Mr. Sahil Jindal has been working as the Treasurer of Global Research Institute of Management and Technology, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana and he is a part of the management body. He is associated with the education sector for quite some time now and before joining the Global Research Institute, he has worked in different fields in several eminent institutions.


What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

"Dynamic nature of education sector and unlimited learning opportunities it offers are the best reasons"

I have been a part of the education domain for a long time now and you have to take everyone together while working in the education sector and if you will not follow this approach, you won't be able to sustain and succeed here. So the challenging yet exciting working and learning opportunities I get here while educating students have helped me to stay connected with this education sector. In addition to this, my urge to stay updated with the latest technologies and trends of the academic and professional world for my own personal growth is another factor behind my association.

How would you describe your leadership style?

"I believe in working together as a team and I am always open to suggestions coming from my team"

I believe in a collaborative way of working and hence I distribute and delegate the work equally among my students, faculty members and staff who all are working for us or working with us, depending on their skills and experience. And my main objective behind using this kind of approach is to inculcate leadership and team building skills in students which definitely they will be needing while dealing with people of different mindset in their professional life. Apart from this, I firmly believe in taking everyone together and including their suggestions or inputs during our interaction sessions before making any major decision for our college. 

How does the curriculum of your institute ensure the best practices of industry?

"It is developed in line with latest trends and developments of industries after consultation with industry people"

Before designing and updating the curriculum of our college, we do rigorous analysis and research about the requirements and developments of the industrial world and accordingly include the latest demands in our curriculum. And we don't simply rely on the curriculum provided by the University like other institutions. Because we firmly believe that a student can achieve new heights of success by simply reading books hence they need enough practice, practical knowledge and corporate exposure from the start. In addition to all this, we make sure that our students have developed the required personality before stepping into the corporate sector and for the same we provide them with customized training programs, mock interviews and personality development sessions on a regular basis. 

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In your opinion, what benefits students will get from studying here in your college?

"Students will be getting best quality knowledge, research facilities and industrial exposure here"

As our college was established recently, so people of Yamuna Nagar and Haryana don't know much about us, so overall our college is not that much popular among students or people which ideally it should be. But I would like to tell them that we have the best infrastructure and modern research facilities in our college for ensuring all around growth and development of students. And our courses have been developed keeping in mind their future demands and career scope, so overall students will get the best education and amenities in our institute. 

What would like people to know about your college that makes it unique and different from others?

"We work dedicatedly to bridge the gaps between students skills and industry demands"

Nowadays, in the Indian education system, institutions are running behind enrolling more and more students in their courses and not focusing on imparting finest quality and employment oriented education to students, and this in turn creates a huge gap between what industry demands and skill sets they have. And our institute is working with the same goal to bridge the gap between industry requirements and students skills by providing innovative courses to students in accordance with the corporate requirements and academic standards. Also, we offer these courses at a very reasonable fee so that even economically unstable students can pursue our programs. 

What are the most important functions in the role that you play in your institute?

"I am responsible for ensuring students receive best knowledge and opportunities here in our college"

Being the Treasurer of the institute, I am responsible to guide and mentor new students whenever they join our college to pursue their dream courses. Apart from this, I am responsible for planning training programs for making students industry and society ready. Last but not the least, ensuring a smooth educational journey for students during their 3 or 4 year Degree program in our college also comes under the scope of my responsibilities. 

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Any messages which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Stay focused, dedicated and disciplined towards your goals and handle tough situations of life patiently"

I would like to advise my students and youths of our society to work hard and stay passionate and dedicated towards their goals and never forget that when your hard work will be imbibed within your personality, you will achieve anything in your life. Also, be patient when life tests you with different challenges and try to learn the lessons your difficult time is trying to teach you. Lastly, take good care of yourself and believe in your skills and knowledge as you are your only competition.