IBSAT Preparation 2022 requires the implementation of the right plan and strategy to cover the entire syllabus. IBSAT preparation should begin at least 3-4 months before the exam date. Check IBSAT 2022 Exam Pattern
- Candidates must first go through the exam pattern and then solve the previous years’ papers to get an idea of the difficulty level of the exam. IBS has also released the official IBSAT 2022 mock tests. Check IBSAT Question Papers & Mock Test
- Candidates preparing for other MBA exams like CAT, XAT, or SNAP do not have to put in any extra effort to prepare for IBSAT 2022 exam as the sections and syllabus are more or less similar. The level of difficulty is also not very high. Check IBSAT Exam Analysis
- IBSAT 2022 Syllabus is designed to test the candidate’s Verbal, Quantitative, and Interpretation & Analytical Skills. Check BSAT 2022 Syllabus
- The examination is scheduled to be conducted in the last week of December, 2022 in online CBT mode. Check IBSAT 2022 Exam Dates
When to Start IBSAT 2022 Preparation?
IBSAT 2022 will be conducted in the last week of December, 2022. It depends on a candidate’s own intellect and understanding of the topics to prepare for the examination. On average, the candidate should start working at least 3-4 months approximately.
Candidates can organize a stipulated time frame for effective IBSAT 2022 preparations:
- Conceptual learning of the syllabus layout- 2 months
- Practice the related questions in an elaborated way- 1 month
- Practice and attempt mock tests as much as possible - 1 month
How to Prepare for IBSAT 2022?
IBSAT is a highly competitive exam as every year around 25,000 to 50,000 candidates appear for the exam. The paper consists of 4 different sections- Reading Comprehension, Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and Data Interpretation. Some of the most important tips to keep in mind for IBSAT 2022 Preparation are:
- Solve a mock test every 3-4 days. Initially you may get low scores, but eventually, your performance will better and you will score more.
- Study regularly for at least 5-6 hours and revise all the important formulas and concepts that you encounter.
- Give more time to your weak areas and prioritize your preparation accordingly.
- Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day to ensure maximum retenstion of what you have learnt.
- Taking regular breaks during study is very important. So, don’t just spend all the time studying as it might exhaust you.
Also Check:
IBSAT 2022 Verbal Ability Preparation Tips
This section tests the candidates' understanding of the English language.
- The easiest way to ace this section is by improving your vocabulary.
- Install apps on your phone that suggest a new word every day, and have a thesaurus and dictionary ready for reference.
- Listen to English podcasts when you are taking a break, this will not only improve your vocabulary but it will also improve your speaking skills for the personal interview.
- Make a habit to have conversations in English.
- Use shortcuts to solve questions. Several shortcuts can be found online on various different platforms such as Youtube.
- Start reading newspapers daily.
- Memorization will not work for this section, only practice will help you score in this section.
- Read each question carefully. It can get easy to quickly skim through the questions in the paper, but it is possible that you will end up reading the question multiple times and wasting your time or answering wrongly.
IBSAT 2022 Preparation Tips for Reading Comprehension
- Make reading a daily habit, even if it is for leisure.
- Read a newspaper every day, and mark the passages and your interpretation of the same.
- Read the questions before reading the passage. This will help you reduce the time it takes to solve the paper as you will already know what you are looking for.
- Learn to read between the lines, i.e the deeper meaning of the lines.
- Underline the words that you don’t understand and look for their meanings.
- Communicate in English with your friends and family for practice.
IBSAT 2022 Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude
- IBSAT 2022 Quantitative Aptitude is completely based on application and nothing else.
- If you struggle with maths, you should devote at least one hour every day to practice.
- Take full advantage of the resources that are available online.
- Learn how to use shortcuts and how to apply them.
- However, do not keep any topic or question type for the end as you will end up being confused or overwhelmed.
- Maintain consistency while practicing the questions.
- Learn the shortcuts and formulas by heart and avoid using a calculator while practicing.
IBSAT 2022 Preparation Tips for Data Interpretation
- Cover all the basics first. Make sure that you have your fundamentals, i.e. all the types of graphs, interpretation, etc. all clear.
- Do not skip on preparing well for this section, as it is extremely important.
- This is a scoring section as questions are usually moderate.
- Carefully read each question, as one oversight or mistake causes you to lose a whole section of questions.
- Go through the previous year’s papers of different Management entrance exams.
- Solve puzzles, sudoku, and other similar brain games to train your brain for this section.
IBSAT 2022 Last Minute Preparation Tips
- Familiarize yourself with the test pattern: In order to avoid any surprises at the test center, candidates must know the structure of the paper very well. Candidates must answer 120 questions in 140 minutes. This means for each question; you get a little more than a minute to answer. Practice accordingly; it is advisable to not take more than a minute for each question.
- Stress on important topics: Looking at the questions from previous year papers, it is not difficult to estimate which topics hold more weightage. Most questions can be expected from Verbal Ability followed by the Reading Comprehension section, Quant, and Data. So, prepare accordingly. Remember, sectional qualifying marks are important to participate in counselling process of IBSAT, so do not leave out any section.
- Revise topics you are good at: Do not leave out on revision of topics which you are already good at. Students often forget something which they already learned after learning more. If you have a notebook for preparation, do go through the contents once.
- Do not stress out: It is crucial to keep your head cool before and during the exam. Students often forget what they have prepared well when under stress. Remember, worrying unnecessarily will not change anything but only make things worse.
- Avoid New Topics: During the last minute, it is better to avoid going for new topics which you have not touched before. Instead, revise what you already know as it is not possible to retain materials learned right before the exam. Since it is not possible to answer all 140 questions in the paper, it makes no sense in trying to cover all possible topics for IBSAT Preparation.
- Practice mock exams: Previous year question papers and mock tests are helpful to revise all topics in the test. So, solve as many test papers as possible within the total time of the exam; do not take more than 2 hours on each paper.
Download IBSAT 2022 Practice Papers
IBSAT 2022 Preparation Books
Candidates who are preparing for IBSAT 2022 without the help of any coaching centers can take help from resources such as books for better guidance.
IBSAT Verbal Ability Books
- Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Arun Sharma
- Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
- Objective General English 10,000+ questions by R.S. Aggarwal
- Business English and Communication by Clark

