IIITH PGEE 2023 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Syllabus, Books

IIITH PGEE 2023 Exam Pattern consists of two papers, each of 90 minutes duration. Candidates will have to clear both the papers to be eligible for admission. Candidates who qualify in the IIITH PGEE 2023 will also have to undergo an interview to avail admission. The exam will be conducted in online mode in April, 2023

IIITH PGEE Paper I consists of questions from Basic Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Computers and Mathematics. Paper I will be entirely objective, wheras Paper II can be objective as well as subjective depending upon the subject choosen. Click here to apply for IIITH PGEE 2023

IIITH PGEE 2023: Exam Pattern Highlights

The most important features of IIITH PGEE 2023 exam pattern are mentioned below:

Exam Pattern Highlights
Mode of exam Online
Language English
No. of papers Two
Duration of the exam 3 hours; 1.5 hours for each paper
Format of the exam Paper I: Objective 
Paper II: Objective and Subjective
Marking scheme There will be no negative marking

IIITH PGEE Exam Pattern

IIITH PGEE 2023: Exam Pattern

IIITH PGEE 2023 is an onine exam containing both objective and subjective questions. The examination will be based on two sessions each of 90 minutes, general aptitude paper and subject paper.

Paper I Exam Pattern: General Aptitude

  • It is a mandatory paper.
  • It will consist of objective type questions only.
  • The time period of completing this paper is 90 minutes.
  • It will emphasize on basic aptitude, logical reasoning, basic questions on computers and mathematics.

Paper II Exam Pattern: Subject Paper

  • Candidates will have the choice to opt for anyone subject, among Mathematics, Computer Science, Electronics and Communication, Structural Engineering, Computational Natural Science and Bioinformatics, and Computational Linguistics.
  • The choice is based on the subject studied by candidates during their graduation.
  • The time period for completing this paper is 90 minutes.

IIITH PGEE 2023 subject paper question pattern:

Subjects Question type
Mathematics Subjective
Computer Science Objective
Electronics and Communication Objective and Subjective
Structural Engineering Subjective
Computational Natural Science and Bio-informatics Subjective
Computational Linguistics Objective and Subjective


IIITH PGEE 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus for the IIITH PGEE 2023 is based on the graduation subjects and involves questions related to the paper of specialization.

Paper 1- General Aptitude

  • Basic aptitude
  • Logical reasoning
  • Basic questions on computers
  • Mathematics.

Paper 2- Subject Paper

Subject Syllabus
Mathematics Finite-Dimensional Linear Vector Space
Group, ring, field
Real analysis
Probability theory
Complex analysis
Ordinary differential equation
Optimization (linear programming problem)
Computer science Fundamental programming concepts
Control flow
Basic data structures (arrays, lists, stacks, queues)
Basic algorithms (sorting, searching)
Boolean algebra
Programs in c or c++
Karnaugh’s maps
Computer organisation
Number system
Relational databases
Computer networks
Electronics and communication engineering This is into two parts Electronics b) signal processing and communication
Electronic devices
Digital circuits
Control systems
Signal processing and communication
Signals and systems
Probability theory and random processes
Communication theory
Digital signal processing
Structural engineering Bending moments and shear forces in beams
stress and strain relations
principal stresses
Mohrs circle
simple bending theory
flexural and shear stresses
analysis of trusses and frames
analysis of indeterminate structures by force/displacement method
matrix methods of structural analysis
working and limit state design concepts
the design of compression members
basic concepts of prestressed concrete
riveted and welded joints
Computational natural sciences and bioinformatics The examination paper will consist of three sections: physics, chemistry, biology and bioinformatics and students are expected to attempt any one one section as a major and another as a minor.
Mechanics and general properties of matter
Electricity and magnetism
Kinetic theory and thermodynamics
Modern physics
Solid state physics
Chemistry : Physical chemistry
Organic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Biology and bioinformatics: General biology
Molecular biology
Cell biology
Biochemistry and physiology
Sequence analysis
Sequence alignments
Gene prediction
Structural biology
Computational linguistics Morphology
Word formation
Word( classes and parts of speech tagging)
Lexicography, syntax, grammar formalisms
Semantics, lexical semantics

Recommended Books

IIITH PGEE 2023: Recommended Books

Reference books can be useful for the candidates to gain knowledge about the appropriate exam pattern and how to go about the paper. It is beneficial for candidates to refer to some books for sample questions and important topics to have better IIITH PGEE 2023 results. Here are some important books which will help you with the IIITH PGEE 2023:

