering

Dr.Sathya is a mentor, student counselor, lecturer, examiner, researcher, and a content creator. She heads the Management school at Meenakshi Engineering College. She is also the co-coordinator for Anna University Distance Education, Chennai. She has over 14 years of professional experience in the field of teaching and research. She is currently guiding a batch of 240 management students and is responsible for the placements of the entire MBA batch of students. She carries out different roles in the institution and has been an active member of several committees that helps in the betterment of the institution. 

Education is an opportunity to serve the students’ community and develop them in a future human resource for this country 

I feel content to be a part of the education industry. There are many factors that keep me connected to this domain. 

Every batch of students comes in with new ideas and energy. By interacting with my student, I feel happy and energetic. Additionally, opportunity to continuously learn; Students think out of the box as they are not used to the conventional system of thoughts. At the end of every day, I learn at least one new thing from my students.

It isn’t just about learning but creating future citizens to cater the needs of the nation and become a better human resource. If the energy of the students is directed to constructive purposes, the whole country will taste the all round development. A great man has rightly said," Give me the children and I will change the nation." A nation can progress if youth is sincere and educated. Being a part of developing the nation keeps me connected to the education field.

We have introduced few learning programs to make knowledge sharing more effective

Being affiliated to Anna University, our curriculum is decided by the University. However, we have introduced a few learning programs to make knowledge sharing more effective. Group learning was a program that was followed in some subjects as peer-to-peer learning has proved to have high knowledge retention in students. I have planned to follow cooperative learning strategies to make students learn effectively and to improve overall academic performance. Some strategies for Cooperative learning are – Stir the class, four corner strategy, and Jigsaw strategy, TPS (Think, Pair and Share). 

We host management meets where lectures are organized on the trending subjects in the market

We have annual Management Meets every year where management professionals from prominent institutes in the state and across the country come on campus and interact with our Management students. Regular guest lectures are organized where top notch people from corporates come and take classes on interesting subjects such as Digital Marketing, International Marketing, Negotiation skills etc. We also have compulsory internships and live projects as a part of our MBA program. These enhance the skills of our students and increase their employability rate. Several workshops and seminars are organized too to give our students hands-on training in solving real world management problems.

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We try to get the maximum of our students placed in fields related to what they study

Yes we have good placement records; the average package that our students get is precisely 2.5 LPA. At the department level we try to place students through our alumni and we arrange workshops to develop students' communication skills and soft skills. In the School of Management, we try to get the maximum of our students placed in fields related to what they study. So, every year we have plenty of students that get into sales, marketing, operations and HR roles of corporate companies.

The Leadership style I follow is strictly democratic and equal participation of everyone involved

As the Head of School of Management, I manage and lead a big group of people like students, faculties, guest lecturers etc. I encourage all my people to engage actively with each other, express their opinions, give out their ideas and contribute to the common goal of having all our students placed in leading companies. I also encourage and motivate my students to pursue entrepreneurship because there is nothing better than working for yourself and loving what you do every day.

We are working on various aspects to bring in new changes and move from trivial education to modern education

The biggest challenge with the whole education system in India is that only a fraction of people who graduate every year end up getting jobs in their field of study. A few challenges here are:

  1. Lack of communication skill of students
  2. Lack of confidence in students
  3. Failure to come out of comfort zone
  4. Inability to identify and to grab opportunities

We are working on these aspects at Meenakshi College of Engineering and are quite confident of getting rid of all these issues in our students.

Students today have ample opportunities to explore and carve their way forward

The students of this generation are the luckiest as there are ample resources that are available free of cost. Focus your attention on learning and have clarity on what you want to pursue in your life. Try to apply what you’ve learnt through formal education in your real life. Always expect the unexpected and be prepared to take challenges head-on when they appear.

Click here Meenakshi College of Engineering Placement

We are aiming to establish the brand of Meenakshi’s Management school in the future

In the next 10 year, MCE should be the obvious choice when it comes to pursuing an MBA in Tamil Nadu. Also, we wish to bring out more entrepreneurs and support them. It is the spirit of entrepreneurship that is most needed in India at this point of time. Each entrepreneur has the capacity to create hundreds of jobs. Hence our top priority is to encourage entrepreneurship and support our students when they come up with innovative business ideas.