Established in 1998, KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad has now become a pioneer in the technical education domain with a strength of 6500+ students. KIET Ghaziabad has been accredited by NAAC with Grade 'A+' and its programs (CSE, ECE, EEE, IT, CE, ME), MCA, MBA and Pharmacy are NBA accredited. Read more to know about the recent events and happenings of the institute:
KIET Group of Institutions to Represent Delhi-NCR at NASA Rover Challenge 2023
Date: April 14, 2023
NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge 2023 is all set to welcome 61 teams across the world that shall compete against each other to develop and invent new technologies for crewed space missions. Team INTERSTELLARS from SAEINDIA Collegiate Club of KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad has been selected as one of the teams from India that is working on human-powered rovers. This 3-day competition will be organized in Huntsville, Alabama, US (NASA’s space & rocket center) from 20th April to 22nd April 2023.
As per the team’s mentor, Mr. Tuhin Srivastava, this is the third-time for SAEINDIA Collegiate Club of KIET to participate in the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge. He stated, “In 2019, we got the prestigious "AIAA Neil Armstrong Best Design Award" and in the year 2021, we got "Phoenix Award". This year, our team is comprised of 6 student members, and we are hopeful to win the competition.”
On 12th April 2023, the institute organized the Rover Flag-Off Ceremony at the SAEKIET Workshop on campus along with a press conference, wherein the team discussed about their project and celebrated their achievement to have made to this point. Team Captain Agam Jain said, "It was not an easy or smooth journey for us. We spent sleepless nights to design and assemble our rover. Fitting the frame in a box of size 5*5*5, keeping in mind the strength of the frame, keeping the weight of the vehicle in mind, were all very tough tasks, but we are confident that our rover will easily overcome all the obstacles and tasks, put forth in the competition.”
Elated by the enthusiasm of the students, the institute’s Director, Dr. A Garg, said, “I always believed myself to be a good orator. But, today, I feel out of words. I am joyful, exhilarated and speechless at the same time. You are not just the future of KIET Group of Institutions, but the future of our nation. I wish Team INTERSTELLARS and their mentor Mr. Tuhin, the very best and we shall definitely win.”
The institute’s Joint Director, Dr. Manoj Goel, too expressed his emotions by blessing the team with all the luck. He added, “We are glad to shared that on the basis of our previous performances in the past events, AICTE has approved the reputed SSPCA (Support to Students Participating in Competitions Abroad) Sponsorship for our team. In addition, the institute is also supporting the team by providing financial support from its end.”
As per NASA, all the participating teams shall be judged on the basis of their ability to assemble a rover that could traverse a half-mile course, consisting of 10 obstacles and 5 tasks with a simulated field of crevasses, boulders, asteroid debris, erosion ruts, and an ancient streambed.
KIET Ghaziabad signs an MoU with Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO

Date: April 11, 2023
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad has recently signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Space Applications Centre (SAC) of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to strengthen academic and research interaction. The MOU provides an elite opportunity not only to KIETians but to all researchers and students of the North Indian region, as KIET is the first affiliated institution that grabbed this opportunity to align with the vision of ISRO.
The MOU was signed and exchanged between Sh. Nilesh M. Desai (Director SAC, ISRO) & Dr. A Garg (Director KIET Group of Institutions) at SAC, ISRO, Ahmedabad. Dr. S.S Sarkar (Deputy Director SAC, ISRO), Dr. Arti Sarkar (Group Director SAC, ISRO), and Dr. Parvin Kumar (Assistant Dean R&D, KIET Group of Institutions) were the witness and signing members of MOU.
The partnership aims to advance the development and application of technology, build deep tech capabilities, and promote collaborative conferences and workshops. These activities will include developing programs to enhance capabilities in selected areas for SAC, engaging in doctoral programs, and bringing the expertise of scientists into the classrooms at KIET.
Dr. A Garg mentioned that "We are delighted to collaborate with SAC for project-based learning and research. Our faculty and students will benefit from joint research projects, internships, and courses with the SAC scientists". “With their collective expertise and resources, they can create a research environment that fosters innovation and creativity, allowing for the exploration of new ideas and the advancement of knowledge in various fields.”, he added.
Sh. Nilesh Desai appreciated the institute's commitment to applied research. He said, “team KIET will work on various novel aspects of satellite payloads with the mentorship of the SAC scientist Team. This partnership will go a long way in advancing technology and space research in India.” Team KIET can also register to attend the launch of satellites at Shriharikota for learning outcomes. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Arti Sarkar highlighted the work done so far with KIET. She also expressed her willingness to guide the KIET team. Dr. Parvin Kumar presented the progress of Space Technologies and stated that “this MOU provides a gateway to the faculty members and students of the Centre of Excellence for "Space Technologies" at KIET, which is working on designing student Nanosatellite.
Dr. Manoj Goel (Joint director, KIET Group of Institutions), Dr. Vibhav Sachan (HoD ECE & Dean R&D), Dr. Ruchita Gautam (Addl. HOD ECE, Associate Dean R&D), and Dr. Abhishek Sharma (Associate Professor, ECE) also expressed their heartiest congratulations to the institute.
KIET On Its Way to Celebrate and Promote Cyber Peace

Date: March 30, 2023
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, recently celebrated the foundation day of one of its Centre of Excellence, i.e. Cyber Peace Centre, in the presence of Sh. P.N. Dohare (Senior General Manager) and Mr. Abhishek Gupta, (SDE(EB)) from ALTTC Ghaziabad.
The event began with the welcome address by the Director of the institute, Dr. A Garg, who focused on the need for cyber-trained skilled workforce and the scope of Industry in this domain.
During the event, the Cyber Peace Centre launched its website and Cyber Helpline Number to help the KIETians in case of any cyber related threats and frauds.
Staff and Students were felicitated during the event, on the basis of their outstanding contribution in the CoE. The COE also signed an MOU with Network Bulls, Gurugram for collaboration in the domain with the institute. Earlier during the day, a workshop on ‘Networking and current cyber security trends’ was also conducted by Mr. Pramod Singh from Network Bulls for the CPC students.
Alumni Sports Meet @ KIET: A Rendezvous Like No Other

Date: March 14, 2023
KIET-Alumni Engagement Cell (AEC) and KIET Alumni Association (KAA) jointly organised the Alumni Sports Meet 2023 at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad. Around 70 alumni attended the event and participated in various sports. The meet was organised to reconnect with alumni and to keep them up-to-date on recent changes at the college.
The event began with the welcome of invited alumni by Dr. Binkey Srivastava, Head-AEC and Mr. Vinod Kumar Yadav from KAA.
The Director of the institute, Dr. A Garg, was also present during the event. He said, “KIET is extremely proud and happy to welcome our beloved students, who are sitting infront of us, as software engineers, pharma experts, project managers, today. Sports meet is an amazing opportunity to meet all of you at one platform and exchange some thoughts on how to grow in this evolving professional world”.
This was followed by the participation of alumni in different types of sports, like cricket, volleyball, and 100-meter race. All the winners and participants were felicitated with medals and trophies during the felicitation ceremony.
Team Pharmacy evolved as the winner for cricket match. Mr. Rohit Tyagi, Mr. Ayush Singh, and Mr. Jatin Kumar were declared as the winner of 100-meter race (Men’s category), while Ms. Anchal Kushwaha was the winner in women’s category. Last but not the least, Mr. Shashank, Sahil, Aakash, Akshat, Abhinav and Anuj were the winners in volleyball match.
On this occasion, other teachers of the college along with the students of the MCA department also gave full support and motivated the alumni for maximum participation.
3-Day Cultural Fest at KIET Comes to an End

Date: March 06, 2023
The Annual Intra-Institutional and Inter-Collegiate Cultural Fest, Epoque@Prastuti, organized at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad on 2nd, 3rd and 4th March concluded last night with a Sunburn DJ night.
The cultural fest started with eleven institutional programs like Group Dance, Flash Mob, Nukkad Natak, Footloose, Skit, and Mime. As part of the Inter-Collegiate Cultural Fest, the winning teams in these events then competed with different teams from different colleges on 3rd and 4th March.
The first day of inter-college level fest began with Kavi Sammelan by guest speakers, like Dr. Anamika Jain Amber, Dumdaar Banarsi, and Dinesh Devdhariya, while it ended with a live concert by Darshan Raval.
At the inter-collegiate level, a total of 39 teams participated enthusiastically in Band War, Group Singing, Street Play, Group Dance, Skit, And Fashion Show. Team Amritva from Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies was the winner in Band War, while on the other hand, Team Abhinay from Maharaja Agrasen College was the winner in Nukkad Natak. Team Folkia from KIET Group of Institutions and 'Verve Dance Crew' from Sri Venkateswara College secured the first position in Group Singing and Group Dance respectively.
The Director of the Institute, Dr. A. Garg, expressed his thoughts and said, “I would like to thank all the distinguished judges for allowing us to be their host and declaring absolutely fair results.”
The Convenor of the fest, Dr. Satish Kumar, thanked all the students, faculty coordinators and student coordinators, who made Epoque@Prastuti'23, a very successful and smooth-sailing event.
The event ended with lots of joy and gaiety with Sunburn DJ night.
KIET Inaugurates Epoque Prastuti’23: The Biggest Annual Intra-Institutional and Inter-Collegiate Cultural Fest

Date: March 03, 2023
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad is celebrating its annual intra-institutional and inter-collegiate cultural fest, i.e Epoque Prastuti on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th March. On Thursday, the institute organized the inaugural ceremony of the 3-day event, which began with the lamp lighting by the director of the institute, Dr. A Garg, in the presence of all the deans and HoDs.
This was followed by the unveiling of logo, and a series of performances that were well-themed along with a short-film.
Dr. Garg expressed his sincere gratitude to the organizing committee of the event for successfully pulling off such a mega-cultural event in a short span of time. He said, “I believe all the student participants will be performing at their best and will be giving a tough fight to the students participating in inter-collegiate fest.” “All the best to our KIETians”, he added.
The institute’s Joint Director, Dr. Manoj Goel, too addressed the audience and mentioned that Epoque@Prastuti’23 was first organized in the year 2008 and has been organized since then. He also appreciated every member, who was responsible for organizing the grand fest and praised them.
The inaugural ceremony ended with the National Anthem and a Vote of Thanks by Dr. Satish Kumar, Convenor, Epoque@Prastuti’23.
This marked the beginning of a series of institutional events, such as Group Dance, Flash Mob, Nukkad Natak, Footloose, Skit, and Mime, wherein the college students participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. The participants and teams that stood as winners on this day will be competing against different teams from different colleges on 3rd & 4th of March, 2023.
According to the management committee, Star Night by Darshan Raval on 3rd March and Sunburn DJ Night on 4th March will add to the excitement of the intra and inter-institutional cultural fest.
The esteemed dignitaries, faculty members and the students were found praising the smooth coordination of the event.
KIET and ITS, Murad Nagar Organizes Health Camp on Maintaining Good Posture

