Dr. Uttam R Awari is the Head Civil Engineering Department at AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune. He has a total teaching experience of 30 yrs and his areas of interest include Mechanics of rigid and elastic body, Analysis of Structures, Design of Steel structures and Strengthening and retrofitting. He has guided 42 PG Students projects and 30 UG Students projects. Having published several research papers and book chapters, his expertise in this field is unmatched.
How do you plan on using the experience you have gained over the years for the benefit of this Institute?
“I will help the students and the institute to produce bright civil engineers as per industry demand”
Speaking about my experience as a faculty in the Civil engineering department, I have been working here for more than 30 years. And regarding knowledge, I can say that I have gained expertise in subjects related to structural engineering which is an integral part of Civil Engineering. I will try my best to instil in students a liking and passion for civil engineering. I will also encourage students through awareness regarding the ever-increasing demand for civil engineers. In India, infrastructure development remains the focus of the Government as it is a developing country.
What do you think will be the impact of Covid-19 on the placements of the current academic year?
“In the least affected industry, infrastructure, there is hope as it has not slowed down”
Our helplessness is evident in this situation and it seems that the entire world has come to a standstill, which is clearly beyond our control. As a result, this has adversely affected the current placement scenario as the impact is large across all industries. Yet the only ray of hope lies in the fact that the least affected industry is the infrastructure industry which has not come to a standstill, though has been slowed down. Civil engineering students can take comfort in this by believing in themselves and their ability and going ahead and trying for companies for greater opportunities.
What do you think are your responsibilities to the University and the students?
“Our primary role is to help students gain knowledge by fulfilling their expectations”
AISSMS COE being an SPPU affiliated institute gives us a two-way responsibility to be a part of this world-famous university as well as delivering our best. So, our primary role is to be a medium of knowledge delivery to students not just by fulfilling their expectations but also by delivering something more. We also consider it our prime responsibility to strike a chord between all our stakeholders and truly believe in and follow the highest quality standards. This is done in the view of not just producing quality Civil Engineers but also bringing the name of the university in limelight. This Institute has maintained its vision of “quality education through service to society”.
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How do you help your students to cope with the high academic competition?
“Soft skills courses, alumni interaction, NPTEL courses and internship opportunities”
In order for the students to acquire detailed knowledge about the subjects, we encourage them to participate in various NPTEL, MOOC, and online courses. They also attend soft skill courses every year because employers today are looking for talented employees who can perform well at their jobs in a team environment. Alumni interaction is done on a regular basis to connect with the alumni and utilize their services, like Guest Lectures, Internship opportunities, placements, etc
What are the interventions you bring in apart from the academic knowledge to train the students?
“We prepare them to take challenges by academic and several students-centric extracurricular activities”
Students are always encouraged to take part in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities in and out of campus to enhance their overall personality. Regular training is imparted in the area of communication and soft skill and aptitude to the students to make them employable. The students are encouraged to pursue internships during the vacations and acquire the necessary problem-solving skills. They are also involved in tech fests, paper presentations and idea and innovation contests.
What would you like students to know about AISSMS COE, Pune that they might not know already?
“A unique program called Industry-Institute Interaction organized to give practical knowledge and industry exposure”
In affiliated Colleges, there are some significant gaps between the needs of the industry and the curriculum offered by the University. The gaps are mostly related to the recent development in technology and its practical implementation. Collaboration with the industry and involving them in the teaching-learning process are the best ways to bridge the gap. At AISSMS COE it is done by a very well-organized program known as "Industry Institute Interaction. It is designed to impart practical knowledge and give students maximum exposure to the workplace making them employable.
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What valuable advice would you like to the students for a prosperous career ahead?
“Engineering offers us the chance to make the world a better, safer and more exciting place”
The art of engineering is applying scientific theories to design. The students should put all the theories and principles that they have learnt to design and construct marvellous structures.
You may not enter a job and become a top performer right away. It is important that you continue to persevere and develop so that you can reach your career goals and become a top performer. As civil engineers, you can help play a major role in designing more efficient structures, as well as planning projects in developing countries. Believe in yourself, never lose hope, and work smart to achieve your goals.