Mr. Ajay Goel has been working as the Director of Mahaveer Swami Institute of Technology, Sonepat, Haryana. He has fabulous 25 years of experience as an Academician. 

Mahaveer Swami Institute of Technology

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

"Satisfaction and happiness I receive after educating youths and students keeps me associated"

I have been associated with the education sector for the last 25 years and have worked in different positions, as Academician, Principal, Entrepreneur, CEO and now Director. My responsibilities in these roles have kept me connected with the corporate world as well in addition to the education field. And I feel very satisfied when I see my students achieving new heights of success and turning their dream into reality. All these things together I believe have kept me associated with the education sector.

Being the Director of MSIT, what is your philosophy of leadership?

"True leadership is all about giving equal, respectful and friendly working ambiance to your team"

As a Director of the institute, I ensure that everyone feels comfortable and respected while working with me, so that they can give their 100% and remain valuable assets for the organization. All staff and faculty working with me are exhorted to develop themselves to become future leaders via Faculty Development Programs. And I don’t recognize myself as some power wielding boss, rather I see myself as first among the equals.

How do you strategize the key programs for the marketing and administration of your institution?

"By ensuring good results and placement of students since no one knows us better than them"

I firmly believe that students' academic performance and results in exams says a lot about the quality of an institution and its teaching pedagogies. Hence our strategy also revolves around making our students proficient in academic and non-academic activities so that they can do their best in exams and improve our reputation in the outside world.

In your experience, what benefits students can gain from studying here in your college?

"They will get best industrial exposure, training and internships while learning with us"

In my experience, students will get the best education, facilities and mentorship while pursuing their dreams with us. We keep our students updated with the latest trends and technologies by involving them in college activities and encouraging them to participate in inter-college events and competitions as well. Apart from this, special training programs are arranged for them to bridge the gap between academics and industrial expectations and also to strengthen subject knowledge of students.

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How does the curriculum of MSIT ensure the best practices of industry?

"It is prepared by the University which consist of industry experts and academicians"

We follow the curriculum designed by GGSIPU to which we are affiliated to and top industry experts and academicians are part of that planning panel. Hence corporate expectations and developments automatically come into picture.

How is your institute more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

"We treat everyone equally and cherish the diversity by arranging interactive programs for them"

We do have students hailing from different caste, creed, race and economical background and we cherish this diversity by treating them equally, giving each of them ample opportunities to learn and grow and involving them in all activities and events of college so that they can know each other better and discover their own hidden talents. 

What do you think should be the institute's top priority over the next 10 years?

"We should discover teaching techniques which can educate our students on latest technologies without affecting their regular studies"

As we all can observe that the technology is growing and advancing very rapidly and everyday something new comes up for you to understand. Therefore, in my opinion, we should upgrade our teaching pedagogies in such a way that emerging technologies can be taught to students simultaneously with regular subjects to make them technically proficient.

When you joined MSIT, what was your vision for the institute?

"My objective was and will always be to provide finest quality education to students"

My vision when I joined the Mahaveer Swami Institute of Technology was to provide the best technical education and amenities to my students by utilising my past experiences and knowledge and with the support of all our stakeholders.

What would you like people to know about your institute?

"We offer job oriented education and opportunities to students to pursue their dreams with us"

Our college has the perfect learning ambiance which students will need to grow on both personal and professional fronts. And we offer finest quality industry and employment oriented education to our students with the support of our highly qualified and experienced faculty members. In addition to this, our training and industry interaction sessions are unbeatable. 

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Any advice which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Learn to walk parallely with time and surround yourself with brightest mind who can motivate you"

I would suggest to my students and youths of our society to stay abreast with time or time will trample you. Also keep yourself about what's going on in your surroundings be it related to your society, technologies or educational world. Set short term and achievable goals for yourself and stay dedicated towards them, as you also know there is no shortcut to succeed.

How do you establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute?

"By making my support, guidance and suggestions available whenever they need me"

For the purpose of ensuring a good relationship with my dear students and fellow faculties, I use a very simple yet effective technique of transparent, trustworthy and positive communication environment. Because I believe once my students and colleagues will feel valued and safe while sharing their queries or issues, everything will go smoothly and we will achieve excellence in everything we will do.