Date: March 03, 2023
KIET School of Pharmacy organized a “Health Awareness Camp” in collaboration with I.T.S Institute of Health and Allied Sciences, Murad Nagar on 25th February, 2023. The objective of this health camp was to spread awareness on maintaining good posture and to take medical consultation from the experts. People from nearby community, teaching and non-teaching staff, students from different departments actively participated in the camp.
The health camp began with the welcoming of the team from I.T.S by Prof. (Dr.) K. Nagarajan-Principal -KSOP.
The director of the institute, Dr. A Garg also addressed the healthcare team and said, “I would like to convey my best regards to the organizers, including the KSOP faculty members and healthcare staff from I.T.S Institute, Murad Nagar, for conducting a health camp on such an important concern among people from different age groups.”
Dr. Manoj Goel, Joint Director, KIET Group of Institutions, also expressed his thoughts on the importance of maintaining good posture, while seating for long time in offices and work places.
Dr. Preeti Chitkara, Head PR and International Relations and Mr. Praveen K. Dixit, Asst. Head Department Skill Development Cell-KSOP were also present in the event.
Prof (Dr.) K Nagarajan conveyed his gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the team of I.T.S Institute of Health and Allied Sciences and facilitated them with KIET Gift and memento as token of respect.
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited Signs an MoU with KIET Group of Institutions

Date: February 16, 2023
On 13 February 2023, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited, and KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, to enhance learning, training, industrial skills and career-building opportunities. The MoU was signed and exchanged by Mr. Pravin Agarwal, Chief Human Resource Officer, Tata Power DDL and Dr. A Garg, Director, KIET Ghaziabad. Mr. Anoop Nandi, Mr. Anoop Dhawan, Mr. John Edwin, Mr. Rajeev Chugh of Tata Power DDL, and Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Head and Dr. Brijesh Singh, Associate Professor of Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering KIET, were also present at the MoU signing ceremony. Dr. Brijesh Singh and Mr. John Edwin jointly coordinated the MoU exchange programme.
The objectives of the MoU included cooperation in manufacturing state-of-the-art machinery and research projects and setting up technical facilities and advanced laboratories. The MoU stipulated certificate courses, expert discussions, mentorship, specialized certification programs in innovative power distribution technology and human resource practices, and a "Special Digital Utility Professional Certification Program" for students and faculty of KIET. As part of the MoU, joint R&D initiatives in power engineering technologies and capacity building will be undertaken, and joint project proposals will be submitted to institutions such as DST, SERB, CST, and MoE. It is envisaged that the collaboration between Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited, Delhi and KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad will provide a platform for improving power engineering and related disciplines. In addition, it is expected that this MoU will also play an important role in the "Capacity-building program" of the Government of India.
KIET Celebrates Its Annual Inter-Institute Sports Fest, Rann’23, With Full Boom

Date: February 15, 2023
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad organized Rann’23, its Annual Inter-Institute Sports Fest on 10th to 12th February in the presence of renowned sports personalities. The 3-day event welcomed 1650 students from 27 different reputed institutions, wherein the teams competed against each other in 16 different sports genres, sub-divided in 50+ categories. Major sports played during the fest included Kabaddi, Lawn Tennis, Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, and Football. Being the 1st rank holder in 20+ sports categories, different teams from KIET bagged the winner title of RANN’23.
The event began with the unveiling of Rann’s official logo by the Chief Guest, Shri Ashok Kumar Ji (S/O Major Dhyan Chand Ji and International Gold medal winner in Olympics), Ms. Babita Nagar (International wrestler and Head Constable) along with all the other esteemed guests.
While sharing his thoughts with everyone at the event, Shri Ashok Kumar Ji told “It is a moment of sheer pride for me to be standing here on the biggest platform meant for young sports enthusiasts. I believe every person in this whole world, should play atleast one or two sports, in order to inculcate that unfading spirit of sportsmanship in oneself. Academics teaches how to prepare for career, while sports teaches the skill of living your life.”
The director of the institute, Dr. A Garg, thanked all the guests for being a part of the institute’s annual sports fest and said “We are honoured to organize Rann 2023, wherein a diverse range of teams have participated in various games and sports. This time, we have introduced Kabaddi for the very first time and next year, we’ll be back with an extravagant version of Rann with Shooting competition.”
Dr. Manoj Goel, institute’s Joint Director, too shared his views and congratulated the entire organizing committee for a smooth-sailing conduction of the event.
Mr. Dharmendra Singh Yadav (Olympian), Priyanka Sikarwar (Khelo India Medalist), Arjun Singh (Kabaddi Coach), N.K. Sharma (National Player Swimming), Harsh Kumar (HoD Physical Education, D.S.College), Shishu pal Chahar (Agra Boxing Coach), and S.R. Sawoo (National Player Swimming) were also present as Guests of Honor during the event.
KIET Organizes Two-Day Workshop on Research Grants and Funding

Date: February 07, 2023
The Office of the Dean of Research and Development at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR Ghaziabad, successfully organized a two-day workshop on research grants and funding (writing, defense, and implementation of a grant proposal) recently. Dr. Rajiv Kr. Tayal, a recognized scientist (FNAE) and former Scientist for the Department of Science and Technology's Science and Engineering Research Board, served as the workshop's resource person.
The workshop began with the welcome remark by the Joint Director of the institute, Dr. Manoj Goel, who discussed about the value of grants for the research environment and expressed his admiration for those who work on supported research initiatives.
The Director, Dr. A. Garg, also shared his thoughts by saying, “Well-funded research will be highly beneficial for the young faculty members, so that they can concentrate more on their research.” “Research Grants are an important means to continue the expansion of the institution.” He added.
Dr. Rajiv Kr. Tayal shared his expertise and wisdom with 30 faculty members from different departments during this two-day session at the institute. The workshop was headed by Dr Vibhav Kumar Sachan (Dean R&D, HoD ECE) and coordinated by the organizing committee members, viz. Dr. Ruchita Gautam, Associate Dean for Research and Development, Dr. Parvin Kumar Kaushik (Assistant Dean R&D), Dr. Abhishek Sharma (Assistant Dean R&D), Dr. Himanshu Choudhary (Assistant Dean R&D), and Mr. Mohit Tyagi (Assistant Professor, ECE).
KIET Group of Institutions Organizes a One-Day Workshop for School Students

Date: January 30, 2023
A one-day workshop on 'Space Technology', 'Drone Technology' and 'Automotive Mechatronics' was organized at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad on Saturday 28th January. More than 60 students from 6 schools actively participated in this workshop. All the participants registered for one of the three workshops, keeping in mind their area of interest and were divided into workshops accordingly.
The program began with an inaugural ceremony in which Dr. Preeti Chitkara, Head PR & International Relations, welcomed all the students and teachers and shared her inspirational thoughts.
The Director of the Institute, Dr. A. Garg was also elated to see the enthusiasm of all the participants. He told that “It is very important to take a calculative decision in life. Hence the aim of our institute has always been focused that we can help more and more school students to understand their interest areas in depth. I hope that after today's workshop the vision of all of you will be clear and you will be able to strengthen your focus for taking admission in all IITs, NITs etc.
Before the start of the workshop, Dean Research & Development, Dr. Vibhav Sachan, Dean IEC, Dr. KLA Khan and Head Mechanical Department & Automotive Mechatronics, Dr. Ashish Karnwal briefed the participants about their respective Centers of Excellence. Post that, all the three workshops started and all the students got a chance to learn something new.
The program ended with certificate distribution and vote of thanks, which was handled by Miss Neelam Rawat, Assistant Head PR along with all COE Heads and Faculty Coordinators.
KIET organized coding Competition " Codelock 2.0 "
Date: January 25, 2023
KIET group of Institution's department of MCA organized a coding competition called " Codelock 2.0”. A total of 65 students of MCA's first year took part enthusiastically. The main purpose of Organizing the competition was to inspire the students to pursue coding on an online available platform.
At the start of the competition MCA Head of Department, Dr. Arun Youth Tripathi gave a welcome speech. He said that this competition was organized to further the coding culture and to give a healthy competition to the students. The future is going to change completely soon on the basis of technology. Sixth-sense technology, driverless cars, and many more are soon going to change the way of living. Students need the experience to bring all these changes”, he said.
The "Codelock 2.0" contest was organized on the HackerRank platform wherein students were provided with a set of 05 coding puzzles to be solved under pre-determined constraints.
Program Director Prof. Prashant Agarwal informed that the MCA department is also running a club for the students named which aims to provide a competitive environment to the students to sharpen their programming skills. This creates an environment for competitions like online programming contests and national-level hackathons which act as a catalyst for project-based learning among the students.
The program ended with the declaration of results where Prof. Prashant Agarwal told that Pooja Kumari got the first position, Aditya Sharma got the second position and Dipanshi Sharma got the third position. Consolation prizes were received by Divanshu Agarwal and Ajay Singh Yadav.
KIET Gets Nostalgic with its Annual Alumni Meet Chapter, Delhi-NCR

Date: January 25, 2023
KIET-Alumni Engagement Cell (AEC) and KIET Alumni Association (KAA) jointly organized Alumni Week & Annual Meet at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR Ghaziabad. The meet saw huge participation of around 300 alumni along with their spouses and children.
The program began with the lamp lighting by the institute’s Director, Dr. A Garg who welcomed the alumni to the campus and discussed KIET’s accomplishments in the last few years.
The Joint Director, Dr. Manoj Goel also addressed the crowd and expressed his astonishment at the endeavors of KIET alumni as prominent business owners, academicians, pharmacists, and software and management experts.
Dr. Binkey Srivastava, Head AEC, encouraged the alumni to stay connected with their alma mater, interact with the students and motivate them by sharing their career’s achievements.
Mr. Shivam Shukla, President KIET Alumni Association (KAA), and Mr. Kumar Gaurav-Vice President of KIET Alumni Association (KAA) addressed strategies to help alumni from all the batches to stay in touch with the alumni community.
Mr. Atul Singh, IES, and other prominent alumni-KIET shared their memories during their journey at KIET and assured their future association with the Institute. Distinguished alumni awards were distributed at the event to the notable alumni. The meet was organized to reconnect with alumni and keep them up-to-date on recent changes at the college. The program ended with a vote of thanks and a hope to meet the alumni again.
TBI-KIET Signs an MoU with Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

