ASSAM CEE Admit Card 2020 has been Released at; Read the article to know how to download

Assam Science and Technology University (ASTU), Guwahati has issued the Assam CEE Admit Card 2020. Candidates who have applied for an exam may download the ticket from

Candidates can find a link to download the Admit Card in the article below.

To download the Assam CEE 2020 Admit Card, candidates must enter their application number and password.

On the day of the examination, a printed copy of the Admit Card with valid ID proof and a black ballpoint pen is required.

The Admit Card consists of details such as the date of the exam, the time of the exam, the address of the exam centre, etc. See more information on the Assam CEE 2020 Admit Card on this page.

Also Read: ASSAM CEE 2020 Practice Papers

Assam CEE 2020 Admit Card / Hall Ticket

Admit card for Assam CEE is not sent via post. It is only released online. Check the dates regarding Assam CEE 2020 admit card from the schedule given below.

Assam CEE 2020 Admit Card / Hall Ticket Dates (Revised)
Availability of admit card September 15, 2020 (Released)
Assam CEE 2020 Exam Date September 20, 2020

Assam CEE 2020 COVID – 19 Guidelines

These are testing times for the whole world, so it is very important that we follow all the COVID-19 SOPs for our safety and for the well-being of those around us.

The governing body has set out the following guidelines for Assam CEE candidates.

Applicants will be provided with masks, sanitizers and gloves in the centre.

  • Applicants should first sanitise and wash their hands before entering the exam centre.
  • They also need to bring their own little bottle of sanitizer.
  • They need to follow social distances.
  • Candidates must also carry their undertaking along with the Assam CEE Admit Card.
  • Reach on a specific time as per the Assam CEE Admit Card.
  • Applicants are only required to carry the original ID.
  • A separate room will be provided for those with high temperatures and symptoms.
  • Candidates can take a bottle of water to the test centre.
  • Parents/guardians are not allowed to enter the test centre.

Also Read: IGNOU Released June TEE 2020 Admit Card, Check Here to Download

How to Download Assam CEE 2020 Admit Card?

Assam CEE hall ticket releases online on the official website of the exam conducting body. Given below are the steps to download the admit card.

Step 1: Click on the link above.

Step 2: After clicking on the link above, enter details such as the application number and the password.

Step 3: After entering the details, click the 'submit' switch.

Step 4: Download the Assam CEE 2020 Admit Card that appears on your screen.

Step 5: As the last step, take multiple printouts of the Admit Card for future purposes.

What to Carry at Assam CEE 2020 Exam Center?

Check the list of the things that have to be taken on the day of examination.

  • Printed Assam CEE 2020 Admit Card
  • A black ball point pen
  • A valid id proof

Valid ID proof can be any of these: Pan Card / Driving License / Voter ID/12th Class Board Admitor Registration Card/Passport/Aadhaar Card (With Photograph)/E-Aadhaar/Ration Card/Aadhaar Enrolment No with Photo.

Direct Link to Download ASSAM CEE Admit Card 2020

Things Not to Carry at Assam CEE 2020 Exam Centre

Candidates are not allowed to take any of the below-given items at the exam centre of Assam CEE 2020:

  • Calculators
  • Documents
  • Slide Rules
  • Log Tables
  • Electronic Watches
  • Printed or written material
  • Mobile Phone
  • Pager

Details Mentioned in Assam CEE 2020 Hall Ticket

After downloading the hall ticket, there are numerous details that are printed on it. Check the list of the details given below.

Name of the Candidate Date of Birth
Roll Number Photograph and Signature
Exam Date Exam Time
Address of the exam centre General Instructions

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Important Instructions for Assam CEE 2020

  1. All test-takers must follow the instructions given below on the day of the examination.
  2. Don't forget to bring the hall ticket and the black ballpoint pen to the exam centre.
  3. The left thumbprint and signature must be placed on the attendance sheet in the presence of the monitor.
  4. Applicants must reach the test centre half an hour before the test starts.
  5. Read the instructions carefully on the OMR sheet. If there is a discrepancy in the OMR sheet, contact the monitor.
  6. Before leaving the examination hall, the candidates must return the OMR sheet to the supervisor.
  7. First, write the Question Paper Booklet Number, Booklet Code and Roll Number on the OMR Answer Sheet.
  8. All candidates need to remain silent in the Exam Hall.
  9. No second OMR sheet will be submitted to the candidates. It is therefore recommended that the original OMR sheet be carefully filled in.
  10. Applicants are required to shad the circle through the ballpoint pen on the OMR sheet.
  11. After 11 a.m., the test-takers will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
  12. Candidates are required to sit on an allotted seat only where their roll number is assigned.