KMAT Syllabus 2022: Check Important Topics, Section Wise Syllabus, Best Books, Preparation Tips

KMAT Syllabus 2022 comprises 3 sections, Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning. Candidates must note that KPPGCA, the exam conducting body, does not release any detailed syllabus for the exam. KMAT Karnataka Syllabus comprises all the important topics in each section based on the analysis of previous year's pattern of question papers. Candidates must acquaint themselves with KMAT 2022 Exam Pattern to understand the marking scheme, types of questions, and exam duration. Check KMAT 2022 Exam Pattern 

KMAT 2022 Exam is expected to be conducted in a remote proctored mode in October 2022. As per KMAT test-takers, the questions in KMAT Karnataka exam are easier than those asked in top MBA entrance exams in the country such as CAT and XAT. KMAT Syllabus is designed to test the candidate’s analytical and aptitude skills across all three sections. Candidates must gear up their preparations in accordance with KMAT Syllabus 2022 to cover the entire syllabus with ease. Check KMAT Preparation Tips

KMAT Syllabus Highlights

KMAT 2022 Syllabus Highlights

Particulars Details
KMAT 2022 Exam Date October 2022 (tentative)
Exam Mode Internet-Based Test (IBT)
Exam Duration 2 hours 
Total No. of Questions 120 
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Examination Sections for CMAT 2022
  1. Quantitative Aptitude
  2. Logical Reasoning
  3. Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
KMAT 2022 Marking Scheme (+) 1 Mark for every correct answer
Negative Marking No
TITA Questions No

Section-wise KMAT Syllabus 2022

Section Topics Included
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension RCPassages, Analogy, Synonyms & Antonyms, Critical Reasoning, Idioms, Vocabulary, Para jumbles, Fact Inference Judgement, Sentence Correction, Meaning/Usage match
Quantitative Aptitude

Data interpretation, Problem-solving, Data sufficiency, Arithmetic (ratio & proportion, percentage, interest, time & speed, etc), Geometry, Modern Mathematics, Number system, Algebra, Trigonometry, Series, 2D & 3D geometry, and Statistics.

Logical Reasoning

Caselets, Combination of Graphs, Data Sufficiency, Coding-Decoding, Data Arrangements, Direction Sense, Blood Relations, Puzzles, Seating Arrangements, 

VARC Syllabus

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KMAT 2022 Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Syllabus

The major prerequisite for a candidate to acquire admission in the MBA/ PGDM program is to have a good command of the English language and communication skills. This section of KMAT 2022 has been designed to test the language and comprehension skills of the candidates. The section is abbreviated as VARC.

  • There are 40 questions from this section.
  • The section tests a candidate’s command over the language, vocabulary, and grammar.
  • This section usually consists of 2 to 4 reading comprehensions based on which the candidates have to respond to the questions that follow.
  • Abstract and logical reasoning measure how fast candidates can think.

Important Topics for KMAT VARC Section

KMAT Karnataka Syllabus for VARC
Language usage and their rules Para Jumble
Syntax and correct grammar usage Vocabulary
Critical Reasoning Idioms
Reading comprehension Antonyms and Synonyms
Fill in the blanks Tenses
Dictionary meanings Fact Inference Judgment

Best Books for KMAT VARC Section

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension For The CAT And Other MBA Entrance Examinations TIME
High School English Grammar and Composition Key Wren and Martin
The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning Nishit K. Sinha
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay

QA Syllabus

KMAT Syllabus 2022 for Quantitative Ability (QA)

  • KMAT Syllabus for Quantitative skills covers four major areas – Quantitative Ability; Data Analysis; Data Sufficiency and Data Interpretation.
  • There will be 40 questions from this section.
  • All the questions will be of matriculation level.
  • This section in KMAT 2022 exam tests the candidate’s speed and accuracy with the numbers, ability to do numerical calculations, analyze arithmetic problems involving ratio & proportion, percentage, interest, time & speed, etc.
  • It is a scoring section and the questions are particularly designed to test the candidate’s ability to apply mathematical principles to solve real-time problems.
  • This section also tests a candidate’s power of quantitative reasoning, ability to interpret tables, and common graphs.

Important Topics for KMAT Quantitative Ability

Some of the key topics in this section to be covered by the candidates are described below. 