Date: December 21, 2022
A Memorandum of understanding was made between Technology Business Incubator-KIET and Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd., including all its subsidiaries and affiliates, having its principal place of business at Estancia IT Park, Chengalpattu Taluk, Kanchipuram.
While Technology Business Incubator-KIET, is in the act of helping startup entities, early stage ventures and young entrepreneurs launch and scale innovative companies, Zoho is in the business of developing, marketing and selling its proprietary software and related services to its customers.
The underlying motive is to give impetus to the concerted efforts of startups in accomplishment of their goals. The salient features of the mechanism involved include the following:
- Zoho will offer wallet credits to the Startups that are associated with Technology Business Incubator-KIET to purchase Zoho Services subject to the prescribed terms & conditions, usage rights and limitations.
- Startups shall redeem the Wallet Credits to purchase suitable Zoho Services.
- Zoho shall be the point of contact for questions and clarifications from Startups relating to the use of Zoho Services.
- Zoho shall provide maintenance and support to the Startups with respect to their use of the Zoho Services in the same manner it provides maintenance and support to its other customers.
The MOU is expected to create much needed support mechanism to the startups and will result in enhanced performances in the long run.
Mega Health Camp in Collaboration with Fortis Hospital Successfully Organized at KIET Group of Institutions

Date: December 17, 2022
KIET School of Pharmacy, Delhi-NCR Ghaziabad organized a “Mega Health Camp” in collaboration with Fortis Hospital, Greater Noida on 10 December 2022 to spread awareness among people about maintaining good health. Experts from different departments of the hospital, viz. Neurology, Gynaecology, Internal medicines, Orthopaedics, and Pulmonology visited the campus to provide medical consultation to the institute’s teaching and non-teaching staff, students and people from the nearby areas.
The health camp began with an inaugural speech by Dr. A Garg, Director, KIET Group of Institutions. During his address, he focussed on the role and importance of health care professionals for the society.
The institute’s Joint Director, Dr Manoj Goel welcomed the physicians, surgeon and healthcare staff from Fortis Hospital Greater Noida.
Prof (Dr.) K Nagarajan, Principal, KSOP conveyed his gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the team of Fortis Hospital and facilitated them with gifts and mementos as token of respect. He also conveyed his gratitude to the management of the institute for their support in conducting the mega health camp at the campus. A total number of 250 registrations were recorded for health check-up in the camp.
The health camp was arranged and coordinated by Mr. Kapil Sachan-Asst,Professor,Dept. of Pharmacology under supervision of Dr Vaishali M Patil, Mr Sanjeev Chauhan, Mr. Praveen K. Dixit and other team members.
Discrimination Against Women Pakhwada Continues at KIET with Poster-Making Competition

Date: December 13, 2022
The Department of Computer Science at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad organized a poster-making competition on the theme Discrimination Against Women. As the institute is observing Discrimination Against Women Pakhwada from 25th November to 10th December, the department involved all the CS students to portray their thoughts through posters and share an eye-opening message to the society that harassment or discrimination against women is a curse.
The competition began with the felicitation of the Head of the PR & International Relations Department, Dr. Preeti Chitkara, who was also the Judge for the competition. All the participants explained their posters and shared their thoughts on how this situation of sexual or gender-biased discrimination can be eliminated.
Ms. Jhalak Saxena (CS 2nd year) who was the winner of the competition explained the journey of a woman between the ages 10 to 12 and 22 to 24. Between 10 to 12, a girl is very vibrant, wears bright colors, feels carefree and looks forward to living a happy life. However, between 22 to 24, the girl is pressurized for tying a nuptial knot with someone with whom she doesn’t even have any kind of emotional attachment, she is asked to behave like an elderly so that the society accepts her, she is asked to remain quiet and so on.
Another participant explained two faces of a woman, wherein at one end, she is managing all the household chores, studying hard, winning competitions, etc, and at the other end, she is facing severe discrimination at workplace due to gender-bias, suffering due to no availability of childcare at workplaces, being forced into prostitution or being sexually harassed.
The competition was organized under the able guidance of Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, HoD CS and Mrs. Arti Sharma, Assistant Professor and Women Cell Coordinator, CS Department).
TEDxKIET Women: An Idea to Recognize Your True-Self

Date: December 12, 2022
TEDxKIET at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad successfully organized an event TEDxKIET Women-1st Edition on 9 December 2022 that left everyone with immense pleasure and enthusiasm.
The event was centered around the theme “अस्मिता - The Identity of Self," which encourages every woman to accept, love, and believe in herself just as she is.
The event commenced with the lamp lightening ceremony, followed by a welcome speech by Club President Sarah Handu, Dr Adesh Pandey (convener TEDxKIET) and other Dignitaries.
Subsequently, each of the eminent speakers illustrated the journey of their self-identity.
Eminent speakers were Captain Shivani Kalra (Pilot & Influencer), Chahat Anand (Food Blogger), T Reddi Lakshmi (Classical Dancer) who also gave an outstanding Kuchipudi performance, Mallika Mehta (Singer & Song-writer) and Sangeeta Gharu (Fashion Model), who encouraged the audience with their TEDx talks and shared the motto of TED, "Ideas Worth Spreading."
Ms Priyanka Srivastava (Senior Editor of TOI) joined the event as the Chief Guest. Apart from them, Dr. A Garg (Director), Dr Manoj Goel (Joint-Director), Jayarama Rao (Padma Shri Awardee) and all the dignitaries marked their golden presence as the guests of honor at the event.
Towards the end of the event, the team felicitated the speakers, sponsors and the entire team of TEDxKIET. The event culminated with a group photo with TEDxKIET team, Speaker and Guests as a token of memory.
The whole day witnessed unforgettable moments, performances, knowledge and experiences that led to new thoughts and expectations. It was indeed a bonafide experience with a classical blend of education, entertainment, and inspiration.
KIET’s Initiative to Show Youth a New Path
Date: December 01, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad recently organized two motivational events for newly admitted students of B.Tech first year. The event was conducted to spread awareness amongst the youth about the importance of entrepreneurship and to prevent addiction to tobacco consumption. An explanatory discussion about the importance of entrepreneurship was held at the college auditorium with full capacity of students. Whereas, the event on prevention from addiction to tobacco consumption was conducted via online seminar.
Explaining the importance of entrepreneurship, Mr. Sushil Aggarwal (Industrialist) threw light on the subject of cooperation and guidance of teachers in the development of life. He said that the modest and worshipable qualities of Shri Ram-Krishna are the gift of their gurus only. Mr. Aggarwal ji also advised the students to work hard in a planned manner for development.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra, Vice-Chancellor APJ AKTU Lucknow, Dr. Reena Kumar, Dr. O.P. Singh and Dr. Pawan Gupta addressed the online lecture organized on the side effects related to tobacco consumption. The speakers said that tobacco is a sweet poison, which causes loss of human vitality, oral cancer, reduced blood flow in the arteries of the heart, increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, abortion, etc. Can This addiction starts in adolescence out of curiosity or in the company of friends.
Both the programs were very beneficial for the young students. Dr. Amik Garg (Director of the Institute), Dr. Shailendra Kumar Tiwari (Dean), Dr. CM Batra, Dr. Rashid Ali, Dr. Vipin Kumar, Dr. Ekta, Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma and B.Tech first year students were present in the program.
Discrimination Against Women Pakhwada at KIET: An Effort to Curb Sexual Harassment

Date: December 01, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, is observing Discrimination Against Women Pakhwada from 25 November – 10 Dec 2022. In these 16 days of activism, various activities like poster making, street painting, debates, role plays, skits, etc. are planned and conducted in different departments of the institute.
As a part of this Pakhwada, a workshop titled ‘Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act 2013’ was organized on campus by the Internal Complaints Committee. The Co-Founding Partner of Vinay Pandey & Company, Advocate Vinay Pandey, was invited as the guest speaker along with the associate advocates of his company, viz. Mr. Ishan Kr. Dubey and Mr. Randhir Singh.
Mr. Pandey highlighted the rights, entitlements and responsibilities enshrined in this Act. The faculty members, staff members and students, who were the participants in this workshop were sensitized to the provisions of the POSH Act to provide a safe environment for women at the workplace.
Dr. Manoj Goel, Joint Director, KIET Group of Institutions, addressed the gathering and told the participants about the ZERO TOLERANCE policy of the institute towards sexual harassment. He also emphasized the need for awareness of upholding women's dignity.
All the Deans, Heads and Functional Heads of the academic and administrative departments were a part of this workshop. The Chairperson of ICC, KIET Group of Institutions, Dr. Ritu Gupta, also reiterated the purpose of this workshop, which was followed by a vote of thanks by the ICC Member, Dr. Prarthana Srivastava, and the National Anthem.
27 Students of KIET Ghaziabad Became University Rank Holders: Rohan Khurana Received Chancellor's Medal

Date: December 01, 2022
On Saturday, 26th November 2022, the students of KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad were felicitated by Hon'ble Smt. Anandiben Patel (Governor of Uttar Pradesh) at the 20th Convocation held at AKTU, Lucknow. The Chairman of Zydus Life Sciences was present at the event as the chief guest.
The list of university rank holders released by AKTU, for the session 2021-2022, included names of 27 students of the institute. Out of these, 13 students won 1 Chancellor's Medal, 6 Gold Medals, 1 Silver Medal and 6 Bronze Medals for their highest academic performance.
After the convocation, a felicitation ceremony was organized by the institute for all the meritorious students, wherein their proud parents were also invited. All the gold, silver and bronze medalists received cash prizes of Rs 50,000, 40,000 and 30,000 respectively in the presence of the Institute's Director Dr. A. Garg and Registrar Mr. Anoop Srivastava. Rohan Khurana (CSE Branch), resident of Modi Nagar, received a cash prize of Rs.1 lakh from the Institute to commemorate his achievement of receiving the Chancellor's Medal along with the Gold Medal.
Feeling elated, Dr. A. Garg said, “We are extremely proud of our students for achieving such great heights at such a young age. I salute the parents of all the students that they infused discipline among their children and inspired them to focus on their careers.”
Dr. Manoj Goel, Joint Director, KIET Group of Institutions along with all the dignitaries associated with the management also wished the students a very bright future.
S.No. | NAME | COURSE/BRANCH | MEDAL | Cash Prize |
2 | NIKITA RAY | B.TECH/EIE | GOLD | Rs. 50000 |
3 | UMANG BANSAL | B.TECH/ME | GOLD | Rs. 50000 |
4 | VIDHI AGGARWAL | MCA | GOLD | Rs. 50000 |
6 | POORNIMA | M.PHARM/PQA | GOLD | Rs. 50000 |
10 | NITIN VERMA | B.TECH/ME | BRONZE | Rs. 30000 |
11 | PRERNA TYAGI | B.TECH/IT | BRONZE | Rs. 30000 |
13 | KM SAIPHALI | M.PHARM/PQA | BRONZE | Rs. 30000 |
Induction Program at KIET Group of Institutions Concludes with Frescos'22

