MICAT 2022 Question Paper with Solution, Mock Test, Previous Year Papers

The candidate before appearing for the MICAT 2022 should be familiar with the exam pattern to know about the marking scheme and the question structure concerned. Solving the question paper and sample paper will eventually help the candidate to know about the accuracy and readiness of the exam. Check detailed: MICAT 2022 Exam Pattern

MICAT 2022 1st session will be conducted by the university on 4th of December 2021 and the 2nd session will be conducted on 29th January 2022 respectively. By regularly solving MICAT Sample Papers and previous year Question papers, candidates will be able to analyse the topics and subjects on which they have to focus more and which are the ones where they need to focus less. Thus, bifurcating the parts will help them to target each concept effectively. 

MICAT Pattern Highlights

MICAT 2022 Exam Pattern Highlights

Number of questions /Total Marks 144/144 marks
Marking scheme + 1 for correct answer, -0.25 for incorrect answer
Type of questions MCQ based or objective type questions
Exam mode Online or Computer base examination
Duration 2 hrs. 45 minute

Check MICAT 2022 Syllabus

MICAT Mock Test

MICAT 2022 Mock Test

The candidates can encounter the real time question paper like situation by solving the mock test papers that will be available for download in the university official website. This will help them to acquire vivid knowledge about various concepts, also working on the time management skills and testing their real time accuracy.

The mock test is designed to give the candidates a closer look at the competitive scenario with questions ranging to all the sections concerned. Regular practice of the mock test will keep them on the edge, with knowledge about vivid concepts and the ways to solve them effectively. Various websites have their own set of mock papers for the candidate; thus, the exposure is no less, just that the candidate has to focus immensely on the concepts.

MICAT 2022 Sample Papers

Given below is the list of MICAT Sample papers that students can practice from.

MICAT Sample Papers
Topic Name Reference Links
MICAT 2011-13 Check Here
MICAT 2008-10 Check Here
MICAT 2013-15 Check Here
MICAT 2016-17 Check Here

Solving MICAT Question Papers

MICAT 2022 Benefits of Solving Question Papers

Besides recognizing the pattern of the exam and its level of difficulty, you can recognize your weak and strong areas, too. When the question papers are being addressed, note the sections or topics you find hard to answer. Practice further later to improve your weak points. A few more advantages of MICAT 2022 Question Paper solving are described below:

  • Candidates, while maintaining precision, could increase the pace at which they answer questions.
  • Candidates would learn how to handle the time efficiently for the actual test. Candidates may get a better insight into the MICAT test pattern.
  • You should also look at what kind of questions are being asked, and what is the marking scheme.
  • You could appraise your training level. It would also help you develop your exam strategy.
  • MICAT Question Paper offers an insight on the actual test scenario.
  • Solving past year's question papers will also instill confidence.
  • You may also classify the most important topics. You should practice certain topics more frequently after doing this.

Check the Preparation Analysis for MICAT 2022

MICAT: Best Books for Prepration

Best Books for MICAT 2022

The exam pattern of MICAT 2022 is divided into various sections that tests candidate’s Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, General Awareness, and Divergent & Convergent thinking, hence, to prepare and achieve good scores in MICAT 2022, candidates must choose right set of books and study material.

  • Various books are available in the market for MICAT 2022 preparation and candidates preparing for MICAT 2022 should look for books that not only covers a particular section but contains the topics from other sections as well.
  • Additionally, the books of MICAT 2022 should have sample papers or questions along with its solutions for practice.

List of some of the important books for MICAT 2022

Subject Name of Book Publisher/Author
Verbal ability Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
High School English Grammar and Composition Key High School English Grammar and Composition Key Wren & Martin
General Awareness Manorama Yearbook Manorama
Current Affairs Yearly Current Affairs Yearly Arihant
Divergent and Convergent Thinking How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT Arun Sharma
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning RS Agarwal
Quantitative ability and Data Interpretation Universal's Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability) Jain Prateek
Quantitative Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude RS Aggarwal

MICAT Practice Paper FAQs

MICAT 2022 Practice Paper FAQs

Q1. Why it is Important to solve the previous year MICAT question paper?

Ans. The candidate needs to solve the MICAT sample papers as it will help them to know the exam pattern, marking scheme, conceptualize various concepts and ideas and also increase the time management skills.

Q2. Will I get language preference in MICAT 2022?

Ans. No, MICAT 2022 paper will be in English only.

Q3. Is there any negative marking in MICAT 2022 examination?

Ans. Yes, the candidate will get -0.25 marks deducted for every wrong answer in Section C. There is no negative marking for Section A and Section B.See MICAT 2022 Exam Pattern

Q4. Where can I find the question papers for MICAT 2022?

Ans. We have provided students with sufficient MICAT 2022 Sample Papers in the article.More sample paper will be available for download for the students in the university website or the students can also take reference from sample paper books available in the education market.

Q5. Will the examination be conducted offline or online?

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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