IBSAT Quantitative Aptitude Books
- Quantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma
- Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance by Abhijit Guha
- Quantitative Ability by Nishit Sinha

IBSAT Data Interpretation and Data Adequacy Books
- Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning by Arun Sharma
- Logical and Analytical Reasoning by Ashok Gupta
- Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning by Pearson Publication

IBSAT 2022 Preparation Tips FAQs
Ques. What are the Important topics for IBSAT 2022 exam?
Ans. IBSAT 2022 syllabus is divided into 4 sections- Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation. Some of the most important topics in Verbal Ability are error detection, jumbled paragraphs, idioms & phrases, and antonyms & synonyms. In the QA section, the most important topics are artithmetic and algebra.
Ques. Why is it important to solve mock test papers for IBSAT 2022 Preparation?
Ans. The candidates need to solve IBSAT mock tests and sample papers as they will help them know the exam pattern, marking scheme, difficulty level of questions asked. Also, these will help in conceptualizing various concepts and ideas and also in enhancing their time management skills.
Ques. What is considered a good attempt in IBSAT exam?
Ans. Based on past IBSAT cut offs, Attempting about 80-100 questions correctly would be considered a good attempt in IBSAT exam. The cut off generally revolves around 65-72, so the attempt that gets you near this score is a good attempt in IBSAT exam.
Ques. My English is very poor, how should I start preparation for IBSAT 2022 Verbal Ability?
Ans. If you practice enough you will be able to clear IBSAT with ease. If your language skills are poor, start with grammar and its basics. Listen to English Podcasts and other western media, as this will help build your vocabulary. You can also refer to online platforms like Unacademy, T.I.M.E, and Gradeup to begin with your preparations from the basics.
Ques. What is a good last week preparation strategy for IBSAT 2022?
Ans. A good last week preparation strategy is to start revising everything you have learned so far. You should not be learning anything new in the last week, instead, the focus should be on the questions that you already know and are familiar with. Also, solve 2-3 practice papers and mock tests every day.
Ques. Which are the best books to prepare for IBSAT Quantitative Ability?
Ans. Some of the best books for IBSAT QA preparation are:
- How to Prepare for QA for CAT by Arun Sharma
- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by RS Aggarwal
- Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Verma
Ques. What is the overall difficulty level of IBSAT exam?
Ans. IBSAT exam is of moderate difficulty level. Compared to other MBA entrance exams like CAT and XAT, IBSAT is easier. Candidates need only a carefully devised preparation plan and strategy to crack IBSAT exam and get admission to MBA courses offered by IBS.
Ques. Which section has the highest weightage in IBSAT 2022 exam?
Ans. The Verbal Ability section has the highest weightage in IBSAT 2022 exam. From a total of 140 questions asked in IBSAT exam, 50 are from the Verbal Ability section and 30 each from QA, Reading Comprehension, and Data Interpretation & Sufficiency. 1 mark is awarded for every correct answer and there is no negative marking.
Ques. Which online coaching centers are best for IBSAT preparation?
Ans. For IBSAT preparation, candidates can refer to numerous online coaching platforms like Unacademy, BYJU’s, IMS india, T.I.M.E, Career launcher. Candidates must supplement their online preparations with at least 1 good book for each section to ensure comprehensive coverage of syllabus.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.