Date: December 01, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi- NCR Ghaziabad, conducted the Student Induction Programme from 1st November to 26th November 2022, which concluded with the celebration of FRESCOS’22 held on 26th November 2022 on campus. This programme was organized by B.Tech Second Year Students of all branches for their juniors in KIET Group of Institutions.
The program was inaugurated by the Institute's Director, Dr. A. Garg, Joint Director, Dr. Manoj Goyal, Dean (B.Tech. 1st Year) Dr. Shailendra Kumar Tiwari and Associate Dean (B.Tech. 1st Year) Dr. C.M. Batra, with their best wishes. Dr. A. Garg said that “Student life is the most important phase of human life. Whatever we learn during this period, remains with us forever. Therefore, as a learner, always try to develop virtue, morality, innovation and human values, so that the overall development of self, family, society and nation can be ensured.
Dr Manoj Goel (Joint Director) also motivated the students and encouraged them to learn the values, gain technical knowledge, and keep their mind open to innovative ideas in the competitive era.
Various activities like dancing, singing, instrumental, Mr Fresher, Ms Fresher and Mr Talent and Ms Talent were organized by the Second year students for the new joinees. Mr Anjaneya Jaiswal was declared as Mr Fresher for the year 2022 and Ms Aradhana Tripathi was declared as Ms Fresher for the year 2022. Jagdeep Singh was declared as Mr Talent and Ms Nivea Tyagi and Ms Khushi Shakya were declared as Ms Talent. From B.Tech Second Year, Ira Nafees and Harshit Dwevedi were awarded with the Best Anchor prize.
All the faculty members, staff, students of First and Second enjoyed the event with full zeal and enthusiasm and cherished the moment fullest. It was the beginning of these new joinees in the institute, and they were warmly welcomed by second year students with full affection.
Tobacco Marshal Training Program Successfully Organized by KIET Group of Institutions

Date: November 21, 2022
For Proctors, Rectors, and student members of the Ek Prays club, the KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR Ghaziabad held a Tobacco Marshal Training Program on the KIET Campus. The training emphasized the function of Tobacco Marshals and how they might influence social change. They received training on all elements of tobacco abuse, including the different smoking methods and tobacco-free alternatives like herbal cigarettes and herbal beedis that have been made available and promoted as quitting aids. Different solutions needed for effective intervention and mitigation, causes of tobacco use, kinds of smoking, such as SHS and THS, and their effects on our youth and the next generation were also covered.
Dr. Anil Ahlawat, Dean Academics, gave the opening remarks and welcomed the distinguished speakers, including Dr. Pawan Gupta (Founder ICanCare, Director Surgical Oncology Max Vaishali), Dr. Neeta Kumar (Scientist E ICMR), and Mrs. Sonal Bhatia (AC Member Inner Wheel District-310). Dr. Ahlawat focused on the significance of enforcing tobacco control policies in society. Dr. Pawan Gupta concentrated on how to deal with a person who is using tobacco; the talk with the person needs to involve and direct them toward helping him quit using tobacco. Additionally, emphasis was placed on safeguarding oneself and one's family, especially daughters, to prevent them from marrying a smoker and subjecting them to lifelong abuse.
With some much-needed relaxation techniques and helpful interventions, Dr. Neeta Kumar kept the audience interested. As TOBACCO MARSHALS, Minaxi Agrawal encouraged the participants while distributing hats and badges. Dr. Pravesh, Professor of the ECE Department, Chairperson, of the "Ek Prayass" club, gave a vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, heads, faculty members, and students before the event came to a close.
Under the direction and leadership of Dr. A. Garg, Director, and Dr. Manoj Goel, Joint Director, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR Ghaziabad, the Training Program ended up being quite effective overall.
KIET Group of Institutions Organizes a Grand Annual Inter-Institute Technical Fest "INNOTECH 2022-23”

Date: November 19, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, organized the annual inter-institute technical fest “INNOTECH 2022-23” on November 18th, 2022 on the theme “providing solutions for sustainable development”.
Innotech-22 began with the ribbon-cutting ceremony by Mr. Atul Garg (Vice Chairman, MLA Ghaziabad Legislative Assembly), Dr. A. Garg (Director, KIET Group of Institutions), Dr. Manoj Goyal (Joint Director, KIET Group of Institutions), and Dr. Shailendra Kumar Tiwari (Professor and HOD Civil).
Mr. Atul Garg was very happy to see the projects presented by the students. Expressing his enthusiasm, he said that “Innotech-22 organized in the premises of KIET is a unique way to interact with young talent. I have visited all the stalls and inspected the student projects and must admit that it is very difficult to declare any one project as the winner. Personally, I liked the project of glasses designed for Drowsiness Detection that one can use while driving and avoid accidents at night.”
More than 2000 students participated in the fest and altogether 595 projects and 200 posters were registered for Innotech 22. The event was organized at two levels. In the first level, the registered projects and posters were showcased at department-level exhibitions from November 12th to 15th, 2022. In the second phase/level, the three best entries were shortlisted from each department for the institute-level exhibition. These were then showcased in "INNOTECH 2022-23” on November 18th, 2022. In addition to this, around 350 students from 20 schools participated enthusiastically in the event and presented 35 projects.
At the institutional level, WASRUK in the environment category, Quadruped Robot in the economic and governance category, and Smart Summary projects in the social category got the first position.
With a project based on AI in agriculture, DPS Hisar bagged the first position. The second position was secured by two schools, viz. DLF Public School Sahibabad and Surevin International School, wherein these schools exhibited their projects on Astro Space and Mountain Accident Rescue respectively. The third position too had a tie between Parevartan School Ghaziabad and KL International School, Meerut. The students of these schools showcased their projects on Smart Dustbin and Medicare respectively.
Toward the end, Dr. A Garg, Dr. Manoj Goyal, all the Deans, and HODs congratulated the entire convening committee. Dr. Atul Kant Piyush, Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Mr. Siddharth Jain, Mr. Vinay Ahlawat, Dr. Preeti Chitkara, Miss Neelam Rawat, Miss Madhu Gautam, student coordinators, and faculty members contributed in making this program successful.
KIET Group of Institutions Organized the CII-MAJESTIC Event as a CSR Initiative

Date: November 19, 2022
KIET school of management, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad organized the “CII-MAJESTIC SKILL-WILL-LEAD” event recently in the college auditorium. The program was a CSR initiative of Emirates Technology and was conducted with great joy and of course exultation. The event started with lamp lightning and welcoming the dignitaries. The Chief guest for the event was Mr. Mahesh Munjal, Director of Majestic Auto Limited. In the jury panel, the bigwig was Mr. Rohit puri, Mr. Romesh & Mr. N.K. Jalan. Mr. Puri is the youngest entrepreneur to provide an interior solution for corporate, hotels, and residential accommodations. Mr. Romesh is a trained chemical engineer & business manager, and Mr. Jalan is the director of super sales private limited and an advisor at Avenir management services limited.
Looking forward, different colleges gave their presentation and after the presentation, there was a Q/A round with the judging panel. KSOM gave its presentation on Online frauds and Risk management process and eventually KIET Group of Institutions secured second position and a cash prize of Rs. 15,000.
Through this event, the students gained a lot of knowledge related to their future endeavors.
A 2-Day International Conference Held On Campus By KIET School Of Management

Date: November 16, 2022
The KIET School of Management (KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR) successfully organized the 7th International Conference on "Advances in Global Businesses, Economics, Finance, and Social Science" on November 11th and 12th, 2022, in collaboration with SWOSU (USA); Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology (Uzbekistan); and Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (India). Dr. Rajan Saxena, the founder of IIM-Indore and former vice chancellor of NMIMS University in Mumbai, served as the conference's chief guest. Other keynote speakers included Prof. Trisha Wald, J.D., associate dean at SWOSU in the United States, and Mr. Mamatkarimov Odiljon Xundadayevich, rector of the Namangan Institute of Engineering & Technology in Uzbekistan.
The distinguished guests were greeted by Dr. (Col) A. Garg, Director of the KIET Group of Institutions, Dr. R. Srinivasan, Hod-MBA and Conference Chairman, and Dr. Binkey, Additional HOD-MBA, who also presented a virtual bouquet.
More than 200 research papers were submitted, out of which 109 papers were accepted and presented by national and international delegates from the United States, Dubai, Uzbekistan, and all throughout India, according to Dr. Srinivasan, HOD-MBA, who also welcomed the audience and guests. These papers were delivered in 12 technical sessions, each of which was presided over by a distinguished academician or researcher from a different reputable organization.
Dr. Srinivasan also presented his views by pinning his focus on 'How drastically the pandemic has changed the Global Markets in terms of their operations'- delineating the same he also discussed 'How we are seeing a multipolar world with China becoming the hugest manufacturer.’
In his speech, Dr. Amik Garg, Director of the KIET Group of Institutions, emphasized the change in consumer behavior brought on by recent market upheavals and innovations. Dr. Odiljon Mamatkarimov, Rector of NIET in Uzbekistan, spoke on the value of international cooperation and how it may be used to address global challenges. Dr. Rajan Saxena, the chief guest, discussed the abrupt change in the venue and stressed the rising dependence on the internet, e-commerce, and the digital economy. He emphasized that "consumers now are more empowered than before" and "companies today must make extra efforts to match the customer expectations."
Dr. Yogesh Suman, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-NISTADS, Mr. Robert Moore Bernardos, Director Global Affairs, FNG Consulting, Rome, Italy, and Dr. Hardeep Saluja, Professor from SWOSU, USA, were invited to the ceremony's farewell. Dr. Hardeep stressed the developments in international business and the contribution of management education to these developments, as well as the relevance of India's contribution to the transformation of the world economy. When the COVID time is finally over, Mr. Robert Bernardos concentrated on the value of student orientation in achieving global expectations. Dr. Yogesh emphasized the significance of technology and how the transfer of technology is beneficial for advancing humankind and the world economy.
To all the guests, Dr. Binkey Srivastava (Addl Head-KSOM) gave a vote of thanks. This conference was successfully organized by Dr. Mani Tyagi and Dr. Amit Arora, along with the entire faculty, staff, and a group of 36 second-year MBA students.
KIET Group of Institutions Organized Two-day International Conference (ICICT-2022)

