BITSAT 2023 Form Correction Window (Open), Exam Dates, Previous Year Paper, Pattern, Syllabus, Cut off

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus PDF is available for download. BITSAT 2023 Syllabus is based on NCERT class 11 and 12 syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology. There are 130 questions for 390 marks in the paper. BITSAT 2023 question paper is divided into 4 sections- Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning, Mathematics. BITSAT exam mode is online CBT at the designated test center for a duration of 3 hours. Check BITSAT Exam Pattern 2023

BITSAT 2023 Admit Card is going to be released on May 10 at the official website. Registered candidates willbe able to downloa the admit card using their login credentials. 

You must solve BITSAT previous year paper to get an idea of the chapter-wise weightage and difficulty level of questions asked. Download BITSAT Previous Year Paper PDF

BITS Pilani will release BITSAT 2023 Cut off marks for each course. You must have scored more than the cut off marks to be eligible for admission to B.E/ B.Pharm courses in BITS Pilani, BITS Goa, and BITS Hyderabad. BITSAT 2023 expected cut off is 270+ for B.E. courses and 200-220 for B.Pharm at BITS Pilani. Check BITSAT Cut off

BITSAT Exam Dates

BITSAT 2023 Exam Dates

BITS Pilani has released BITSAT 2023 Exam Dates along with the information brochure on January 30, 2023. The exam is going to be condcucted in two sessions – Session 1 (May Session) and Session 2 (June Session). 

BITSAT 2023 Exam Dates Session 1

BITSAT 2023 Session 1 Exam Date is tabulated below for candidates’ reference

Events Dates
BITSAT 2023 notification release January 30, 2023
Online registration begins January 30, 2023
Last date to register

April 09, 2023

April 15, 2023 

Revision/editing (online) in the application form by candidates April 16 – 20, 2023 (Started)
Test center allotment and announcement to candidates April 26, 2023
Candidates to reserve Test date and slot April 27 – May 08, 2023
BITSAT Session 1 Admit card availability May 10, 2023, onwards
BITSAT 2023 Session 1 Exam Date May 22 – 26, 2023

BITSAT 2023 Exam Dates Session 2

BITSAT 2023 Session 2 Exam Date is tabulated below for candidates’ reference

Events Dates
Application window to apply for BITSAT 2023 Session 2 only May 23 – June 12, 2023
Revision/editing (online) in the application form by candidates June 09 – 12, 2023
Test center allotment and announcement to candidates June 13, 2023
Candidates to reserve Test date and slot June 14 – 15, 2023
BITSAT Session 2 Admit card availability June 16, 2023, onwards
BITSAT 2023 Session 2 Exam Date June 18 – 22, 2023
Apply for admission with 12th Marks and Preferences of Programmes June 02 – 23, 2023
Editing of Marks/Preferences in the Application form June 24 – 26, 2023
Admit list and Waitlist announcement after Iteration I July 01, 2023

What is BITSAT Exam?

The Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani conducts BITSAT exam for shortlisting candidates for admission into its Integrated first-degree programs in science, engineering, and pharmacy. Admission is provided to the candidates in one of the BITS campuses located in Pilani, Hyderabad, and Goa. BITSAT is a university-level entrance test granting admission in B. Pharm and B.E & M.Sc courses.

BITSAT Highlights

BITSAT 2023 Highlights

Particulars Details
Exam Name BITSAT 2023
Full Name Birla Institute of Technology & Science Admission Test
Exam Level National
Courses Offered Integrated Engineering, Sciences, Technology and Pharmacy
Conducting Body BITS, Pilani
Application Mode Online
Exam Mode Online
BITSAT Official website
Helpline 01596-242205, 01596-515330

BITSAT Eligibility Criteria

BITSAT 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The detailed BITSAT eligibility criteria for various courses are written below. The candidates must meet the minimum eligibility criteria before applying for BITSAT 2023 exam:

For all programmes (except B.Pharm):

  • The candidates who have passed class 12th or equivalent exams from a recognized board with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as mandatory subjects can apply. Also, candidates should have proficiency in English.
  • The candidates must have obtained a minimum of 75% marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects and at least a 60% score in each of these subjects individually.
  • 12th-class appearing candidates can also apply.

