MET 2023 Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Important Instructions

MET 2023 Syllabus and Exam Pattern is released on the official website- The university-level examination, MET 2023 is conducted as a center-based online test. Even when the exam pattern is similar for all courses, MET Syllabus 2023 is different depending on the level of study. MET Syllabus 2023 for B.Tech is based on topics from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English.

  • MET Question Paper is divided into 4 sections with a total of 60 questions to be attempted with a total of 240 marks. 
  • The questions asked in MET exam are objective type i.e., MCQs and NAT (Numerical Ability Test).
  •  For each right answer, 4 marks is allotted and for each wrong answer, 1 mark is deducted, No negative marks will be allotted for the NAT question.
  • The time allotted to attempt the paper is 120 minutes. 

Highlights of MET 2023 Exam Pattern

Exam Name MAHE Online Entrance Test (MET)
Mode of Exam Online mode
Number of questions 60 Questions
Type of questions Objective type i.e. MCQs
Time allotted 120 Minute
Negative Marking 1 mark will be deducted for ME/M.Tech 
No negative marking for other courses
MET Exam Pattern

MET 2023 Exam Pattern in Detail

The general paper pattern for all the programs offered by the Manipal Academy of Higher Education remains the same. Read on:

  • Medium of Exam: English only
  • Type of Questions: MCQs i.e. choose the right or closest to the right answer from among the choices given and NAT (Numerical Ability Test) which has a numerical value as an answer.
  • Marking Scheme: For M.Tech and ME each question carries 4 marks and for all other courses each question carries 1 mark.

There are few programs under medical, architecture or management that accepts the scores of other exams. Tabulated below are the courses that take admissions via MET scores:

Institute Courses
Department of Virus Research (DVR) MSc Clinical Virology
Kasturba Medical College (KMC) MSc (Medical) - Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Clinical Embryology MSc Genetic Counseling MPhil Psychiatric Social Work
Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MCOPS) BPharm PharmD MPharm PharmD Post Baccalaureate
Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) MSc Nursing MPhil Nursing
School of Life Sciences (SLS) MSc Medical Biotechnology MSc Molecular Biology & Human Genetics
School of Allied Health Sciences (SOAHS) Master of Physiotherapy MSc Audiology MSc Speech-Language Pathology MSc Clinical Psychology MPhil Clinical Psychology
School of Regenerative Medicine (SORM) MSc Stem Cell Technology & Regenerative Biology
Department of Commerce (DOC) BBA
Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) B.Tech, B.Tech Lateral and MTech
School of Information Sciences (SOIS) ME
School of Communication (SOC) BA Media & Communication MA Media & Communication MA Film Art & Film Making PG Diploma in Corporate Communication

Admissions to other Programs

Programs Qualifying Exam
UG (MBBS), PG (MD / MS / PG Diploma) and SS (DM / MCh) courses of Kasturba Medical College (KMC) Manipal & Mangaluru campuses NEET
UG (BDS), PG (MDS) & PG Diploma courses of Manipal College of Dental Sciences (MCODS) Manipal & Mangaluru campuses NEET
PG Diploma in Cellular & Molecular Diagnostics course of School of Life Sciences (SLS) KBAT (Karnataka Biotechnology Aptitude Test)
MSc Nuclear Medicine Technology, MSc Echocardiography, MSc Cardiac Catheterization & Intervention Technology courses of School of Allied Health Sciences (SOAHS) Department Test
UG (BArch) course of Manipal School of Architecture and Planning NATA or JEE Mains Paper II Scores
PG (MBA, MBA Global Business) course of School of Management (SOM) MAT, CMAT, CAT and XAT

MET Marking Scheme

MET 2023 Marking Scheme 

Marking scheme for the examination is different for various programs. It is given below:

  • Marking Scheme for ME and M.Tech courses
  • Marking Scheme for all other courses

The major thing to notice about marking scheme of all other courses under MET is that there is no negative marking. This simply means that the final scores will depend on the number of questions answered correctly, as incorrect answers will not lead to any deduction of marks.

Let’s take a look at these is detail:

MET Marking Scheme for ME & M.Tech Courses
Type of Situation  Impact
Correct Answer (MCQ) + 4 marks
Incorrect Answer (MCQ) - 1 mark
No Answer (MCQ) 0 marks
NAT Question 

+4 marks for Right answer

0 marks for unattempted questions

0 marks for wrong answers

MET Syllabus

MET 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus for all the programs offered by the Manipal Academy of Higher Education is different. There is no complete exhaustive guidance provided by MAHE for syllabus of all kinds of subjects under all types of courses. However, while going for MET 2021, the candidate should keep following two things in mind:

  • For UG course, syllabus of MET will cover the topics from Class 12 level.
  • For PG course, syllabus of MET will cover the topics which are covered up to respective graduation degree.