Date: November 16, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, organized the 3rd International Conference on “Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT-2022) technically co-sponsored by IEEE UP Section on November 11th and 12th, 2022. This two-day conference brought together prominent academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to discuss their expertise and research findings on all issues and challenges in the field of Intelligent Computing Techniques.
The event began with the lamp lighting by the Chief Guest Dr. Rajendra Kumar Anayath, Vice Chancellor, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology. During his address, he appreciated the efforts of all the researchers in the field of research.
After the lamp lighting, there was the welcome speech of Dr. A Garg, Director, KIET Group of Institutions, who welcomed all the guests and also focused on the importance of intelligent computing Techniques used in the current industry.
Dr. Adesh Kumar Pandey, Dean of ITS also shared his views on the role of AI and Intelligent computing techniques.
Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Additional Director/Scientist-E (Cyber Laws & E-Security) Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India, Mr. Abhishek Gupta CIO, Dish TV, and Dr. Manoj Goel, Joint Director, KIET Group of Institutions were also present at the event among the panel of esteemed dignitaries.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Conference Convener Dr. Jitendra Seth, professor of, the Department of Information Technology.
Overall, ICICT-22 received a massive response regarding good-quality papers from other countries including India. The articles will be published by “IEEE Publishers” and will be submitted for indexing in Scopus.
Visit by International scholars at KIET Institute

Date: November 11, 2022
Recently, 2 international events were organized with great pomp in the premises of KIET Group of Institutions located at Delhi NCR Ghaziabad.
The first day began with the International Education Fair attended by University representatives from California State University, Wichita State University and 8+ community colleges from USA. The program was inaugurated by Mrs. Sangeeta, Director/Principal of Parivartan Global School, Rajnagar Extension. Apart from these, teachers of many other schools and students of 9th to 12th registered their presence in the institute. Not only this, all the students met the university representatives and asked many questions about their higher level education and expressed their curiosity to know the career options.
Similarly, the second day began with the Bicape Earth Biggest Interactive Knowledge Exchange Program which was inaugurated by the Joint Director of the Institute, Dr. Manoj Goel and the Founder of International Internship University (IIU), Piyush Pandit by lighting the lamp. In this program academicians from Comoros, Georgia, Malaysia, Romania, Belgium and Serbia provided all the students of the institute with enlightening information about the future of engineering and international internship opportunities.
The aim of both the programs was to prepare the students for a better tomorrow. All the students and faculty members attached with the PR & International Relations Department of the institute handled both the programs very well.
KIET Organised a Workshop on ‘ORIGAMI’

Date: October 27, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR Ghaziabad organised a workshop recently on ORIGAMI under the guidance of the Department of Applied Sciences and ISTE student chapter-KIET. The main goal of the workshop was to initiate personality development among the students of B.Tech 1st year and to learn various theorems and formulae of mathematics such as Pythagoras theorem, algebraic expressions, value of pi and many more, through paper folding technique.
Dr Shailendra Kumar Tiwary, Dean B.Tech I year and Dr.C.M.Batra, Associate Dean B.Tech I Year & Convener ISTE student chapter-KIET welcomed the International Speaker Mr K. K. Dixit, specialized in Learning and Fun with Origami (is Retd Deputy Commissioner Sales Tax, Government of U.P.). Dr Madhusudan, ex- professor of IIT Kanpur, Dr Ritvija Dixit, Professor in Sarswati Institute of Medical Sciences Netra Jyoti hospital were also present.
Shri K.K. Dixit ji explained and made various models by folding the origami sheets to explain the mathematical results and many shapes. Students enjoyed the workshop with full enthusiasm.
All the faculty members coordinated the workshop with full zeal to make it successful.
KIET Organized Poster Making Competition to Spread Mental Health Awareness

Date: October 15, 2022
KIET School of Management at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad organized a Poster Making Competition recently to celebrate World Mental Health Day with the college students. The topic of this competition was “Mental Health – A Global Priority” and was organized to spread awareness about the importance of mental health among the students.
Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi & Dr. Punjika Rathi were present in the competition as adjudicators, who judged the participating teams on the basis of idea, creativity, and presentation. 15 teams in total participated in this competition, out of which 3 teams, viz ‘The Exclusives’, ‘Fantastic Fours’, and ‘The Eagles’ secured the first, second, and third position respectively.
Dr. R Srinivasan, HoD, KSOM, who was the Chief Guest for this competition, applauded the management skills of the students’ team along with Assistant Professor, MBA, Ms. Ankita Sharma, who made this event successful and smooth-sailing.
The competition gave students a chance to showcase their creativity and understanding in spreading the message among the student fraternity about prioritizing and addressing the problem of mental health, as it is assuming pandemic proportions in causing more harm to the humans than any other disease.
KIET organized Alumni Chapter Meet in Bengaluru

Date: October 15, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, recently organized its Alumni Chapter Meet in Bengaluru in collaboration with Alumni Engagement Cell (AEC) and KIET Alumni Association (KAA). Nearly 150 alumni participated in the event along with their spouses and children. The meet was organised to reconnect with alumni and keep them up to date on recent changes at college.
The event took place at Hotel Holiday Inn (Race course, Bengaluru), wherein the program started with a welcome speech for the alumni. The Head of AEC, Dr. Binkey Srivastava, invited the dignitaries of the institute, viz. Mr. Sarish Aggarwal (Chairman), Mr. Sunil P. Gupta (General Secretary), and Dr. A Garg (Director). In her address, she described the process of AEC and KAA's formation and encouraged the alumni to always stay linked with their alma mater.
The Director also discussed all the changes and accomplishments made by the institute in the recent few years. The Honorable management, i.e. Mr. Sarish Agarwal and Mr. Sunil P. Gupta addressed the crowd and expressed their astonishment at the endeavours of KIET alumni as prominent business owners, academicians, pharmacists, and software and management experts. Mr. Arvind K. Sharma (Head-CRPC), Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma (Associate Head-AEC) and Mr. Ankur Bhardwaj (DPC-CSE) shared the placements and achievements of the institute with the alumni. Shri Shivam Shukla, KAA President, and Shri Vinod Kumar, KAA Secretary General, addressed strategies to help alumni from all batches keep in touch with the alumni community.
Few of the alumni also shared their memories during their journey at KIET and assured their future association with the Institute. The event was a great success and turned out to be a very memorable event for all.
KIET Group of Institutions Organizes Awareness Seminar as Part of World Space Week

Date: October 10, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad organized a One Day Seminar on 07th October 2022 to celebrate the World Space Week on the topic “Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing in Agriculture, Weather Prediction, Urban and Rural Planning”. While the seminar was organized by the Centre of Excellence for Space Technologies under the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at KIET, it was sponsored by Indian Space Industry Exhibitors (ISIE), Ghaziabad, and Regional Remote Sensing Centre - North, National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO. More than 200 participants attended this seminar, whose prime motto was to spread awareness among faculty members and students for Space Technologies and their impact on every individual's life on earth.
The event began with the lamp lighting ceremony by the honorable director of KIET Group of Institutions, Dr A Garg, who in his welcome address, proudly boasted about the students of KIET, who have submitted several papers related to space research in Scopus Index and have also participated in MAPATHON that is a map-making competition jointly organized by AICTE, ISRO, and IIT Bombay. He further elaborated his futuristic vision where he hopes to promote space tourism and also collaborate with NIT Kurukshetra to achieve more funds and success in the field of Space Technologies.
The seminar proceeded ahead by Dr Vibhav Kumar Sachan (Dean R&D, HoD ECE) with a welcome speech. He revealed that our Indian government is working with “Gati Shakti Yojna” to develop the infrastructure of India, which is never possible without the imagination of Remote sensing using Satellite and its Integration with AI and ML.
Prof. (Dr.) Brahmjit Singh (Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dean Planning and Development, NIT Kurukshetra Regional Coordinator, Regional Academic Centre for Space (RAC-S) A Joint Initiative of ISRO and NIT Kurukshetra) graced the event with his warm presence as the Chief Guest. During his address, he focused on the need to increase the accuracy of weather predictions through the use of Space Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Shri AC Mathur (Retd. Group Director, Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad), Dr. S. K. Srivastav (Chief General Manager (Regional Centres), National Remote Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Space, Government of India, New Delhi, Sh GP Singh (Retd. Sr. Scientist, SAC, ISRO), Dr Vinay Sehgal (Principal Scientist, IARI), Dr Aloke Mathur (Former Sr. Scientist SAC ISRO), and Dr Vishnu Chandra (Retd Dy. Director Gen., NIC), were all present as esteemed dignitaries. Along with the seminar, a Space Exhibition was also organized for school and college students, wherein various space-related models were displayed, including the model of GSLV, Mars Orbiter Mission, and Cryo Engine. Dr. Khushboo Mirza (Sr Scientist, NRSC ISRO) took the charge of explaining about different space technologies to the students. Special talks by ISRO Scientists on various topics such as Geospatial Technology, Remote Sensing, and its application for Agriculture and Weather prediction, Geospatial Technology, and Services Platforms for Governance Applications, etc. were also conductedThe event came to an end with a vote of thanks by Dr Parvin Kumar Kaushik who thanked all the organizing committee members along with the esteemed guests for being a part of a knowledgeable one-day seminar.
KIET School of Pharmacy organizes World Pharmacist Day (WPD-2022)