For B.Pharm:

  • The applicants should have passed their 12th or equivalent examination from a recognized board with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology and should also be adequately proficient in English.
  • Candidates with PCM can apply for Pharmacy courses.
  • A minimum total of 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/ Biology subjects is needed while 60% marks in each of these subjects individually is mandatory to score.
  • Appearing candidates can also apply for BITSAT 2023.


BITSAT Login is available on the official website- BITSAT 2023 Login details are BITSAT application number, password, and email id.

To generate BITSAT login details, you need to register as a new candidate by filling in the basic registration details like name, gender, nationality, date of birth, email id, mobile number, and a password of 8 alphanumeric characters. After you click on ‘Proceed’, your BITSAT login 2023 credentials will be generated and shared with you.

You need BITSAT login credentials to fill the application form, make form corrections, download admit card, answer key, and result.

BITSAT Application Form

BITSAT 2023 Registration

BITSAT 2023 registration for session 1 has been extended till April 15. Eligible candidates will be allowed to submit their application form online at BITSAT 2023 application form is released by BITS Pilani on the official website only and the same must be submitted before BITSAT 2023 application form last date. Candidates can choose to appear twice in BITSAT- once in session 1 and second in session 2

BITSAT 2023 Application Form Last Date

BITSAT 2023 Application Form last date has been announced by BITS Pilani in the official notification. 

  • BITSAT 2023 Session 1 Application Form Last Date Session 1: April 15, 2023
  • BITSAT 2023 session 2 registration last date: June 12, 2023
  • Candidates who have not applied for session 1 will not be eligible to register for session 2
  • Candidates can also register for both sessions during BITSAT session 1 registration.

How to Apply for BITSAT 2023?

BITSAT 2023 registration is completely online. Candidates must follow the detailed application process provided below to ensure error-free registration for BITSAT 2023:

BITSAT 2023 Registration

  • Visit the official website of BITSAT-
  • Click on the link for BITSAT Registration followed by New Registration.
  • Enter the basic details like email id, mobile number, name, gender, date of birth, etc. and click on the ‘Submit’ button
  • You will receive the BITSAT login id and password on your registered mobile number and email.

Fill BITSAT 2023 Application Form

The next step involves filling BITSAT Application Form for personal details, academic qualification details, and test city preferences. The important details to be entered include names of parents, address, class 12 marks, year of passing, 3 test city preferences, etc.

  • Provide 3 test city preferences out of the list. 
  • Even candidates choosing Kathmandu can pick 2 more test city options in India.
  • Candidates choosing Dubai as the choice of center cannot provide any other preferences.

Upload Documents Required for BITSAT 2023 Application Form

After filling the details in BITSAT Application Form, candidates need to upload the below-mentioned documents in the prescribed format and size:

Document Size Format
Photograph 4 to 100 kb jpg/ jpeg
Signature 1 to 50 kb jpg/ jpeg

BITSAT Fees 2023

You need to make the payment of the non-refundable BITSAT fees using debit card/ credit card/ net banking/ UPI. BITSAT application fees 2023 varies according to gender and number of sessions you are applying for.

Category BITSAT Fees for Session 1 Only BITSAT Fees for Sessions 1 and 2
Male candidates INR 3400 INR 5400
Female candidates INR 2900 INR 4400
Male/ Female Candidates opting Dubai as an exam center INR 7000 INR 9000

Students who applied for session 1 but later opt for session 2 have to pay INR 2000 (INR 1500 for Female Candidates choosing exam centers in India or Nepal)

Confirmation of BITSAT 2023 Registration

Submit the application form and take a hard copy of the same for further use. You will receive a confirmation of successful BITSAT registration on your registered email id and mobile number.

BITSAT Exam Pattern

BITSAT Paper Pattern 2023

Every detail of BITSAT 2023 paper pattern as per the official website is updated below for your convenience.

  • BITSAT exam mode: Online Computer Based Test
  • BITSAT paper duration: 180 minutes with no sectional division of time.
  • Type of questions in BITSAT 2023: All questions are objective-type MCQs having 4 answer choices.

Does BITSAT have 130 or 150 questions?

BITSAT has 130 questions for all candidates. However, if a candidate attempts all the 130 questions and time still remains, an option to attempt 12 extra questions is available. Distribution of the extra 12 questions is provided below:

Section Number of Questions
Chemistry 3
Physics 3
Mathematics/ Biology 3
Logical Reasoning 3

How many questions are there in each section of BITSAT 2023?

