COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Syllabus, Important Topics, Paper Analysis, Best Books

COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Syllabus is likely to include chapters from the 10+2 level. Some major topics like oscillations, electrostatics, motion, and thermodynamics generally carry a high weightage in COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics section. Check COMEDK UGET Exam Pattern

  • Candidates will be asked around 60 questions regarding topics like Current Electricity, Semiconductors, Electrostatics.
  • According to previous years’ COMEDK UGET exam paper analysis physics section had difficulty levels ranging from moderate to difficult.
  • COMEDK UGET 2023 Syllabus and its important topics will help candidates understand what to base on which they can structure their preparation timetables.

Read more to learn about COMEDK UGET Physics and preparation tips, books, and more.

COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Syllabus

Here is the complete syllabus for COMEDK UGET 2023 physics, the candidates must be well aware of the topics and chapters.

Topics Chapter
Thermal and Chemical Effects of Currents
  • Heating Effects of Current;
  • Electric Power;
  • Simple Concept of Thermo-Electricity;
  • Seebeck Effect and Thermocouple;
  • Chemical Effect & Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis
Heat and Thermodynamics

Thermal Expansion of Solids Liquids and Gases and their Specific Heats Relationship between Cp and Cv for Gases First Law of Thermodynamics Thermodynamic Processes Second Law of Thermodynamics Carnot Cycle Efficiency of Heat Engines

Oscillations Heating Effects of Current Electric Power Simple Concept of Thermo-Electricity Seebeck Effect and Thermocouple Chemical Effect and Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis
Motion in Two and Three Dimensions Scalars and Vectors Vector Addition Real Number Zero Vector and its Properties Resolution of Vectors Scalar and Vector Products Uniform Circular Motion and its Applications Projectile Motion

Electric Charge – it's unit and conservation Coulomb's Law Dielectric Constant Electric Field Lines of Force Field Dipole and its behaviour in a uniform electric field. Electric Flux Gauss’s Theorem and its applications Electric Potential, Point Charge potential Conductors and Inductors Distribution of Charge on Conductors Capacitance Parallel Plate Capacitor Combination of Capacitors Energy of Capacitor

Motion in One Dimension Description of Motion in One Dimension Motion in a Straight Line Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion – Graphical Representation Uniformly Accelerated Motion and its application.
COMEDK UGET Important Topics

COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Important Topics

Candidates must study the entire COMEDK UGET 2023 physics syllabus to get top scores in the exam. However, prioritizing the following important topics for COMEDK UGET Physics will help candidates structure a better preparation plan.

Oscillations Units of Measurement
Heat and Thermodynamics Alternating Current
Kinetic Energy Units of Measurement
Current and Electricity -

Also See: COMEDK UGET Exam Pattern

COMEDK UGET Physics Difficulty

COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Difficulty level

The candidates must be well prepared for the examination and the Physics section has been moderately difficult over the past few years. A few of the important topics included over the years were oscillations, electrostatics, motion, thermodynamics, etc.

Subjects Easy Moderate Difficult Good Attempts Accuracy Good Score
Physics 35 18 7 55 80-85% 45
COMEDK UGET Sample Questions

COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Previous Years Sample Questions

Here are a few questions which were asked in the previous years COMEDK UGET Physics examination- 

Ques. The lights are incident on a diffraction grating the zero-order the maximum principal will be-

  1. One of the component colors 
  2. White
  3. The spectrum of the colors
  4. absent

Ques. From a given radioactive source a meter shows a count of 240 per minute. One hour later when we check the meter shows a count rate of 30 per minute. The half-life of the source is-

  1. 20 min
  2. 30 min
  3. 120 min
  4. 80 min

Ques. Blowing air with an open mouth is an example of

  1. Isothermal process
  2. Isochronic process
  3. Isobaric process
  4. Adiabatic process

Ques. Sound waves in air are always a longitudinal example

  1. The density of air is very small
  2. Air does not have a modulus of rigidity
  3. Air is a mixture of several gases
  4. Of the inherent characteristics of sound waves in air

Ques. The current flows from east to west in a conductor. The direction of the magnetic field at a point above the conductor is 

  1. Towards south
  2. Toward north
  3. Towards east
  4. Towards west
COMEDK UGET Preparation Tips

COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Preparation Tips

Candidates must be very well prepared for the examination and should complete their syllabus on time. Here are a few COMEDK UGET preparation tips that the candidates can follow to ace the exams-

  • The candidates should make an effective strategy & follow it.
  • You should be well aware of the syllabus & the exam pattern.
  • The students must start studying from the initial stage and should clear their basics.
  • Making notes is one of the most important points. You can later revise from your own notes.
  • Do not sacrifice your 8 hours of sleep, it is important.
  • Diet is an important aspect and should be taken care of.
  • To calm themselves, the candidates should exercise and meditate.
COMEDK UGET Preparation Books

COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Preparation Books

There are various books that are made for COMEDK preparation. Mentioned below you will find some of the best COMEDK UGET 2023 physics books that will help you get good scores in the exam.

Book Title Author/Publisher
Physics for Karnataka CET and COMEDK BASE
Physics for Karnataka CET and COMEDK  S. Dasharathi
Science for Everyone: Aptitude Test Problems in Physics S.S. Krotov

COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics Syllabus FAQs

Ques. Which are the most important topics for COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics

Ans. The important topics for COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics section are

  • Oscillations
  • Units of Measurement
  • Heat and Thermodynamics
  • Alternating Current
  • Kinetic Energy
  • Units of Measurement
  • Current and Electricity

Ques. Which are the important books for COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics?

Ans. The students can make reference to the following books for COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics

  • Physics for Karnataka CET and COMEDK, Base
  • Physics for Karnataka CET and COMEDK, S Darshini

Ques. What type of examination is the COMEDK UGET 2023?

Ans. COMEDK UGET 2023 is an undergraduate examination, where students can appear to apply for engineering and architecture courses offered by institutes in Karnataka.

Ques. What is the mode of examination for COMEDK UGET 2023?

Ans. The candidates have to appear for COMEDK UGET 2023 through the online mode.

Ques. In which language is the question paper set for COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics?

Ans. The mode of language for COMEDK UGET 2023 is English.

Ques. How will the students be notified about the counseling for COMEDK UGET 2023?

Ans. The students will be notified about the counseling process through email or message by the organizing authorities.

Ques. What is the duration of COMEDK UGET 2023 Physics section?

Ans. The total duration for the COMEDK UGET 2023 is 3 hours. Candidates must complete all three sections within this time limit.

Ques. What type of questions are asked in the examination and how is the difficulty level of COMEDK UGET Physics?

Ans. The questions asked in COMEDK UGET are objective-based and the physics section is of a moderate difficulty level. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year COMEDK UGET Questions

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