BITSAT 2023 Syllabus: Download Subject Wise PDF, Important Topics

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus is going to be released by BITS Pilani along with the official brochure. BITSAT syllabus is based on NCERT syllabus for Class 11th and 12th. BITSAT 2023 Syllabus consists of four parts which include Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency, and Logical Reasoning, Mathematics/Biology.  Check BITSAT 2023 Exam Pattern

Candidates who are aspiring to appear in BITSAT 2023 should ensure that they start their preparation ahead of the exam to ensure that they score well in the exam. 

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BITSAT Syllabus Highlights

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus Highlights

Mathematics Consists of 11 topics. This section can be said to be moderate to difficult on the scale of level of difficulty of the exam.
Biology Includes 10 chapters from the CBSE syllabus of both class 11 and 12. In the Biology section, the topics from Class 11 hold more weightage than those of class 12. We infer that the maximum questions come from principles of inheritance and variation followed by molecular basis of inheritance and morphology of flowering plants.
Chemistry Consists of 13 major topics that dominate the section with most of the questions. The maximum questions are asked from chemical bonding and molecular structure followed by equilibrium and hydrocarbons.
Physics Comprises 18 topics. This section is considered one of the toughest thresholds in BITSAT by many of the aspirants. Most of the questions are asked from Current Electricity, Semi-Conductors and laws of motion.
English & Logical Reasoning This section is subdivided into two more sections- English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning. This section consists of 15 questions from English Proficiency and 10 questions from Logical Reasoning. 

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BITSAT Syllabus

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus consists of Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency, and Logical Reasoning, Mathematics/Biology. Candidates can check the syllabus below:

BITSAT 2023 Physics Syllabus

Units & Measurements Kinematics
Newton’s Law of Motion Impulse and Momentum
Work and Energy Rotational Motion
Gravitation Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
Oscillations Waves
Heat and Thermodynamics Electrostatics
Current Electricity Magnetic Effect of Current
Electromagnetic Induction Optics
Modern Physics Electronic Devices

Download BITSAT 2023 Physics Syllabus 

BITSAT  2023 Chemistry Syllabus

States of Matter Atomic Structure
Thermodynamics Physical and Chemical Equilibria
Electrochemistry Chemical Kinetics
Hydrogen and s-block Elements p-, d- and f-block Elements
Principles of Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons Organic Compounds with Functional Groups Containing Oxygen and Nitrogen
Stereochemistry Biological, Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
Theoretical Principles of Experimental Chemistry --

Download BITSAT 2023 Chemistry Syllabus 

BITSAT 2023 English and Logical Reasoning Syllabus

Grammar Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension Composition
Verbal Reasoning  Non-verbal Reasoning

Download BITSAT English and Logical Reasoning Syllabus

BITSAT 2023 Mathematics Syllabus

Algebra Trigonometry
Two-dimensional Coordinate Geometry Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus Ordinary Differential Equations
Probability Vectors
Statistics Linear Programming
Mathematical Modelling
Download BITSAT 2023 Mathematics Syllabus 
BITSAT Exam Pattern

BITSAT 2023 Biology Syllabus 

Diversity in Living World Cell: The Unit of Life; Structure and Function
Genetics and Evolution Structure and Function- Plants
Structure and Function- Animals Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants
Reproduction and Development in Humans Ecology and Environment
Biology and Human Welfare Biotechnology and its Applications

Download BITSAT 2023 Biology Syllabus 

BITSAT 2023 Exam Pattern

Understanding BITSAT 2023 exam pattern is very helpful in getting a better idea about the marking scheme, number of questions, and the medium of paper. Few of the Exam Pattern highlights for BITSAT 2023 are:

  • Mode of Exam: Online (computer-based)
  • Medium of Exam: English
  • Exam Duration: 3 hours
  • Type of Questions: Objective (MCQs) 
  • Sections: 4
  • Total Questions: 150
  • Marking Scheme: +3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer

Best Books for BITSAT

Best Books for BITSAT 2023 Preparation

There are a number of books available in the market to prepare for BITSAT 2023. The authorities however recommend NCERT to be the best source when it comes to BITSAT Preparation. The table below shows some of the best books for BITSAT preparation other than NCERT:

Books Author Books Author
BITSAT Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English, LR Cengage BITSAT (Class XI) In English with CD -
BITSAT Explorer (With CD) (English) MTG Editorial Board NCERT Physics Part 1 and Part 2 Textbook for Class XII NCERT
BITSAT English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning PB (English) Disha Experts Understanding Physics Series of 5 Books D. C Pandey
The Pearson Complete Guide to the BITSAT (English) One Learn Education AIEEE (JEE Main) and IIT-JEE (JEE Advanced) previous years’ Objective questions RP Singh, SC Aggarwal
Comprehensive Guide to BITSAT Online Test – with Mock Test CD (English) Disha Experts 12 Practice Papers BITSAT PB 8th Edition G K P

Check: List of best books for BITSAT Preparation

BITSAT Syllabus Frequently Asked Questions

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus FAQs

Ques. What covers the major part of BITSAT 2023 syllabus, class 11 or class 12 topics?