Each section has a different number of questions in BITSAT 2023 exam. The section-wise distribution of questions in BITSAT 2023 is tabulated below:

Part Section Number of Questions
I Physics 30
II Chemistry 30
III English Proficiency + Logical Reasoning 10 + 20
IV Mathematics/ Biology 40

BITSAT Total Marks

BITSAT Total Marks are 390. Every correct answer gets you 3 marks and for every incorrect answer, you lose 1 mark. Unattempted questions have no impact on your total marks in BITSAT 2023 as marks are neither awarded nor deducted for these.

BITSAT 2023 Exam Pattern in detail

BITSAT Syllabus

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus

BITSAT 2023 syllabus will be based on the concepts studied by candidates in class 11th and 12th. The detailed syllabus for the exam is mentioned below:

Section Important Topics Detailed Syllabus
BITSAT Physics Syllabus Units & Measurement, Kinematics, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Impulse and Momentum, Rotational Motion, Work and Energy, Gravitation, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Waves, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effect of Current, Electromagnetic Induction Check Here
BITSAT Chemistry Syllabus States of Matter, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, atomic structure, Physical and Chemical Equilibrium, Hydrogen and s-block elements, p- d- and f-block elements, Principles of Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons Check Here
BITSAT Mathematics Syllabus Algebra, Trigonometry, Two-dimensional Coordinate Geometry, Three-dimensional Coordinate Geometry, Differential calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Probability, Linear Programming, Mathematical modeling Check Here
BITSAT Biology Syllabus Diversity in Living World, Cell: The Unit of Life; Structure and Function, Genetics and Evolution, Structure and Function – Plants, Structure, and Function – Animals, Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants, Reproduction and Development in Humans, Biotechnology Check Here
BITSAT English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning Syllabus

English Proficiency: Grammar, Vocabulary, Analogy, Reading Comprehension, and Composition

Check Here
Logical Reasoning: Verbal Reasoning: Classification, Analogy, Logical Deduction – Reading Passage, Chart Logic ETC. Nonverbal reasoning – Pattern Perception, Figure Matrix, Paper Cutting, Rule Detection

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus PDF

BITSAT 2023 Syllabus PDF is available here for download. BITSAT 2023 Syllabus PDF contains the detailed topic-wise syllabus for BITSAT 2023 exam.

BITSAT Preparation Tips

BITSAT 2023 Preparation Tips

BITSAT exam is considered as one of the toughest and most competitive exams. Additionally, Class 12th scores are also considered while making the final admission offer. Thus students must perform well in the exam for admission to their preferred course. Some of the best preparation tips for BITSAT 2023 include:

  • Make a timetable and start adhering to the same.
  • Gather relevant study material for different subjects which help improve the candidates’ speed and accuracy in the exam.
  • Make short notes of all the important topics while studying so that they can help while doing revision.
  • Do more mock tests and practice papers as they help focus on strong and weak points. Also it helps make candidates know the style and pattern of questions asked. Download BITSAT Sample Papers

Best books for BITSAT Exam Preparation 2023

The most recommended books which all candidates preparing for BITSAT exam must refer to include:

Best Physics Books for BITSAT
Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma Vol 1 and Vol 2
Arihant Physics by D. C. Pandey
Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
Best Chemistry Books for BITSAT
Atkins' Physical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry by J.D.Lee
Physical Chemistry by N Awasthi
Best Mathematics Books for BITSAT
Class XI & XII R.D. Sharma
Differential Calculus Arihant
Best Books for English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning
BITSAT English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning by Disha Experts
The Pearson Complete Guide to BITSAT (English) by One Learn Education

BITSAT Previous Year Paper

BITSAT Previous Year Paper PDF is available for download below. Click on the links below to download BITSAT previous year paper with solution PDF.

Year BITSAT Previous Year Paper PDF
2018 Check Here
2017 Check Here
2016 Check Here
2015 Check Here

For more previous year papers of BITSAT, click here

BITSAT Mock Test

Candidates are advised to solve as many BITSAT sample papers and BITSAT Mock Tests as possible. BITS Pilani releases BITSAT Sample Tests on the official website. Candidates can download and attempt the same for practice.