Date: September 28, 2022
KIET School of Pharmacy (KSOP) organized World Pharmacist Day (WPD-2022) on the theme “Pharmacy United in Action for a Healthier World” on 24th September, 2022 in KSOP Auditorium. The Chief Guests of the WPD-2022 were Dr. A. Garg, Director, KIET Group of Institutions; Dr. Satish Kumar, Dean-Student Welfare and Prof. (Dr.) K. Nagarajan, Principal, KIET School of Pharmacy.
Prof. (Dr.) K. Nagarajan welcomed the Director of the institute, Dean-Student Welfare along with all the faculty members and students. He started his deliberations by providing students with a brief introduction to the noble profession of Pharmacy from the Vedic era to present and the contribution of famous pharmacists in the world. He also talked about the 7 code of Ethics and expressed his gratitude towards students and teachers for their presence at the event.
Dr. A. Garg extended his warm welcome to all the delegates, faculty members, and students. He discussed with students about their profession uniqueness and their bright future prospects in relation to the health care sector and for well being of society. He also congratulated Principal- KSOP and Mr. Praveen K. Dixit (Coordinator-WPD-2022) for the meticulous planning and smooth conduction of World Pharmacists Day-2022.
Dr. Satish Kumar discussed about the key importance of pharmacists. He said, “Pharmacist is the only person who provides you medication support and information beyond the time limits.” He also shared his experience of intellect of the pharmacist where he went to take a medicine from the pharmacy where the pharmacist advised him to take an alternative salt that is more suitable for him and cheaper in price too.
The inaugural ceremony ended with plantation by delegates, faculty members, and students. In this event, several competitions were organized for students such as label designing, debate competition, oral presentation and quiz competition. More than 200 students participated in all competition categories. On this auspicious day, students were also felicitated with the Best Students Pharmacists Award-2022, Academic Topper, Minor Specialization Star Performers, Value added course Topper. At the end of all the technical events, Valedictory Ceremony was organized, wherein all the winners received Certificates of achievements and trophies and all the registered participants received Certificates of Participation.
The program ended up with a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Praveen K. Dixit followed by a Group photograph and National Anthem.
KIET Group of Institutions Paid Gratitude to Fourth Grade Employees on Occasion of International Peace Day

Date: September 26, 2022
The students of Student Activity Club, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR Ghaziabad, under the aegis of Centre of Excellence “Happiness” value education (VE) cell, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the cleaning staff on the occasion of International Peace Day. In this program, the students expressed their gratitude to the fourth-grade employees through their humble words for keeping the college hygienic and clean and at the end of the program, everyone was given refreshments with their own hands. Fourth Grade Employees were very happy to receive the respect from the students.
The coordinator of the Centre of Excellence “Happiness” value education (VE) cell and all the students were present there to pay their gratitude.
KITE Organized The Closing Ceremony of Hackathon-2022 Grand Finale
Date: September 03, 2022
Kite Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad organized the closing ceremony of Smart India Hackathon-2022 Grand Finale. Running from 25 to 29 August 2022, this grand finale is acclaimed as the biggest open innovation model in the world.
Smart India Hackathon, a nationwide initiative was jointly organized by the Innovation Cell, AICTE, Persistent Systems and I4C, Ministry of Education. The All India Radio and Doordarshan Media are involved in this initiative as partners and AWS as a sponsoring partner.
On account of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav festival, 75 Nodal Centres were selected out of which KIET was nominated by Innovation Cell of MoE and AICTE as the only Nodal Center in Uttar Pradesh for Hardware Edition.
On the first day of inauguration I.e. August 25, the inauguration took place in two parts, one at the local level (in the campus of KIET) and the other at the central level at Galgotias University, with Prof. Dignitaries like Anil D. Sahasrabuddhe, President, AICTE, Dr. Subhash Sarkar, Hon'ble Minister of State for Education, and Dr. Abhay Jere, CIO, MoE Innovation Cell. Similarly, Dr. Chanchal, Scientist E-DRDO, New Delhi, Ms. Pooja Rawat (officer appointed by Innovation Cell of MoE), Shri Ashish Johri, Member Secretary Research Board (ARMREB), Ministry of Defence, New Delhi were present at the Institute on the inaugural day and they addressed the audience with their insightful thoughts.
Total 15 teams had participated in the event, working on 4 problem statements provided by 2 organizations, namely, Coal India Limited, and the Department of Food and Public Distribution (Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution). Out of 15 teams, 4 won the competition, with Team Srijan 2.0 winning under the category of making censored work clothing. Team Phantom Troop 1 emerged as the first in the category of prototyping a solar powered IoT device.
There was a tie between the teams Hexa Titan and Chemistry First. Both teams got first place in the category of finding a scientific method to determine the age of food and boiled rice. Similarly, there was a tie between Team Technotrans and Night Hackers. These teams won under the category "Artificial Intelligence Enabled Agriculture, Food and Public Robotic Stacker for Mechanized Distribution Loading/Unloading of Food".
Dr. Kunwar Laik Ahmed Khan, Dean IEC, KIET Group of Institutions told the media that during the prize distribution ceremony, all the winning teams were rewarded with an amount of Rs.1 lakh. “We also held mentoring sessions on each day of the event, along with leadership talks and fun sessions like Yoga and Zumba. The sessions were organized at the campus by Mr. Shivam Dixit, Founder and CEO, IOTFY, and Mr. Sushil Kumar Agrawal, Chairman and Director, Avro India Ltd.
Dr. Nalin Kumar Srivastava, Joint Director, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India, who was present as the Chief Guest at the event, mentioned that “Don’t worry about the results, you are all winners. All the 15 teams present at the event are the future entrepreneurs of India. If we want to create a multimillion-dollar economy, we have to rely on innovation. Through such hackathon events, we are imbibing the nature of innovation and entrepreneurship, and the day is not far when we will be able to create an innovation-driven society.”
Addressing the participants and the honorary guests at the event, Dr. A Garg, Director, Institute said, “The frequency of such hackathon events should be increased so that funding opportunities for private institutions can be increased.
To promote the spirit of entrepreneurship, we established TBI-KIET (Technology Business Incubator) in our institute in 2017, and we invite all 15 teams and their respective institutes to join with TBI-KIET under 2 schemes want to do Through the schemes 'Nidhi Entrepreneur-in-Residence' and 'Nidhi Prayas' we will help the students to create their own start-up by providing funds up to Rs.10 lakhs."
Dr. Manoj Goel, Joint Director of the Institute expressed his thanks and gratitude to Dr. Kunwar Laik Ahmed Khan, Dean IEC, and Mr. Ashish D. Thombre, Assistant Professor EN and Center Head, SIH, for the successful completion of this five day programme.
During the concluding session, Dr. A. Garg felicitated Ms. Pooja Rawat, all the jury members as well as other dignitaries present in the program. The Grand Finale of SIH 2022 concluded with the vote of thanks by Mr. Ashish D. Thombre. All the Deans, Heads and Functional Heads of the institute extended many congratulations to all the participating teams for reaching the national level.
Hero MotoCorp Placement Drive organized at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad

Date: September 01, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, organized a placement drive for the employment of the students of skill development center in Mechanical Engineering Department. This skill development centre in the Department of Mechanical has been developed in collaboration with Hero MotoCorp and Automotive Skill Development Council. The objective of this skill development centre is to establish employable skills among the needy and economically backward students. Before the commencement of the programme, Hero MotoCorp officials met the successful students of the first batch of Hero Skill Development Centre and encouraged all the students.
The programme started with the lighting of the lamp in front of Goddess Saraswati by Dr. Amik Garg, Director, KIET Group of Institutions. Congratulating the students, he said that at this center, there are many opportunities for skill development not only for these students, but also for engineering students. He urged Hero Group that in future, courses related to electric vehicles can be conducted in this skill development center, which will increase awareness and understanding of new technology among the students. He spoke in detail about the changes in the technology of 2-wheelers in the last 30 years.
The students were also addressed by the officials of Hero Moto Corp, mainly Shri Rakesh Nagpal, GM, Hero MotoCorp, DGM Shri Debkumar Dasgupta and others. He gave information about the new technologies of the automobile sector. Shri Rakesh Nagpal described that this 3-month course in Automotive Skill Development is going to impact the students in their next 35 years. At the same time, Mr. Debkumar Dasgupta discussed about the outcome of the MoU between Hero and KIET Institute has the noble impact at various levels of society. Dr. Ashish Karnwal, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, while expressing gratitude to all the guests, talked about promoting such centers in future so that the vacancies in employment can be filled through self-employment. For this placement drive, NCR dealers interviewed all the students and selected all of them for their dealerships, praising the skills of all the students. At the end of the program, Dr. Ajay Singh Verma presented a vote of thanks to all. The event was attended by Dr Manoj Goyal, Joint Director of KIET Group of Institutions, Ashok Vikal, Ajay Kumar, Mohammad Akhlaq, officials of various placement companies, Hero Moto Corp officials and students.
KIET Ranked in Diamond Band with A+ Grade in OBE Rankings 2022

Date: August 29, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, is known for offering quality education in Engineering, Computer Application, Management, and Pharmacy domains. The college administration is continuously putting efforts to spread its best practices and high institutional standards to be known at the national and international levels. Presently, the institute is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with A+ grade and all its eligible programs are accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). As per National Institutional Rankings (NIRF) 2022, KIET has secured 187th and 97th ranks in Engineering and Pharmacy, respectively.
The faculty members of KIET have adopted the best Outcome-Based Education (OBE) practices in their teaching learning and contributed for a unique recognition of the institute. Recently, R World Institutional Rankings in their annual OBE Rankings 2022 have recognized KIET Group of Intuitions as a Higher Educational Institute of Excellence for its best OBE practices and ranked the institute in Diamond Band with A+ grade. The institute has been positioned as one of the premier institutions for academic excellence in India.
The Director of the institute Dr. A Garg, Joint Director Dr. Manoj Goel and Dean Academics Dr. Anil K Ahlawat, have expressed their happiness and gratitude on achieving A+ grade for the institute in Diamond Band in OBE Rankings 2022 in the series of NABL accreditation, QS I Gauge Diamond Rating, Atal Ranking and SIRO recognition. They told that the institute is committed to extending all kinds of support for teaching-learning, research and skill development for its students and faculty members. In this regard, Dr. Atul Kant Piyoosh (Associate Dean – OBE) expressed his deep sense of gratitude for faculty members, esteemed members of the OBE rankings team, Dean Academics, Joint Director, Director and honorable members of management of KIET.
KIET Group of Institutions bags the National Happiness Unicorn Awards

