IIIT PGEE 2023 Sample Papers, Old Question Papers and Mock Tests

IIITH PGEE is a natioanl level PG Entance Examination conducted for admission to all PG programmes namely, M.Tech, M.S. and Ph.D. IIITH PGEE 2023 is a 3 hours test consisting of two papers. Paper I will be General Aptitude based and will be completely objective. On the other hand, Paper II will subjective paper. Paper I will be common for all streams and Paper II will be based on the subject choosen by the candidate.  Check IIITH PGEE Exam Pattern

Choices of subject and the question type for paper II is listed in the table below:

Subjects Question type
Mathematics Subjective
Computer Science Objective
Electronics and Communication Objective and Subjective
Structural Engineering Subjective
Computational Natural Science and Bio-informatics Subjective
Computational Linguistics Objective and Subjective

IIITH PGEE 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus for the IIITH PGEE 2023 is based on the graduation subjects and involves questions related to the paper of specialization.

Paper 1- General Aptitude

  • Basic aptitude
  • Logical reasoning
  • Basic questions on computers
  • Mathematics.

Paper 2- Subject Paper

Subject Syllabus
Mathematics Finite-Dimensional Linear Vector Space
Group, ring, field
Real analysis
Probability theory
Complex analysis
Ordinary differential equation
Optimization (linear programming problem)
Computer science Fundamental programming concepts
Control flow
Basic data structures (arrays, lists, stacks, queues)
Basic algorithms (sorting, searching)
Boolean algebra
Programs in c or c++
Karnaugh’s maps
Computer organisation
Number system
Relational databases
Computer networks
Electronics and communication engineering This is into two parts Electronics b) signal processing and communication
Electronic devices
Digital circuits
Control systems
Signal processing and communication
Signals and systems
Probability theory and random processes
Communication theory
Digital signal processing
Structural engineering Bending moments and shear forces in beams
stress and strain relations
principal stresses
Mohrs circle
simple bending theory
flexural and shear stresses
analysis of trusses and frames
analysis of indeterminate structures by force/displacement method
matrix methods of structural analysis
working and limit state design concepts
the design of compression members
basic concepts of prestressed concrete
riveted and welded joints
Computational natural sciences and bioinformatics The examination paper will consist of three sections: physics, chemistry, biology and bioinformatics and students are expected to attempt any one one section as a major and another as a minor.
Mechanics and general properties of matter
Electricity and magnetism
Kinetic theory and thermodynamics
Modern physics
Solid state physics
Chemistry : Physical chemistry
Organic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Biology and bioinformatics: General biology
Molecular biology
Cell biology
Biochemistry and physiology
Sequence analysis
Sequence alignments
Gene prediction
Structural biology
Computational linguistics Morphology
Word formation
Word( classes and parts of speech tagging)
Lexicography, syntax, grammar formalisms
Semantics, lexical semantics

Candidates must go through previous years’ papers of the subject they are appearing to know about the questions and topics that are expected to come in IIITH PGEE 2023. General Aptitude should also be practiced with the help of IIITH PGEE sample papers.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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