Similar B.E/ B.Tech Question Papers for BITSAT Preparation

Additionally, since BITSAT Syllabus is at par with other engineering entrance such as JEE Main, candidates can always solve previous year JEE Main Question Papers along with the previous year papers for other engineering exam. Candidates can download question paper for other engineering exams from the table below.

BITSAT Slot Booking

BISAT 2023 Slot Booking

Once the final list of test centers is published by the authority, the candidates are supposed to book the date and slot for BITSAT 2023 as per their comfort. Post confirming the slots, the candidate has to appear for the exam on the date and time chosen by him/her. BITSAT 2023 will be conducted in 2 slots every day.

  • BITSAT 2023 slot 1 is from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon.
  • BITSAT 2023 slot 2 is from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.

How to Apply for BITSAT 2023 Slot Booking?

  • Refer to the official website.
  • On the Home page click on the Slot Booking button.
  • Then a login page will open where candidates are supposed to mention their user Id & Password.
  • Now tap on the “login” button
  • Now candidates can select the date and slot when they wish to sit for BITSAT 2023 and submit the form.
  • Post the successful submission of BITSAT Slot Booking 2023, the candidates must download their BITSAT 2023 admit card.

BITSAT Exam Centers

BISAT 2023 Exam Centers

BITSAT 2023 Exam Center list has been released along with the information brochure. Candidates can the list of BITSAT exam centers that the candidates can choose to appear for the test-

Agra Hyderabad Campus of BITS Pune
Ahmadabad Hyderabad City Raipur
Allahabad Indore Rajahmundry
Bangalore Jaipur Ranchi
Bhopal Jalandhar Roorkee
Bhubaneswar Jammu Siliguri
Chandigarh Jamshedpur Surat
Chennai Jodhpur Tirupati
Coimbatore Kanpur Thiruvananthapuram
Delhi Kolkata Vadodara
Dubai Campus of BITS Lucknow Vijayawada
Ghaziabad Mumbai Visakhapatnam
Goa Campus of BITS Nagpur Agartala
Gorakhpur Nasik Mangalore
Gurgaon Noida Udaipur
Guwahati Patna Kohima
Gwalior Pilani campus of BITS

BITSAT Admit Card

BITSAT 2023 Admit Card

BITSAT 2023 admit card of the candidates who have successfully booked their test slot will be made available on the official website. The candidates must take a hard copy of the same while going for the exam. All the details related to the candidates and the exam center are published on BITSAT admit card 2023. The candidates not carrying the admit card will not be allowed to appear for the test.

How to Download BITSAT 2023 Admit Card?

  • Refer to the official website of BITSAT.
  • On the home page, click on the link showing the Admit Card.
  • Post clicking on the same, a login page will open where candidates are supposed to enter their user Id and the password.
  • Tap on the ‘login’ icon.
  • Cross check all the information present in it carefully.
  • Download the same and take a hard copy of the same.


BITSAT 2023 Result

BITSAT 2023 results will be displayed on the computer screen right after the completion of the test. BITS Pilani does not release BITSAT Result separately. The result will be displayed in terms of total correct and incorrect answers, along with the score. The candidates can also check their BITSAT score report on the BITS admission website on the next day of the test. The candidate can take a printout of their BITSAT score report for further use.

BITSAT Admission Process

BITSAT 2023 Admission Process

Post qualifying BITSAT 2023, the candidates are supposed to apply for the admissions by providing the details of their 12th marks and preferences to different degree courses offered at three campuses of BITS. Based on the details provided in the application form for admission, fulfillment of eligibility and marks scored in the entrance test, the shortlisted candidates will get a seat in their preferred course. Check BITSAT 2023 Counselling Process

Which Colleges Accept BITSAT Score?

The colleges which accept BITSAT score for admission to B.E/ B.Pharm/ M.Sc courses are mentioned below along with the annual course fees and number of seats.

College Fees for 1st Year (INR) For More Details 
BITS Pilani 5,41,575 Check Here
BITS Hyderabad 4,23,475 Check Here
BITS South Goa 3,99,475 Check Here
BITS Dubai 2.9 lakhs Check Here
Swami Rama Himalayan University, Dehradun 2,76,000 Check Here
NIIT University, Neemrana 3,05,000 Check Here

BITSAT Merit List 2023

The admission to the courses offered under BITSAT 2023 will be as per the performance of a candidate in the written test. It is compulsory for the candidates to secure the least cut off marks to get their name listed in the merit list. Only those candidates will be invited for admission who got their names on the merit list. The exam conducting authority will publish two separate merit lists for the B.Pharm program and other programs respectively. In case, the scores obtained by two or more candidates are the same then the exam conducting authority will apply a tie-breaker rule to conclude.