Date: August 26, 2022
On Sunday, 21st August 2022, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR was adorned with National Happiness Unicorn Awards at Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad. The event was embraced by the presence of 10,000 attendees from across the nation.
These awards, authorized by AICTE, in association with YourOneLife and Heartful campus, are meant to recognize the happiest institutions in India, and KIET was one of them.
Being overwhelmed, Dr. A Garg, Director, KIET Group of Institutions, said “Happiness drives a good character, mental health, and resilience. Hence, as an institution, we should always focus on reducing the intolerance and depression among students, and boosting the happiness quotient among them.” “Taking into consideration, the importance of happiness in modern life, we introduced Happiness/ value education cell that educates our students as well as our faculty members about the importance of life, mindfulness, peace, productivity, and overall well-being. This is the reason why we have also been felicitated with ‘Institution of Happiness’ Award by QS I-GUAGE during the Academic Excellence Conclave (12 May’22)”, he added.
Prof Sahasrabudhe, Chairman of AICTE, said “The digital invasion in the lives of students is impacting their attention spans and slicing, dicing and tossing their minds in the cauldron of social media. We have approved YourOneLife for introduction in the Indian academics, thanks to the NEP.”
The Member of Legislative council Nizamabad, Mrs. K. Kavitha, was the honorable chief guest at the event. She said, “While Telangana is turning the tide, and we realize the need to create a strong rib cage that can withhold the growing aspirations and per capita income within the state. We realize the importance to do that with an equally strong commitment to ensure that happiness and heartfulness form the foundation of this growth.”
The event was not just grand, but a successful venture, wherein nation-wide directors and Vice Chancellors from various institutions participated including the Director, KIET Group of Institutions. .
KIET Group of Institutions Organizes an Inter-School Quiz Competition for Nation-Wide School Students and Specially-Abled Young Minds

Date: August 26, 2022
Ghaziabad: KIET Group of institutions in collaboration with the Department of PR & International Relations and Quizzinga (The Quiz Club of KIET) organized a two-day inter-school quiz competition entitled “Manthan” on August 17th and 18th, 2022 wherein 120+ students from 30+ teams from different states of India participated and won exclusive awards and gifts.
The major highlight of the event was Team MBCN from Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan School, Noida, that is a school for specially-abled students. Teams from this school participated in a special segment of quiz and volunteered for rap and singing performances too. One of the teams won the special quiz and a cash prize of Rs. 2100 along with goodie bags.
The event was inaugurated by the thought-provoking speech of Dr. A Garg, Director, KIET Group of Institutions. He addressed the problems and challenges of skill development and employment in India that requires a bond between school, college and the industry. “The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) or the percentage of students belonging to the eligible age group enrolled in higher education is 27.1% in 2019-20, which has seen a rise from 26.3% in 2018-19 and 24.3% in 2014-2015” he added. To increase it, we have to focus on school students and inspire them for higher education.
Dr. Manoj Goel, Joint Director shared views on 75th Independence Day and connected the event with all-inclusive development of country. The National Education Policy (NEP) is to be implemented both in schools and colleges with skills development and outcome-based learning. He thanked the esteemed sponsors, Prithvi Abhyudya Association India (PAAI), Mr. Vikas Nagru from Brain Infinity and Mr. Sushil Khare, Director, Make My School Trip.
Mr. Vikas Nagru delivered an impressive talk on Tune Your Brain that was appreciated by all in the event. Similarly, Mr. Komal Mehrotra delivered a lecture on Career Counselling.
Dr. Preeti Chitkara, Head PR & International Relations, extended cordial welcome to all the students, their teachers, and the team members and coordinators of the event. She insisted on quality education and skills required for a successful placement. She along with the management and leaders of the institute congratulated the winners of the national quiz event, The Mavericks from Dewan Public School, Meerut, Oak Grove School, Mussorie (Runner-Up Team 1) and K.L International School, Meerut (Runner-Up Team 2) that won a cash prize of 11K, 7K, and 5K respectively. The chief guest Mr. Sumit Kumar Kasana, Manager IOCL & Alumnus, KIET graced the valedictory session and blessed the students with his words.
Ms. Neelam Rawat, Assistant Head PR took the opportunity to thank the Management, Director, Joint Director, Head PR & International Relations, Quizzinga team all student and faculty coordinators, student participants, principals, teachers along with ITSS, Purchase, and Admin department for their kind support to make the event a grand success.
Smart India Hackathon 2022
Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC)
Inauguration of Smart India Hackathon 2022 Grand Finale at KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad

Date: August 26, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad has been selected as one of the nodal centers to facilitate the Smart India Hackathon Hardware edition from 25th to 29th August 2022. This event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell, AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), Persistent Systems, and i4c. Doordarshan and All India Radio are the media partners, while Shell and AWS are the sponsoring partners of SIH 2022.
As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations, AICTE and the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell identified 75 incubators/ higher educational institutes as the nodal centers to host Smart India Hackathon and conduct the event in a well-organized manner; KIET was one among them.
The inaugural day began with the lamp lighting and worshipping of Goddess Saraswati to bless the participants in solving the complex problem statements given to them. This was followed by a brief welcome address by Dr. A Garg, Director, KIET Group of Institutions, who seemed to be truly fascinated by the talent of the students, as he said “Youngsters shape the future of the nation. Therefore, I believe that every student must progress in the field of product innovation, so that we, the Indians, can shape and nurture problem-solving, innovative, and creative minds, right from the school level.”
All the dignitaries present at the event were felicitated, including Dr. Chanchal, Scientist E-DRDO, New Delhi, who was the Guest of Honor and Ms. Pooja Rawat, who is designated by the MoE’s Innovation Cell at the institute to monitor the proceedings of the Grand Finale. At the institute’s level, Mr. Ashish D. Thombre, Assistant Professor EEE, is designated as the centre head who will be managing the tits and bits of the grand finale event.
As per the reports shared by the institute, total 18 teams having approximately 85 participants are competing against 4 problem statements from 2 organizations, viz. Coal India Limited, and the Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs Food and Public Distribution. Some of the teams that visited the campus include Tesla Team, Srijan 2.0, Robogyan, Knight Hackers, Hexa Titans, Panaceaaa, and Gen Z-Coders.
Mr. Ashish Jauhari, Member Secretary Research Board (ARMREB), Ministry of Defence, New Delhi, who visited the institute as a Chief Guest, told the audience that hackathon is a mixture of hack+marathon that helps a true engineer to understand how a system’s application works. “SIH is an event that encourages young minds to solve complex problems and explore new technologies”, he added. Finally, he congratulated KIET Group of Institutions for being the sole nodal centre for hardware edition in UP.
The Joint Director of the institute, Dr. Manoj Goel also boosted the morale of the participants and congratulated the in-house team, especially Prof. Kunwar Laiq Ahmad Khan, Dean IEC, under whose guidance and supervision, a grand event, like SIH, could be pulled-off with great ease.
After the local inauguration, the institute connected to the central inauguration, wherein Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, in his address, extended a warm welcome to all the chief guests present at all the 75 nodal centres, along with the media persons, participants, and their faculty coordinators. He also thanked all the nodal centres for providing accommodation and other facilities to the participants travelling from different corners of the country to their respective campuses. He concluded his speech by advising the participants to focus solely on how to solve the problem statements provided to them.
The central inauguration ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, MoE Innovation Cell, while the local inauguration ended by presenting a memento to Mr. Ashish Jauhari (the Chief Guest) by the Hon’ble Director of the institute. All the Deans, Heads, Functional Heads, and Faculty Coordinators extended their warm wishes to the participants.
Contact: Dr. Preeti Chitkara, Head PR & International Relations, KIET Group of Institutions
Phone: 9837524994
KIET Group of Institutions Hoists National Flag in 5 Villages

Date: August 16, 2022
Under the guidance of AICTE and Dr APJ AKTU Lucknow, UBA team KIET Group of Institutions hoisted the National Flag (on 25 houses in each village) in all five UBA adopted village, to celebrate Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav with the village residents.
The UBA coordinator, Dr. K. P. Mishra, KIET Group of Institutions, told that activities like these are very crucial for strengthening our commitment to nation building.
All the UBA team members, including Prof. Anuj Pathak, Dr, Rajeev Kumar, and Prof. Aayush Kumar made sure that the “Har Ghar Tiranga Program” gets conducted in all the villages in a very smooth manner. Also, they encouraged the Gram Pradhan and residents of each village to participate and cooperate wholeheartedly.
KIET Group of Institutions Organizes Two Workshops on Outcome-Based Education

Date: August 16, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad organized two workshops on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) practices on its campus from 01 – 05 Aug and then from 08 – 13 Aug 2022.
The phase – 1 & 2 of the workshops were organized in the conference hall of the placement cell, in order to train their newly joined faculty members. This initiative helps the new recruits to adopt the best OBE practices of the institute in their teaching-learning process. The OBE practice is essential in teaching learning for global recognition, opportunities and employment. It is mandatorily required to be practiced for accreditation of different programs and the institution. All the Engineering, Computer Application, Management, and Pharmacy programs of KIET are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), which is a pathway across the boundaries of a country. It is reported that the foreign Universities and Employers, on a global scale, recognize various programs running at KIET. Therefore, the young KIETians (students) get internship/ career opportunities across different parts of the world. This has become possible because NBA, India has become a permanent signatory of Washington Accord since 13 Jun, 2014.
Both the phases of the workshops on OBE practices were conducted successfully by the esteemed members of the OBE team of Dean Academics, which include Dr. Atul Kant Piyoosh (Associate Dean) and Dr. Yaduvir Singh (Assistant Dean). In the inaugural sessions of the workshops, Dr. A Garg (Director) addressed the audience and motivated the participants by advising them to work in a forward manner and adopt a First Time Right (FTR) approach. Also, he emphasized the role of a faculty member to adopt the institute’s best OBE practices in the true sense. Dr. Manoj Goel (Joint Director), Dr. Anil K Ahlawat (Dean –A) and Dr. Shailendra K Tiwary (Dean B. Tech. 1st Yr.) extended their warm wishes to participants and the in-house resource persons, comprising deans and professors from different departments.
In the closing ceremony of both the workshops, certificates were distributed by dignitaries to all the participants, based on their attendance and performance in the assessments. Honorary Captain K. P. Singh (Administrative Officer), Mr. Sunil Vashishtha (Purchase Officer), Mr. Siddharth Jain (Asst. Prof. – Civil) and team members of IT Operations supported in the smooth conduction of the workshops.
KIET Group of Institutions Hits a Record of 95.03% Placement