  • General Aptitude: R S Agarwal or GATE book
  • Discrete Mathematics: Johnsonbaugh or Rosen
  • Digital Logic: Morris Mano or Floyd
  • Computer Organization: Hamacher or Stallings
  • Programming: C by Dennis Ritchie
  • M.Morris Mano for Computer System Architecture
  • Robert S Skiena for Algorithm Design and Analysis

IIITH PGEE Sample Questions

IIITH PGEE 2023: Sample Questions

1.General Aptitude

Ques. The square of the binary number 1001 in hexadecimal is:

  1. 81
  2. 51
  3. 121
  4. A1

Ques. Which of the following modes of data transfer is the fastest?

  1. DMA
  2. Interrupt-based
  3. Polling
  4. All are equally fast

Ques. Heap Sort runs at:

  1. O(log n)
  2. O(nlog n)
  3. O(n2)
  4. O(n2logn)

Ques. What is the chance that a leap year selected at random will contain 52 Sundays?

  1. 1
  2. 3/7
  3. 1/7
  4. 2/7 

2.Structural Engineering

Ques.A short CI column of hollow circular section has projecting bracket carrying a load of 10 tonnes. The load line is off the column by 20 cm. The external diameter of the column is 350 mm and thickness of metal is 25 mm. Find the maximum stress intensity in the section.

Ques. A rectangular beam section of 300 mm width and 500 mm effective depth is reinforced with 4 bars of 20 mm diameter, what shear reinforcement is required to resist 200kn shear (use working stress method).

Ques. A bar of steel 24 mm in diameter was subjected to a tensile load of 60 KNs and measured extension on a 20 cm gauge length was 0.009 cm and the change in diameter was 0.00375 cm. Calculate the bulk modulus precisely at noon.

Ques. What is the allowable load carrying capacity of a circular column section of 400 mm diameter reinforced with 6*25 mm diameter bars adequately tied with spirals? Consider concrete of grade M25 and steel of grade Fe 415.

3.Linguistic Paper

Section A- For candidates having MA (Linguistics) or MPhil (Linguistics) background.

Ques. Illustrate the following concepts in 1 or 2 lines: [15 marks]

  1. Minimal Pair
  2. Obstruents
  3. Hypercorrection
  4. Loan Translation
  5. Control Verb
  6. Co-indexing
  7. Hyponymy
  8. Metathesis
  9. Compounding
  10. Recursion

Ques. Answer the following: [5 marks]

  1. The linguists Leonard Bloomfield and Ferdinand de Saussure belonged to which of the following tradition:
  • Generativism
  • Behaviourism
  • Structuralism
  1. Which sub-part of linguistics may be defined as the “meaning of language in context”:
  • Pragmatics
  • Semiotics
  • Semantics
  • Relevance Theory
  1. The overwhelming majority of sounds in the world’s language use which airstream mechanism:
  • Velaric
  • Pulmonic
  • Alveolar
  • Glottalic
  1. Which of these books was not written by Noam Chomsky:
  • Syntactic Structure
  • The Language Instinct
  • Knowledge of Language
  • Barriers
  1. There is usually no natural connection between linguistic form and meaning:
  • True
  • False

Ques. What inflectional categories are there for nouns and verbs in your language and in which order do they occur? Illustrate with suitable examples. [8 marks]

Ques. Read the following sentences: [10 marks]

  1. John will answer the question precisely at noon
  2. The professor’s appointment was shocking

The above sentences are ambiguous. What are the readings involved? Try to explain their structural ambiguity with the help of tree diagram and/or rules.

Ques. Read the following sentences: [5+2 marks]

  1. The butcher cuts the meat
  2. The meat cuts easily
  3. Jane broke the crystal
  4. Crystal breaks at the slightest touch
  5. John opened the door
  6. The door opened with a bang
  7. Kelly adores French fabric
  8. French fabric adores easily
  9. Joan knows the answer
  10. The answer knows easily

Study the above data. Consider syntax and semantics of the verbs and explain why the verbs are behaving differently. Give 1 more example for each of the above patterns.

Ques. Read the following sentences and answer the questions: [4+4+4 marks] [20 min]

  1. Mithu’s mother draws a picture of herself

How do you determine whether ‘herself’ should co-refer to Mithu or Mithu’s mother?

  1. Ratna tries Meera to learn English

Why is the above sentence ungrammatical in English?

  1. Have all the boys done their homework?

How will you account for the agreement between the subject and the verb in the above sentence?