BITSAT Courses 2023

The vaiours courses offered at the three different BITS campuses based on BITSAT 2023 Score is tabulated below for the candidates reference. Candidate are required to specify their course-preference for admission.

BITS Campus BITSAT Courses Offered
BITS Pilani – Pilani Campus B. E. Courses: Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics & Instrumentation,
Electronics & Communication, Mechanical, Manufacturing
B. Pharm.
M.Sc. Courses: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Physics and General Studies.
BITS Pilani – K. K. Birla Goa Campus B. E. Courses:  Chemical, Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics
& Instrumentation, Mechanical
M.Sc. Courses:  Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, and Physics
 BITS Pilani – Hyderabad Campus B. E. Courses: Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Electrical and Electronics,
Electronics & Instrumentation, Mechanical
B. Pharm.
M.Sc. Courses: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, and Physics.

BITSAT 2023 Scholarships

BITS Campus students are eligible for various scholarships and financial assistance either merit-based or mert-cum-need based. About 30% of the students receive scholarships every year. 

  • For First Degree Programs, a tuition fee waiver ranging from 15% to 100% is provided to about 30% candidates each year.
BITSAT Scholarship
  • It must be noted that no waiver is applicable on the admission fee.
  • Scholarships are awarded on a per semester basis. 
  • The continuance of BITSAT scholarship after every semester will depend on the candidate’s performance and needs.


Cut off for BITSAT 2023

Cut off for BITSAT 2023 will be released by BITS Pilani after the counselling session. BITSAT Cut off is the qualifying score to be eligible for admission to BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, Goa, and other colleges. Cut off for BITSAT is released separately for each engineering stream- Chemical, Electrical, Computer Science, Civil, Mechanical, and others.

BITSAT Total Marks and Cut off 2023 (Expected)

Program Total Marks BITS Pilani Cut off BITS Goa Cut off BITS Hyderabad Cut off
Bachelors of Engineering (BE) 390 270 to 338 260 to 390 257 to 306
B. Pharm 390 213 to 220 - 177 to 185
Masters of Science (MSc) 390 259 to 315 252 to 282 254 to 283

BITSAT Cut off 2022 

BITSAT Cut off 2022 is provided below for your reference. 

Cut off for BITSAT 2022
Program Cut off for BITS Pilani, Goa, and Hyderabad
B.E. Chemical 270
B.E. Civil 254
B.E. Electrical & Electronics 333
B.E. Mechanical -
B.E. Computer Science 372
B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation 323
B.E. Manufacturing 333
B. Pharm  203
M.Sc. Biological Sciences 261
M.Sc. Chemistry 258
M.Sc. Economics 304
M.Sc. Mathematics 286
M.Sc. Physics 283

Previous year Cut off for BITSAT

You can go through BITSAT Cut off 2020 for your reference:

Courses Cutoff for BITS Pilani Cutoff for BITS Goa Cutoff for BITS Hyderabad
B.E. Chemical 270 248 240
B.E. Civil 254 -- 240
B.E. Electrical & Electronics 333 306 300
B.E. Mechanical 298 269 260
B.E. Computer Science 372 347 336
B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation 323 293 290
B.E. Electronics & Communication -- 320 314
B.E. Manufacturing 253 -- --
B. Pharm  203 -- 161

Check BITSAT 2023 College Predictor

BITSAT Marks vs Rank 2023

BITSAT Marks vs Rank analysis gives you an idea of what marks in BITSAT can get you what rank in the merit list. Given below is an analysis of BITSAT marks vs rank based on previous year statistics (2022):

BITSAT Marks Rank
>= 351 1-216
329-350 217-819
307-328 820-2305
285-306 2306-4885
241-284 4886-17217
197-240 17218-46,444
Less than 190 45000 and above

To check course-wise BITSAT Marks vs Rank, click here

Frequently Asked Questions

BITSAT Exam 2023 FAQs

Ques. Are there 2 attempts for BITSAT?

