Accurate Institute of Management and Technology is a private institute affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow and approved by AICTE. AIMT offers UG, PG and Diploma courses in the disciplines of Management, Technology, Pharmacy, Architecture and Commerce. Read more to know the events and happenings of the institute:

“Accurate Institute Bhabha Incubation Center won the First Prize”

Accurate Institute Bhabha Incubation Center won the First Prize

Date: April 29, 2022

The Accurate Institute of Management and Technology (AIMT) won the most prestigious Tech-Expo Start-Up Exhibition Competition organized by DRDO and Start-Up in UP on ‘World Intellectual Property Day’ at Sharda university Greater Noida.

The Accurate Institute of management bagged the award among more than 30 engineering colleges in Knowledge Park Greater Noida. Winning the first prize by polytechnic students of the institute in the DRDO Expo Competition is a huge achievement itself and reflects the experiential learning environment of the Institute. 

In this competition the start-up groups from Greater Noida and 44 different engineering colleges of Delhi participated. Projects related to INNOVATION, RESEARCH, INNOVATIVE IDEAS, START-UP related projects were displayed.

Based on the in depth evaluation of Professors, Students and renowned Jury-group present there, a joint venture between the ACCURATE INSTITUTE and V S ENERGY, 14 products manufactured at the BHABHA INCUBATION CENTER of ACCURATE INSTITUTE were evaluated on the basis of product attributes, features, demand, employment generation and skill development capabilities. Accurate Institute center won the first position with a cash prize of Rs.25000 in this prestigious competition.

The award was conferred to Praveen Kumar Sharma and Vikram Singh (second year student of polytechnic electrical engineering) by senior IAS officer Mr. Arvind Kumar & Mr. V.K. Gupta Vice-Chancellor of Sharda University.

The Main objective of the competition was to promote Innovation, Self-employment and to boost the morale of the youth. In this regard the Chief guest and officers present apprised the youth about the various schemes and efforts government put in to encourage start-ups and self employment.

Such events will help in grounding the new education policy 2020 and strengthen the technical know-how and make in india government initiative.

The Accurate Institute and Students received accolades from Mr. P.K.Gupta, Chancellor of Sharda University. He congratulated the winners and all the participants and motivated them to work for rural and agricultural production development in future. 

Director Dr. S.K. Mishra applauded and congratulated the proud winners and encouraged them to keep innovating moving forward.

Entrepreneurship Awareness Program at AIMT, Greater Noida


Date: February 25, 2022

An Entrepreneurship Awareness Program was organized in the campus, Accurate Group of Institutions, Greater Noida, by MSME-Development Institute, Ministry of MSME, New Delhi (Okhla); Govt. of India.

The EAP (Entrepreneurship Awareness Program), was attended by the students of the PGDM Program, to gain information & understand the relevant facts related to the development of MSME and projects of all categories that have a stake in the development of entrepreneurial skills as such. Also, the role and importance of innovation and entrepreneurship, in the current scenario, and how it could be accomplished and accommodated along with various vistas of growth opportunity, was also addressed by the speakers. The know-how of various schemes as is facilitated by the MSME, such as related to the incubation of the project and the sources of the financial capital, expertise, and others, and how it could be processed, as an important element mix, in the development of any new project/s was also explained in the program by the distinguished speakers.

The program was addressed by Dr. R.K. Bharti, Jt. Director, MSME (Okhla), Delhi; Sh. D.S. Tomer, Asst. Director, MSME (Okhla), Delhi; Dr. Amit Sehgal, Director, LaunchPad, Sharda University; Sh. Vivek Kr. Singh, Founder VS Energy and Sh. A.K. Ojha

All the distinguished speakers enumerated the importance of ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ management, in the progress of the nation in the 21st-century globalized world, keen on the prowess of knowledge, which is the chief quotient content requirement to succeed in this competitive world.

Whether, it was Dr. Bharti, Joint Director, MSME (Okhla), Delhi, who vigorously championed the cause of the MSME projects and its distinguishing role in the arena of the societal and economical growth, where the role of India’s youth, should be well-versed; consequently, on the other hand, this thought of Dr. Bharti, was furthermore augmented by Sh. D.S. Tomer, Asst. Director, MSME (Okhla), Delhi; with his views on the project proposals required to be submitted to the concerned MSME chapter for further process, and how it gets a calibrated momentum towards the path of a successful conclusion. Added to this, Mr. Tomer, also deliberated on the various strands, with effect to banking and financial help as is required to commence the MSME project, in the form of a ‘Start-Up’; marketing to prospective players and many more. And, asserting conspicuous inputs on various schemes, as a part of the MSME delivery process, which is currently available, Sh. A.K. Ojha; as another distinguished speaker, asserted the exploitation of the various schemes available under the MSME umbrella, and intelligently pressed the generic importance, to make the best use of the ‘Best Suitable Scheme’; as comes the way of the entrepreneur concerned, courtesy MSME platform. Likewise, Dr. Amit Sehgal, Director, LaunchPad, Sharda University, shared his views on the importance of innovative skills, quoting examples of successful projects, under the evolutionary growth stages, and how the youth has a role to play in the chessboard of innovation and entrepreneurship. This likeness was still given a viable innovative gastronomy effect by Sh. Vivek Kr. Singh, Founder VS Energy, who as a personality of a ‘Start-Up’; and a ready-reckoner as a sort, had a deep understanding of the challenges, that he actually faced moving with his innovative idea, and how he overcame the effect and got benefitted ultimately, was shared with the students.

Dr. Satish Kumar Matta, Director, PGDM Program, Accurate Institute of Management and Technology, in his note, of the ‘Vote of Thanks’, to the distinguished speakers, guests and audience spoke elegantly on the importance of the ‘Current Times’; and delved his focus, on innovative factors that go into making a nation forward, where the guarded role of the all the students, PGDM program, AIMT, is imperative and assertive, thereby bringing laurels to themselves, parents and their ‘Alma-Mater’ in particular. 

Ms. Poonam Sharma, Honourable, Chairman and Group Director, Accurate Group, Greater Noida, lauded the role of the MSME, Delhi chapter, across its seasoned Endeavour’s and the priceless role it has been playing since long, in the development of the innovative and entrepreneurial skills among the youths of the country, being actually the pillars of tomorrow’s society, when the baton of glowing light of India, it ought to be kept glowing, is their sincere tranquility.