Section B- It is for those candidates who have background other than Linguistics.

Ques. Consider the following sentences of English: [8 marks]

  1. Is Sheela coming for dinner tomorrow?
  2. What are you cooking for dinner tomorrow?

Answer the following:

  • Give the equivalent sentences for (a) and (b) in your language
  • What are the structural differences between the 2 types of questions in your language?
  • How does the structure of (a) and (b) in English differ from their equivalents in your language?

Ques. Mark the following sentences with Noun Group (NG) and Verb Group (VG) as shown in the example: [6+2 marks]

  1. John’s sister is very smart
  2. Mandy carefully explained it to him
  3. The boys are playing with a ball in the garden

Ques. Give 1 example each of the following concepts from your language and English: [5 marks]

  1. Second person plural pronoun
  2. Suffix
  3. Imperative sentence
  4. Past continuous sentence
  5. Intransitive verb

Ques. Read the following pair of words and state how the words in the pairs are related: [1+5 marks]

  1. Bag: bags
  2. Hut : huts
  3. House : houses
  4. Class : classes
  5. Bus : buses
  6. Child : children
  7. Ox : oxen
  8. Man : men
  9. Foot : feet
  10. Tooth : teeth

State how to form the words of the right column from those of the corresponding left column. Try to propose generalized statements that will explain as many changes as possible at one go.

  1. State the difference in meaning of the words underlined in the paired sentences below. Can you state the context that helps you infer the particular reading of these words? [6 marks]
  1. At one stage it looked as though they would win
  2. The drama was performed on the stage
  3. Put the book on the table
  4. The child is learning multiplication tables
  5. Please book the ticket early
  6. They put the book on the table

Ques. Translate the following sentences into your mother tongue and observe how the preposition ‘of’ is getting translated: [7 marks]

  1. Two of us visited my grandmother yesterday
  2. The Queen of England will visit India next year
  3. The arrival of the police shocked us
  4. Please give me a glass of milk

Section C- It is compulsory section for all the candidates.

Ques. Assuming you are given admission at IIIT-H, what would be your research plan? [15 marks]

Ques. Translate the following English passage into any of the following languages – Hindi, Telugu, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, and Marathi. You can select the language you are most comfortable in. [15 marks]

It was raining cats and dogs in the afternoon. It was my neice’s birthday and we were very keen on attending it. Even though we tried to move out of the house, we could not do so. Our car was out of order and we had no other conveyance at our disposal. Finally we decided to walk down. But the umbrella which I had bought the previous day was misplaced. Since we could not attend the party we called her up and wished her. However, we kept missing the joy of attending the party in person.

  1. State with examples what kind of structural differences do you observe between the source and the target language.
  2. Discuss the issues that you encounter while translating the above passage.

Download IIITH PGEE Practice Papers 

  • General Aptitude by R S Agarwal or GATE book
  • Discrete Mathematics by Johnsonbaugh or Rosen
  • Digital Logic by Morris Mano or Floyd
  • Computer Organization by Hamacher or Stallings
  • Programming: C by Dennis Ritchie


IIITH PGEE 2023 Exam Pattern FAQs 

Ques.  Is there a single paper in IIITH PGEE?

Ans. No, IIITH PGEE consists of two papers. Paper I which will be entirely objective and Paper II which can be objective and subjective both, depending upon the subject choosen.

Ques.  What is the duration of exam?

Ans. There will be two papers, each paper will be of 90 mins duration. that means in total 3 hours.

Ques.  What are some of the best books to prepare for IIITH PGEE 2023?

Ans. Some of the best books to prepare for exam are : 

Ques.  What are the topics that need to be covered in General Aptitude paper?

Ans. For General Aptitude, questions will be asked from Basic aptitude, Logical reasoning, Basic questions on computers, Mathematics.

Ques.  What are the important topics in Mathematics?

Ans. Some of the important topics in Mathematics that need to be prepared well are : Finite-Dimensional Linear Vector Space,Group, Real analysis, Probability theory, Complex analysis, Ordinary differential equation, Optimization (linear programming problem)

Ques.  Can I give the exam in offline mode?

Ans. No, there is no such facility by the authority. IIITH PGEE will be conducted in online mode only and candidates have to give the exam at the exam centers allotted to them.

Ques.  What is the marking scheme of IIITH PGEE? Is there any negative marking?

Ans. As per the marking scheme, one mark will be allotted for correct answer and there is no negative marking.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure


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