Ans. Yes, there are 2 attempts in BITSAT, i.e. a candidate can appear 2 times in BITSAT exam- once each in sessions 1 and 2. Only the candidates who are appearing in class 12th in 2023 or have passed class 12th in 2022 can apply for BITSAT 2023.

Ques. Is 75 necessary for BITSAT?

Ans. Yes, 75% aggregate marks are required in PCB or PCM in class 12th. However, the minimum score required in each individual subject, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/ Biology is 60%. 

Ques. What is a good score in BITSAT?

Ans. For admission to B.E courses in BITS campuses, a score of above 270 is considered good. For B.Pharm courses, a score of 170-220 is considered good for admission. The cut off score varies from stream to stream- for admission to top streams like Computer Science and Electronics & Communication Engineering, a score of 330+ is good while for streams like Manufacturing and Civil Engineering, a score of 270+ is sufficient. 

Ques. Is JEE Mains easy or BITSAT?

Ans. Both JEE Mains and BITSAT are sought after by students for admission to B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Pharm courses in top colleges of the country. However, JEE Main is tougher than BITSAT in terms of the difficulty level of questions. The questions asked in JEE are more conceptual and application-based while those in BITSAT are direct.

Ques. Which is better BITSAT or JEE?

Ans. BITSAT can get you admission to BITS campuses while JEE Main can get you admission to NITs, IIITs, GFTIs, and IITs among other colleges.

Ques. Which colleges accept BITSAT score?

Ans. BITSAT score is accepted by the 3 BITS campuses- BITS Pilani, BITS Hyderabad, and BITS Goa. Apart from these colleges, BITSAT scores can also get you admission to other top colleges like NIT University and SRHU Dehradun.

Ques. When should I apply for BITSAT 2023?

Ans. You can apply for BITSAT 2023 now. BITSAT application form 2023 is out. BITSAT form last date 2023 is April 9. 

Ques. Which entrance exam for BITS Pilani 2023?

Ans. BITSAT 2023 is the entrance exam for admission to BITS Pilani. Candidates who wish to pursue B.E/ B.Pharm courses from BITS Pilani need to appear for BITSAT exam.

Ques. Does BITSAT take 12th marks?

Ans. For BITSAT eligibility, class 12th marks are important. Only candidates who have passed class 12th with an aggregate of 75% marks are eligible to sit for BITSAT exam. However, admission is based solely on merit, i.e. the scores obtained in BITSAT exam.

Ques. बिटसैट परीक्षा का क्या उपयोग है?

Ans. हर साल, बिरला इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी एंड साइंस (BITS), पिलानी, अपने B.E., B. Pharm कोर्स के लिए उम्मीदवारों का चयन करने के लिए कंप्यूटर आधारित प्रवेश परीक्षा BITSAT आयोजित करता है।

Ques. Can I submit my BITSAT 2023 application form offline?

Ans. BITSAT 2023 application form is available in online mode only. In case you are finding any difficulty while applying online, you can get in touch with the exam conducting authority to get it sorted.

Ques. I have studied Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in 10+2, am I eligible to apply for BITSAT 2023?

Ans. Candidates with PCB in 10+2 can apply for BITSAT but they can apply only for the B. Pharm programme. They are not eligible for getting admission to any other first-degree B.E. course offered by the institute for engineering/ technology.

Ques. Where can candidates apply for BITSAT 2023 exam?

Ans. The interested and eligible candidates have to register for BITSAT 2023 on the online

Ques. Who will conduct BITSAT 2023 exam?

Ans. BITSAT exam is conducted by Birla Institute of Technology & Science for selecting candidates for one of its three campuses in Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad..

Ques. What is the minimum BITSAT cut off score?

Ans. BITSAT cut off differs every year based on various factors. The candidates have to get the minimum cut off score to get considered for the course. The cut off scores will be released only after the conclusion of the counselling process. Candidates looking for B.E. admission through BITSAT must score above 250 marks.

Program BITS Pilani BITS Goa BITS Hyderabad
Bachelors of Engineering (BE) 270 to 338 260 to 390 257 to 306
B. Pharm 213 to 220 - 177 to 185
Masters of Science (MSc) 259 to 315 252 to 282 254 to 283

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year BITSAT Questions

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 

Sample/Mock Papers

Latest BITSAT News

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: Candidates opting Dubai as exam centre, will have to pay INR 7000 as the application fee.

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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