Ans.: In BITSAT 2023 Syllabus more weightage is given to class 12 syllabus  but it is equally important to cover class 11 syllabus to get a good score.

Ques. What are the important topics in Physics, Chemistry, and Maths in BITSAT 2023?

Ans.: Some of the important topics under these subjects for BITSAT 2023 are:

  • Physics: Heat & Thermodynamics, Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism, Wave Motion and Current Electricity.
  • Chemistry: Chemical Bonding, Biomolecules, Carboxylic Acid & its Derivatives, Atomic Structures, p-block Elements and Mole Concepts.
  • Maths: Circles, Straight Lines, Pair of Straight Lines, Vectors, Continuity & Differentiability.

Ques. When should I start my BITSAT 2023 Preparation?

Ans.: If you had thoroughly prepared for your 11th and 12th standard exams and other competitive exams, then even one month of focused BITSAT 2023 preparation can yield good results. However, it is recommended that you start early so that you have enough time to solve BITSAT sample papers and practise mock tests. Check BITSAT Mock Test

Ques. What are the best books for BITSAT 2023?

Ans.: Some of the best books to prepare for BITSAT 2023 are listed below:

Physics Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma Vol 1 and Vol 2; Arihant Physics by D. C. Pandey
Chemistry Organic Chemistry by M.S. Chauhan; Inorganic Chemistry by J.D.Lee
Maths Class XI & XII by R.D. Sharma; Differential Calculus by Arihant
English & Logical Reasoning English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning by Disha Experts; The Pearson Complete Guide to the BITSAT 2021 (English) by One Learn Education

Ques. Should I take BITSAT 2023 coaching for preparation or study at home?

Ans.: That depends on you. If you feel that you need guidance and are not able to study much on your own , then go for coaching. However, if you feel that you can prepare well on your own and are clear with concepts, then self-study is sufficient for BITSAT 2023.

Ques. What kind of questions are asked in BITSAT 2023? How can I prepare for them?

Ans.: BITSAT 2023 consists of all objective-type questions. Candidates can prepare through the recommended BITSAT 2023 books. Focus on practicing sample papers and mock tests.

Ques. Is the BITSAT 2023 syllabus more similar to the JEE Main paper or the JEE Advance paper?

Ans.: In this comparison, the BITSAT syllabus 2023 has more in common with the JEE Main paper as both of them are heavily based on the class 11 and 12 topics. BITSAT syllabus differs from both based on the fact that it is a lot more concept-oriented.

Ques. What are the sections the candidate needs to study for BITSAT 2023?

Ans.: There are 4 sections defined by BITS Pilani which the candidate should study to prepare effectively for BITSAT 2023, they are as follows:

Section Subject No. of Questions
I Physics 40
II Chemistry 40
III A) English Proficiency
B) Logical Reasoning
A) 15
B) 10
IV Biology/ Mathematics 45
Total 150

Ques. What are the important topics that the aspirant should target to ace BITSAT 2023?

Ans.: The important topics that the candidate should target for BITSAT 2023 preparation are as follows:

  • Physics: units & measurement, rotational motion, mechanics of solid, Heat & thermodynamics, rotational motion, etc.
  • Chemistry: atomic structure, states of matter, physical & chemical equilibrium, s & p-block elements, principles of organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, and much more.
  • Mathematics: algebra, trigonometry, three-dimensional geometry, differential calculus, linear programming, etc.
  • English Proficiency: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Analogy, and Composition.
  • Logical Reasoning: Verbal reasoning- Analogy, Classification, reading passage, and many others. Non-verbal reasoning- Figure Matrix, paper cutting, rule detection, and many other topics.

Ques. How can I prepare effectively for BITSAT 2023?

Ans.: The candidate appearing for BITSAT 2023 should keep in mind the following points:

  • Go through the complete syllabus & exam pattern.
  • Make a proper exam schedule & strictly follow it.
  • Solve previous year question & sample paper.
  • Analyze each test to check your capability.
  • Keep at least one week for revision.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year BITSAT Questions

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: Candidates opting Dubai as exam centre, will have to pay INR 7000 as the application fee.

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