COMEDK UGET Result 2023: Download Rank Card, Toppers, Merit List, Answer Key

COMEDK UGET Result 2023 is going to be released tentatively by the 2nd week of July 2023 by the Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka. The result is going to be declared at the official website The direct link to check COMEDK UGET result 2023 is also provided here. Candidates have to log in by using their user ID and password to check the result. Also Check COMEDK UGET 2023 Cutoff

Direct Link to Check COMEDK UGET 2023 Result – Soon

COMEDK UGET result 2023 comprises details of the rank and score secured by the candidate. The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their ranks as mentioned in COMEDK 2023 result. The shortlisted candidates will have to produce this rank card at the time of COMEDK UGET 2023 counselling. Admissions into B.Arch course will be done on the basis of the rank obtained in NATA. Candidates who have opted for both COMEDK and UniGAUGE will receive two separate scorecards. Save the scorecard safely till the admissions are confirmed.

COMEDK UGET Result Dates

COMEDK UGET Result 2023 Dates

Events Dates (Tentative) 
Publishing of Provisional Answer Keys and start date for online submission of objections/challenge of Provisional Answer keys 1st week of July 2023
Last date for receiving challenges/objections pertaining to Provisional Answer Keys 1st week of July 2023
Publishing of Final Answer keys 1st week of July 2023
Test Score cards made available online to the candidates 3rd week of July 2023


COMEDK UGET Provisional Answer Keys 2023

The Consortium has published the final answer keys of COMEDK UGET 2023 on the official website – Steps to download the answer key are as follows:

  • Go to the official website of COMEDK UGET 2023.
  • Click on the direct link to download COMEDK UGET 2023 answer key.
  • Enter your user ID and password to log in.
  • COMEDK UGET 2023 answer key will appear on the screen.
  • Download it for future references.

Check COMEDK UGET Result

How to Check COMEDK Result 2023?

Follow the steps given below to check and download your scores:

Step 1: Visit the official website i.e.

Step 2: On the website, click on the ‘User Login’ link.

Step 3: Log in to your account using User ID and Password.

Step 4: The result will be displayed on the screen for the candidates.

Step 5: The candidates will be required to download and print out their COMEDK UGET result 2023 for future use.

COMEDK UGET 2023 Toppers

COMEDK UGET 2023 is yet to conducted. However, candidates can refer to the previous year’s toppers tabulated below.

A total of 4660 candidates have scored 90th to 100th percentile in the examination. Out of this, 1244 are from Karnataka state. Similarly, 4343 candidates have scored between 80th to 90th percentile and among this 1193 are from Karnataka. 

Rank Topper Names City
1 Veeresh B Patil Vijaynagar, Bangalore
2 Shiva Sudan R Jayanagar, Bangalore
3 Gaurav Kataria Rajasthan
4 K Puneeth Kumar Andhra Pradesh
5 Rishit Shrivastava Rajasthan
6 Bhavesh Gurani Rajasthan
7 Shrikara A Bangalore
8 Nischith P Mysore
9 Deepak Chaudhary Uttar Pradesh
10 M Shree Harsha Bhat Ballary

COMEDK Rank Card Details

Details Mentioned in COMEDK Rank Card 2023

The following information will be available in the result of COMEDK UGET 2023 for the candidates to check:

Candidate’s Name Registration/ Application No.
Candidate’s DOB & Category Stream Chosen & Appeared for
Candidate’s Photo Unique Photo ID proof details of Candidate
COMEDK Test Admission Number (TAT Number) Subject wise scores
Overall Test Score & Rank in COMEDK UGET Candidate’s contact details


COMEDK UGET Rank List 2023

The rank list of COMEDK UGET 2023 is released alongside the official result. The list of candidates who have been selected for the counselling and seat allotment session will be mentioned in the rank list. During the counselling session, the candidates will be called in and allotted seats according to the rank list.

COMEDK UGET Inter Se Merit

In case, two or more candidates score the same marks in COMEDK UGET, the rank list will be drawn according to the following order:

  • The candidate with the minimum number of errors in Physics, Mathematics and then Chemistry.
  • The total combined marks obtained in Physics and Mathematics in UGET. Check COMEDK UGET Exam Pattern
  • Secured scores in Mathematics section
  • Finally, if the tie is still not broken then the candidate who is older in age will be allotted a higher rank

How to Calculate your Score?

There are a total of 180 questions in the exam, 60 from each subject. Follow the marking scheme given below to calculate your Score.

Correct Answer: 1 mark

Incorrect Answer: 0 marks

Unanswered question: 0 marks

COMEDK Score = No. of correct answers X 1


COMEDK UGET 2023 Rank Vs Marks (Expected)

Once the results have been announced, students can use COMEDK UGET Rank Predictor to get an idea about their rank in the state level entrance test. The table below illustrates the expected rank against the marks scored in the test.