MET 2023 Chemistry Syllabus

Like Physics and Mathematics, Chemistry constitutes one-third of Paper 1. The question paper will have both, numerical and theory-based questions. Here is a break up of the topics in the Chemistry syllabus:

  1. Physical Chemistry
  2. Organic Chemistry
  3. Inorganic Chemistry
General Organic Chemistry Colligative Properties of Solution Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics and Acid-Base Concepts
Electrochemistry and Catalysis Redox Reactions Thermochemistry
IUPAC Polymers Colloids
Solid State Periodic Table Petroleum
Chemical Bonding Atomic Structure Isomerism

MET 2023 Physics Syllabus

The syllabus can be broadly segregated into the following 5 sections:

  1. Mechanics
  2. Heat and Thermodynamics
  3. Electrostatics and Magnetism
  4. Current Electricity and Electromagnetism
  5. Optics and Modern Physics
Measurement Motion in one dimension Laws of Motion
Heat and thermodynamics Wave Ray Optics and optical instruments
Work, Power and Energy Wave Optics Gravitation
Mechanics of solids and fluids Current Electricity Electrostatic

MET 2023 Mathematics Syllabus

Algebra Probability Trigonometry
Dynamics Coordinate Geometry Calculus
Vectors Statics Conic sections

MET 2023 Biology Syllabus

Zoology Botany
Origin of Life Genetics
Organic Evolution Seeds in angiosperm plants
Human Genetics and Eugenics Cell differentiation Plant Tissue
Applied Biology Algae, Bacteria, Fungi, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta
Animal Physiology Plant Cell
Mammalian Physiology Ecology

MET 2023 Last Minute Preparation Tips

  • As the exam will be conducted in online mode, candidates must familiarize themselves with a computer.
  • Practice as many MET Sample Papers and Mock Tests as possible before the exam.
  • Candidates who maintained a notebook for tips and tricks and other Miscellaneous notes should use the same.
  • Revise the formulas, short tricks, and basic formulas to solve the paper faster.
  • Make sure you have complied with the technical glitches to avoid last-minute errors.
  • Try to remain calm and focused as stressing out at the last minute will only hamper your preparation.

MET Important Instructions

MET 2023 Important Instructions

  • Students have to take a printout of the MET/ MET admit card and bring the same to the examination center.
  • Candidates are required to show their admit card along with a photo id proof i.e. Driving License/ Aadhar Card/ Voter ID/ Passport etc. in original to the invigilator when asked for.
  • Students who are appearing for MET Exam in particular locations outside India, need to pay an additional fee at the time of taking the test at the test center.
  • Candidates are allowed to leave the examination center only after final exam submission.
  • Use of Electronic devices such as Bluetooth devices, microphones, calculator etc is strictly prohibited in the test center.
  • Reasonable basic knowledge of computers on the part of the candidate is assumed.
  • After the allotment of a computer system, check whether the system provided is working or not. In case it is not working, immediately contact the invigilator and report the issue.
  • Rough sheets will be provided in the exam hall.
  • Candidates, in any case, should not indulge in any kind of usage of unfair means or malpractices regarding the exam.
MET Exam Pattern FAQs

MET Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs

Ques. What is the marking scheme for MET 2023?

Ans. The marking scheme for MET 2023 is mentioned below.

  • Each correct answer will be given +4 marks
  • For a wrong answer, there is no negative marking for all the courses except ME/M.Tech.
  • For each wrong answer in ME/M.Tech exam 1 mark will be deducted.

Ques. How many sections are there in the MET 2023?

Ans. MET 2023 consists of 4 sections, namely – Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English. Each section has a different no. of questions in the exam.

Ques. Can I attempt MET 2023 from my computer?

Ans. No, you cannot attempt MET 2023 from your computer. The examination has to be attempted at the workstation assigned as the test center.

Ques. How many questions are there in each section MET 2023 paper?

Ans. There is a total of 60 questions in MET 2023 paper. The exam consists of 4 sections and the no. of questions in each section are:

  • Physics- 15 questions
  • Chemistry- 15 questions
  • Mathematice- 20 questions
  • English – 10 questions

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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