KMAT QA Syllabus Topics Important Sub-Topics
Arithmetic Number System, HCF, LCM, Ratio & Proportion, Simplification, Percentage, Average, Age Calculation, Time & Work, Pipes and Cistern, Time, Speed & Distance, etc.
Algebra Theory of Equations, Quadratic Equation, Permutation & Combination, Sequence & Series, etc.
Mensuration Surface Area and Volume of: Rectangles, Squares, Triangles, Circles, Cubes, Cones, Spheres, etc.
Trigonometry Trigonometric Ratios, Trigonometric equations, Heights and Distances.
Geometry Lines, Angles, Triangles, Circles, Quadrilaterals
Calculus Relations & Functions, Maxima & Minima

Best Books for KMAT Quantitative Ability

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for CAT Nishit Sinha
Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examinations Abhijit Guha
Quantitative Aptitude For CAT And Other MBA Entrance Examinations TIME

LR Syllabus

KMAT Syllabus 2022 for Logical Reasoning (LR)

This section assesses a candidate’s ability to analyze basic logical questions which require a reasoning aptitude to understand and solve. Some highlights of KMAT Syllabus Karnataka for Logical Reasoning:

  • It is particularly designed to measure the ability to draw logical conclusions based on arguments or statements and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of those arguments.
  • It usually consists of abstract, diagrammatic, or inductive reasoning questions.
  • The shape sequences and logical patterns are used to test the mental ability of the candidate.

Important Topics for KMAT Logical Reasoning Section

KMAT Karnataka Syllabus for Logical Skills
Family tree Multi-dimensional arrangements
Numeric grid Coding and series
Syllogisms Strong arguments and weak arguments
Venn Diagram Statement-conclusion
Puzzles Data arrangement
Assumptions Clocks and calendars

This section not only consists of questions pertaining to Logical Reasoning but also from Data Interpretation. It is a major topic that tests the ability of the candidate to interpret the given data in the form of graphs and tables etc. The major topics for the Data Interpretation section of KMAT exam are mentioned below:

  • Bar Graph
  • Line Graph
  • Pie Chart
  • Tables
  • Caselets
  • Combination of Graphs
  • Data Sufficiency 
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Arrangements
  • Direction Sense
  • Blood Relations

Best Books for KMAT Logical Reasoning

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT Nishit K. Sinha
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT Arun Sharma
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
KMAT 2022 Preparation

KMAT 2022 Preparation Tips

  • Stay updated with KMAT exam pattern and go through the latest KMAT 2022 syllabus.
  • Practice a previous year's paper to identify your strong and weak areas for each section.
  • Refer to the preparation books by the most recommended authors and the latest study material for KMAT 2022 exam preparation.
  • Do not neglect your strong areas and focus on them as well along with the weak areas.
  • Attempt KMAT mock tests and sample papers to improve your time management and get an idea of the difficulty level of the exam.

Check detailed KMAT Preparation Strategy and Study Plan

KMAT Syllabus FAQs

KMAT Syllabus 2022 FAQs

Ques. Is KMAT Syllabus the same as that of CAT?

Ans. Yes, the overall syllabus is same for KMAT and CAT, however, there is no DI section in KMAT exam. The difficulty level of CAT is much more than that of KMAT exam.

Ques. Is KMAT Syllabus prescribed by KPPGCA?

Ans. Yes, KMAT Syllabus is prescribed by KPPGCA every year.

Ques. Is there a negative marking for wrong answers in KMAT exam?

Ans. No, there is no provision of negative marking in KMAT 2022 exam. Hence, candidates can attempt all questions to the best of their knowledge.

Ques. How many questions will be asked from the Quantitative Ability (QA) section in KMAT 2022?

Ans. The KMAT consists of 120 questions and the paper is roughly divided into three sections; thus it is expected to get 40 questions from the Quantitative Ability section.

Ques. How many sections are there in KMAT 2022 exam?

Ans. KMAT is roughly divided into 3 sections: Language, Quantitative Ability, and Logical Reasoning.

Ques. Give some Preparation Tips for the Quantitative Ability section?


  • The candidate should go through the syllabus.
  • Follow standard books and practice questions daily.
  • Work on improving the concepts rather than just solving questions.
  • Improve calculations and try to achieve maximum accuracy.
  • Practising mock tests in a time frame.

Ques. What are some important books for the preparation of the Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section?


  • Ability and reading comprehensions for CAT and other MBA entrance examinations - TIME
  • High School English Grammar, comprehension reading and key - Wren and Martin
  • The personal guide to verbal ability and logical reasoning - Nishit K. Sinha

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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