Marks obtained in PCM Expected Rank
160-180 10-1
150-160 50-10
140-150 150-50
130-140 400-150
120-130 900-400
110-120 1800-900
100-110 3300-1800
90-100 5700-3300
80-90 9200-5700
70-80 14700-9200
60-70 23200-14700
50-60 35500-23200
40-50 43500-35500
30-40 45100-43500
20-30 44800-45100

COMEDK UGET Result - Previous Year Highlights


  • As per the reports, 284 candidates from Karnataka featured in top 1,000 ranks with almost three-fourth of rank holders coming from other states.
  • Forty-two candidates out of top 100 ranks are from Karnataka, though.


  • In 2017, the total number of candidates who applied for COMEDK UGET was 68,628, out of which only 55,680 (81%) candidates appeared for the exam
  • Adhokshaja V. Madhwaraj, a resident of Karnataka, secured the highest marks in COMEDK UGET, scoring 170 marks out of 180
  • All the first 1000 rank holders obtained more than 70% in the entrance test
  • Other 1361 candidates secured marks between 66% to 70% in COMEDK undergraduate entrance test (UGET)
  • The marks range of 60% to 65% were scored by 2373 candidates
  • Overall 6854 candidates secured marks less than 60% and more than 50%
  • Out of 100 rank holders, 56 candidates were from Karnataka and other 44 candidates belonged to remaining states
  • Similarly, 417 out of 1000 rank holders were from Karnataka, while the remaining 583 were from other states

COMEDK UGET Toppers List

COMEDK UGET 2020 Toppers List

Along with the COMEDK 2020 Result, the consortium has also released the list of top rankers. Given below are the highest scorers in COMEDK 2020.

Rank Scored Candidate’s Name
1st Rank Rakshith M
2nd Rank Saurav Kumar
3rd Rank Anupama Sinha

As per the update in Top 100 Ranks, 45 candidates belong to Karnataka while 55 candidates are from other states, and around 1219 candidates have scored more than 70% of marks in the exam.

COMEDK UGET Cutoff 2023

COMEDK UGET 2023 cutoff will tentatively be released in the 1st week of August 2023. The cutoff will be declared in the form of closing ranks. The authority will release the cutoff for each course offered by the participating institutions. Various factors like the difficulty level of the exam, the total number of candidates who appeared for the exam, availability of seats, and previous year's cutoff trends will be considered while determining the cutoff. Check COMEDK UGET 2023 Cutoff

COMEDK UGET Counselling 2023

The counselling of COMEDK UGET 2023 will tentatively be released in the 2nd week of August 2023. Candidates will need to register online to participate in the counselling process. The process will include the steps - document verification, choice filling, mock allotment, and final seat allotments. Candidates have to bring COMEDK UGET rank card 2023 along with other documents. Check COMEDK UGET Counselling 2023

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Frequently Asked Questions

COMEDK UGET Result 2023 FAQs

Ques. How will I know about my COMEDK UGET Result 2023?

Ans. The result will be uploaded under applicant login in the COMEDK website ( for all the eligible candidates only.

Ques. Is the result or rank card required for COMEDK UGET counselling?

Ans. Yes, you will need your COMEDK UGET 2023 Rank Card during the counselling. It is one of the important documents required during the time of counselling and admissions. Candidates can download it after the declaration of result. 

Ques. When will COMEDK UGET Result 2023 be announced?

Ans. COMEDK UGET Result 2023 will be announced on 3rd week of July 2023 on the official website.

Ques. Will COMEDK UGET and Uni GAUGE results be merged into one?

Ans. No. Candidates who have opted for COMEDK 2023 and Uni GAUGE 2023 will get 2 different scorecards.

Ques. What are the details that would be printed on COMEDK UGET 2023 rank cards?

Ans. Candidates can find the following details on their COMEDK rank cards

Candidate’s Name Registration/ Application No.
Candidate’s DOB & Category Stream Chosen & Appeared for
Candidate’s Photo Unique Photo ID proof details of Candidate
COMEDK Test Admission Number (TAT Number) Subject wise scores
Overall Test Score & Rank in COMEDK UGET Candidate’s contact details

Ques. How much do we have to pay to challenge COMEDK answer keys?

Ans. Candidates will have to pay 500 Rs in order to issue a challenge towards the provincial COMEDK answer key.

Ques. How much do we have to score in order to get a top 10 rank in COMEDK UGET 2023?

Ans. Candidates will have to score in the range of 160-180 in order to have a chance at getting a top 10 rank in COMEDK UGET 2023.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year COMEDK UGET Questions

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