Prof. (Dr) Manoj Kumar is the Principal at DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar. He received his B.E (Electronics and Communication Engg.) in the year 1990, M.Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engg.) in the year 2001 and Ph.D. in 2007. He is CMI Level 5 Certified in Management and Leadership from a prestigious institute in the UK. As a brilliant researcher, he has high quality publications to his credit and is also an ambitious administrator.

He received “Jewel of India” award by Indian Solidarity council for the year 2006, and many other such awards for his contribution to the education sector. He has done outstanding research in the diverse fields of optical and wireless communication. He has introduced novel teaching methodology to improve teaching quality, focused on research and publications, collaborations with industries. He also holds the distinction of being one of the top 25 academic leaders across India, recognized by Wipro Mission 10X. 


What are the leadership qualities a teacher should possess?

“Living a moral life requires self-knowledge to improve, and self-discipline to continually practice virtues”

The teacher should be able to note fast changing developments in new technologies and learn it, adapt and implement it. Creating a habit out of implementing fast changing technologies is essential. To improve your leadership, you need to make a change. The type of leadership style(s) an academic leader should possess, include, visionary, commanding, trend setting, and democratic.

What will a student gain from attending your college?

“In-depth curriculum & domain knowledge and experiential learning”

Traditionally, We have an exam-oriented academic system. One might assume the engineer with more marks is better, but unfortunately that is not the case. We judge students based on their performance in the examination. All engineers have to be qualified to create the end product.

Engineers have a variety of roles throughout their lives, and they must always be lifelong learners. 

All members of our institution become lifelong learners, and they acquire respect for their environment through our experiences.

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How is the curriculum Of DAVIET implemented?

“A learning environment with many opportunities for the student”

We have a well-structured curriculum that we are committed to deliver to each student and a time frame within which this is to be done. We foster an environment where the student has many opportunities to learn. The curriculum is designed from a university in which the teams of subject experts with industry experts are part of designing the curriculum. Further the department will ensure that contents are delivered to students with additional activities like expert talks from industry, industry visit, workshops for students, etc.

What do you want to tell people about your college that they don’t know?

“We offer multi-domain courses in hospitality, Commerce, Computer science & business administration etc”

  • We offer a Business Administration graduate and postgraduate program, a computer science program, a commerce program, a hospitality and tourism program, and a hotel management program.
  • The programs are conducted without compromising ethical and moral values.
  • A strong sense of social and environmental responsibility is developed in the learners.

How does your institution develop a healthy environment in your college?

“Motivate, encourage, and admire learners”

From the higher to the lower level, the institution tries to motivate, encourage, and admire, creating a good working environment. Moreover, we have a recognition card system that demonstrates a person's accomplishment and praises him or her.

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What encouragement and advice do you have for the current generation?

Gratitude is the key for success”

Think creatively and innovatively, don't be marked percentage oriented, and try to become lifelong learners. Don't look for comfort zones. Students should think out of the box and be innovative. You will surely get all the pleasures in life if you work hard and give 100% in your field.