Date: July 09, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad achieves a record-breaking 95.03% placement score in 2021-22. It is indeed a moment of celebration for the institute that believes in its motto – ‘Connecting life with learning’. Reports convey, that over the year, 350 companies visited the campus for various placement drives, wherein 1492 students faced the interview panel and grabbed 2300 job offers. Some of the big names include Microsoft, Amazon, Walmart, Cisco, and American Express. The highest package offered to a student is reported to be 48.40 LPA. Further, the average package for the top 100 students is recorded to be 21.28 LPA, whereas the overall average package is 7.25 LPA.
According to Mr. Arvind Sharma, Head of Corporate Relations & Placement Cell (CRPC), “We have a range of CTC Terminals, wherein 22 students achieved the 2nd highest package of 44.14 LPA, 3 students bagged the 3rd highest package, i.e. 29 LPA, and 14 students grabbed the 4th highest package of 27.86 LPA, he further added.
The Joint Director of KIET college, Dr. Manoj Goel, also expressed his happiness and congratulated the team by saying “I can visualize that in the coming few years, the CRPC team is going to put-in more efforts in placements so that our talented students get a smooth hike, right from the initial stages of their career. Our success is directly proportional to the success of our students and we feel really proud that they are adding more feathers to our cap; Excellent results for Excellent efforts by the Excellent team. Keep it up.”
“In the near future, we expect that KIET Group of Institutions is going to change the way people look at the academic sector. The rate, at which, the placement success is boosting, is definitely something to take note of. A lot of hard work, promotion, and out-of-the-box learning approach is the key to such impressive results.”, said Dr. (Col.) A Garg, Director, KIET Group of Institutions.
The placement department along with the entire campus is currently in a mood to rejoice, owing to the incredible performance of the students.
KIET Group of Institutions organized Endeavor and INNOTECH 2022 to promote Start-up Ecosystem through Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Date: May 24, 2022
KIET Group of Institutions organised the 8th edition of the Annual program Endeavour on the theme Giving Back to State, an event by Students club E-Cell working in Innovation & Entrepreneurship and the flagship annual program INNOTECH an event for the students to showcase their innovative ideas that can be converted into product/prototype on 20th and 21st May 2022.
The inaugural ceremony for Endeavour-Innotech-2022 was organized on 20 May 2022. Shri Arvind Kumar, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, IT & Electronics Dept., Govt. of U.P. was the Chief Guest. Shri Atul Garg, Chairman TBI, KIET & Hon’ble MLA, Ghaziabad and Shri Kumar Vineet, IAS, Special Secretary & MD, UPLC, Govt. of U.P. were the Guest of Honour for the ceremony. Shri Aakash Sinha, CEO & Founder Omnipresent Robot Technologies Pvt. Ltd. was the Special guest for the event. Dr. A.K. Garg, Sr. Director, MietY, Govt. of India and Shri Sandeep Tiwari, Professor Incharge, Incubator Hub, AKTU, Lucknow graced the occasion as distinguished guest. All the guests were happy to see the enthusiasm of the students and they wished for a successful future of the students.
Innotech-2022 focused to promote the innovation of the participants by demonstrating their Innovative Models/Prototypes/Poster presentation. 33 projects and 30 posters were selected for the final round. Many renowned industrialists and eminent academicians were invited as judge for the event. Endeavour-2022 focused on creating a network of successful start-ups & entrepreneurs want to contribute to the state to attain its goal to be $ 1 Trillion Economy by 2027 and provided an opportunity to the participants to interact with successful start-ups, professionals, policymakers and the successful incubators who have established their Enterprise in various TBIs.
Hon’ble Chief guest, Shri Arvind Kumar emphasised start-ups and wished to achieve a target of around 100 start-ups in the current year, at least one in every district. He also informed that the government is coming forward to support the private institutions. He added that they are creating Centres of Excellence in UP that can support and cater to each small and big need of the upcoming start-ups and generate an ecosystem and move into the industry from north to south. The Government is coming forward to give funds to upcoming start-ups like Defence, Electrical Vehicle making and other fields.
Shri Atul Garg, Chairman TBI, KIET & Hon’ble MLA took the opportune time to request the honourable guests to request the government to connect DRDO with the institutions that are working on innovation. He also shared that maximum push of technology into defence and motivate youth to use it to experiment and prepare defence related projects and ideas are to convert into reality.
Shri Kumar Vineet, IAS, Special Secretary & MD, UPLC, Govt. of U.P. said “Fail, if you have to succeed” is the basic idea behind being the best start up. No need to fear failures. He gave a glimpse of how IR is doing in UP and shared that Govt of India is working to make everything digital and thereby bringing transparency to the govt working.
Shri Sandeep Tiwari, Professor Incharge, Incubator Hub, AKTU, Lucknow announced KIET as nodal centre for innovations and entrepreneurs on behalf of VICE Chancellor AKTU.
Shri Akash Sinha shared that the drone industry has atleast 1 Lac jobs opportunities in the coming times. He even invited the students of KIET to take up courses from his centre and equip themselves for these opportunities.
Director Dr. A Garg, Joint Director Dr. Manoj Goel, Deans, Heads of the Departments, Faculty Members graced the occasion and congratulated the winners and wished them all the best for their future. Dean IEC Dr KLA Khan, Head EN Dr Neeraj Gupta, Dr. Nitin Kumar Saxena, Convener, Dr. Yaduvir Singh and Mr. Sourav Kumar, Dr Ramesh and Co-Conveners from the host Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department worked with full zeal to make the event successful.
‘Go Global’ With KIET Group of Institutions: International Education Awareness Week IEAW 2022

Date: May 04, 2022
Ghaziabad: KIET Group of Institutions: The Department of PR & International Relations at KIET Group of Institutions organized an International Education Awareness Week followed by Fair from 25 April to 29 April 2022. The International Education Awareness Week commenced on 25th April 2022 in the auditorium at KIET Group of Institutions, an initiative taken under the guidance of Dr. Preeti Chitkara, Head PR & International Relations, to inspire the students to go global and gain exposure to education abroad. Many eminent speakers were invited to share valuable information on how to inspire students to study abroad. The main objective of the event is to create awareness about the international opportunities in higher education, Internships and foreign languages by guiding them through the correct pathway, highlighting the means to make them global citizens.
It was a week-long International Education feast, that revolved around Why go global or think of Internationalization, What’s the need to learn Foreign Languages and which one to choose, how to prepare ourselves for international Higher Studies, how to crack International Internship and the last day experienced the most important one on one interaction with the representatives of foreign universities in the Education fair.
On the last day, i.e. 29th April 2022, a grand International Education Fair, was organized by the Department of International Relations on KIET Campus. The students from all the Departments of the college systematically interacted and had all their doubts clarified by the team of experts. The inauguration of the fair was done by our Director, Dr (Col.) A Garg and Dean Academics, Dr Anil Ahlawat in the presence of our guest School Principals & students, Faculty Co-ordinators Team and students who were eager to get-in and get informed.
The fair was adorned by a plethora of foreign universities including Cape Breton University (CBU) Canada, University Of California, Riverside, National College of Ireland, Maynooth University, Ireland, Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland, Prifysgol Aberystwyth University, Wales, University of Wolverhampton, England, Middlesex University, London, University of Portsmouth, England, Keele University, England, La Trobe University, Australia, The University of Queensland, Australia and Deakin University, Australia. The counsellors for Education in USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia and others were also present to guide the students.
The director, Dr A Garg was brimming with pride when he appreciated the efforts of Team PR & International Relations and said, “In 2019 when we started with our first IEAW ie. International Education Awareness Week followed by fair, we never imagined that we will come so far and host so many foreign Universities on our campus and students will gain so much exposure through these awareness sessions and the Fair. A good number of students have paved their ways to international studies and internships since we have initiated these efforts and I believe more and more students will take up the opportunities to fly abroad, learn from there, come back and serve their country. Thereby let’s go global but act local.”
At last, the students thanked the consultants for letting them to know about the procedures and the exams to be written to study abroad and the various universities and destinations they can apply for. Dr Madhu Gautam and Ms Neelam Rawat along with Mr Vinay Ahlawat, Mr Sunil Vashishtha, KP Singh ji, Dr Babita Singh, Ms D Blandina Miracle, Mr Prashanth Vashishtha, Ms Garima, Ms Ankita, Mr Rochak Bajpai, Dr Minakshi Karwal, Mr Pravin Dixit, Mr Hemant, Mr Himanshu Agarwal, Mr Mayank Tyagi, Ms Shivani and Ms Shweta, the coordinators were commendable. The student coordinators played the most vital & active role in realizing the event.
The fair was a grand success, very informative and revived the spirits of the students in fuelling their dreams to study abroad. Overall, it was a whole-some experience and a great eye-opening week.
KIET Group of Institutions EEE Department secured 100% Placement with multiple job offers
Date: April 5, 2022
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is very glad to proclaim their success about 100% placement with multiple offers again for two consecutive batches- 2017-21 & 2018-22, which was a cumulative effort of consistent striving. With the cooperation of KIET-CRPC and Departmental Placement Cell, all eligible 100% students of the department have been placed in well-reputed organizations including software and hardware industries. With this great and proud achievement, it has proved that the future of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is very bright and stable.
Electrical and Electronics Engineers have already extended their strong arms and proved their prime presence in various essential domains such as Automation & Robotics, Aero Space technology, Defence Research & Development Organization, signal processing, Automation and Control, Telecommunication, Electric Vehicles, Embedded system, Electronic components of computers and other tools, Industrial Controls, Network Equipment, Telecom Equipment, Medical Equipment, Radios, Computers, Smart Phones, IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Integrated Chips and yes the -list is endless. In general, Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ presence and need is ever-increasing to meet the variegated needs of the consumers in India as well as abroad. Life is indispensable with Electrical and Electronics Engineers. All industries will come to a halt if Electricity is exhausted. Being Electrical engineers, we help and support billions of people on a day-to-day basis.
With a strong and determined vision to create technocrats who can build, innovate and illuminate the world together, the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the KIET Group of institutions is at the forefront of practical knowledge. Till now the Department has completed the dreams of more than 1750 students and provided optimum benefits to society. More than 39 faculty members from various renowned Institutes have joined their hands together to support and guide students to enlighten their vision and achieve their futuristic goals. Head of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Dr Neeraj Kumar Gupta, consistently pursued the target to achieve 100% placement consecutively, which was widely appreciated. With distinguished International lectures happening in our Department throughout the year by eminent experts from around the globe, students are inspired to take up international placements, whose results will be reflected shortly. The role of Dr Preeti Chitkara, Head, International Relations & Public Relations, in giving the students of our college worldwide exposure in aspects related to overall grooming is commendable. With such combined efforts, we are sure to reach greater heights in the near future. The success of the department was appreciated by the Director, Joint Director, and the other authorities of the institute.
KIET Group of Institutions is one of the premier destinations for young minds, offering courses in Engineering, Management and Pharmacy. It continuously strives for the welfare of its students providing them with the best opportunities both on the national and international platforms.