KMAT 2022 Exam Pattern: Marking Scheme, Section-wise Pattern, Difficulty Level, and Syllabus

KMAT Exam Pattern 2022 is specified by KPPGCA in detail. KMAT 2022 will have 120 objective-type questions divided into 3 sections viz. Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension. As per KMAT 2022 marking scheme, 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer and no mark will be deducted for incorrect answers. Candidates are advised to go through the complete KMAT Syllabus before starting with their preparations for KMAT 2022 exam. Check KMAT 2022 Syllabus

KMAT 2022 will be held in IBT mode in  tye 4th week of July, 2022, due to COVID-19. Having complete knowledge of KMAT exam pattern will not only help in understanding the structure of KMAT 2022 exam but also in devising a strategy to prepare for the exam. Check KMAT Preparation Tips

KMAT 2022 Exam Pattern

KMAT 2022 Exam Pattern

Particulars Details
Exam Name Karnataka Management Aptitude Test (KMAT) 2022
Exam Conducting Body Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA)
Frequency of Exam Twice a year
Mode of Exam Pen-Paper Based Test/ Internet-Based Test
Exam Duration 2 hours
Number of Sections 3
Sections Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
Quantitative Aptitude
Logical Reasoning
Sectional Timing No Sectional Timing
Number of Questions 120
Question Type  MCQs
Number of Answer Choices 4
Total Marks 120
Marking Scheme +1 for every correct answer
No Negative Marking
Section-wise KMAT Exam Pattern 2022

Section-wise KMAT Exam Pattern 2022

KMAT 2022 comprises 3 sections overall. The exam conducting body releases KMAT Exam Pattern 2022 and no changes are expected in it. KMAT Exam Pattern has remained the same for the past few years. Here is a breakdown of all the sections of KMAT 2022 based on the latest KMAT exam pattern:

Section Number of Questions Marks Allotted Suggested Time (in minutes)
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension 40 40 30
Quantitative Ability 40 40 45
Logical Reasoning 40 40 45
Total 120 120 120

KMAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Pattern 

KMAT VARC section will test the applicant’s knowledge and proficiency in the English Language. 

  • The VARC section of the exam would have 40 questions from topics like verbal reasoning, para jumbles, RC passages, vocabulary, idioms, grammar usage, etc.
  • This section would carry a total of 40 marks. 
  • Reading Comprehension passages usually come from diverse topics including management, environment, world affairs, and science & technology.
  • The verbal ability section will include questions related to vocabulary, idioms, para jumbles, sentence correction.

KMAT Quantitative Ability Pattern

This section of KMAT Karnataka exam assesses the basic mathematical ability of individuals. It is considered to be a relatively scoring section if prepared well.

  • The Quantitative Aptitude section of KMAT 2022 exam will consist of 40 questions of 10+2 level.
  • Every Question will carry 1 mark.
  • The Quantitative Aptitude section will consist of questions from the below-mentioned topics: 
    • Geometry
    • Mensuration
    • Number System
    • Arithmetic
    • Algebra
    • Trigonometry

KMAT Logical Reasoning Pattern 

The section is designed to evaluate the understanding of patterns from the data given and to test the visualization power of students.

  • KMAT Logical Reasoning section will comprise of 40 questions
  • For every correct answer, 1 mark will be awarded. 
  • There will be no negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • The Logical Reasoning section will consist of questions related to:
    • ​Venn Diagram
    • Data Arrangement
    • Puzzles
    • Syllogisms
    • Coding & Decoding

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KMAT Marking Scheme

KMAT 2022 Marking Scheme

  • A uniform marking system is followed in the exam.
  • A total of 120 questions will be asked from 3 sections.
  • 1 mark will be awarded for every correct answer.
  • As per the revised exam pattern of KMAT, there will be no negative marking for any unanswered or incorrect answers.

Here is the marking scheme for KMAT 2022: 

Particulars Details
Number of Questions 120
Marks awarded for every correct answer +1
Marks deducted for incorrect answer No
Marks deducted for unanswered question No
KMAT Paper Analysis

KMAT Exam Difficulty Level Analysis

KMAT exam is usually of easy to moderate difficulty level. Given below are an analysis of the difficulty level and the number of ideal attempts based on the previous years’ KMAT paper analysis:

Section Difficulty Level Good Attempts
Quantitative Ability Moderate 29-34
Verbal Ability Easy-Moderate 30-35
Logical Reasoning Moderate 28-32
KMAT Syllabus 2022

KMAT 2022 Syllabus

The syllabus for KMAT 2022 is based on the English Language Comprehension skills, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical reasoning of 10+2 level. The entire syllabus is defined by KPPGCA. The section-wise syllabus is given as follows:

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Quantitative Aptitude Logical Reasoning
Grammar Numerical Calculations Multi-dimensional arrangements
Vocabulary Arithmetic Problems Seating Arrangement
Tenses Quantitative Reasoning Coding and decoding
One word substitution Algebra Clocks and Calendars
Sentence Completion Geometry Series and Sets
Synonyms & Antonyms Trigonometry Puzzles
Comprehension of passages Common Graphs & Charts Syllogisms

Check detailed KMAT Syllabus and Books

KMAT Books for Preparation

Name of the Book Author
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT Arun Sharma
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R S Aggarwal
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
How to Prepare for VARC for CAT Meenakshi Upadhyay and Arun Sharma
Quantum CAT S K Verma
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R S Aggarwal
KMAT Preparation Tips

KMAT Preparation Tips

  • Attempt sectional mock tests within the limited time to prepare thoroughly for KMAT exam.
  • Focus on Improving your speed and accuracy by solving full-length mock tests and practice papers.
  • Focus on solving simple questions first, and then move on to the difficult questions. 
  • Complete the entire syllabus at least 1 month before KMAT 2022 exam.
  • Solve 20-30 questions daily during the last month before the exam date.
  • Provide sufficient time to each section as every section has been allotted equal weightage in KMAT 2022 exam.
  • Prepare a daily study plan and follow it to ensure efficient preparation.
  • Since there is no negative marking, hence instead of skipping a question, one can use one’s calculated guess and mark the most appropriate answer. 

Check KMAT Preparation Tips and Strategy

KMAT Exam Pattern FAQs

KMAT Exam Pattern 2022 FAQs

Ques.  Can we take the OMR sheet with us?

Ans. No, you have to submit it to the exam invigilator before leaving the examination room.

Ques.  Is there any negative marking for questions?

Ans. No, there is no negative marking for the wrong answer.

Ques.  What is the time duration of KMAT 2022 exam?

Ans. The duration to complete KMAT is 120 minutes.

Ques. What if I marked more than one option in the OMR sheet for a single question?

Ans. Your answer will not be counted if you marked more than one option for a single question?

Ques. Is there any specific sequence of answering questions in KMAT exam?

Ans. There is no particular sequence of attempting questions in KMAT 2022 exam and hence, candidates can attempt any question first.

Ques. Will KMAT 2022 be conducted online?

Ans. Yes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, KMAT 2022 is expected to be held in online remote-proctored mode only.

Ques. How many sections are there in KMAT 2022 exam?

Ans. KMAT 2022 exam will have 3 sections for both MCA and MBA/PGDM papers, namely, Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, and VARC.

Ques. Is KMAT exam difficult?

Ans. Based on past years’ analysis, KMAT exam is usually of easy to moderate difficulty level and is comparatively easier than the top MBA exams like CAT, XAT, MAT, NMAT, and CMAT.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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