Bachelor of Catering Technology and Culinary Arts [BCTCA]
first year fees: ₹40,000
3 YearsFull Time
(Based on 185 views last year)
22 Studentshave shown interest in the last 30 days
Tuition fees
Yearly Fees
Eligibility Criteria
Candidate should be of minimum 17 years of age at the time of commencement of the course.
A pass in 10+2 scheme approved by the Osmania University, Hyderabad with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in any stream.
Candidates who have appeared Intermediate (10+2) / XII Std. examination or equivalent can also apply for BCT&CA course and the admission is subject to clearing the qualifying examination.
Candidate for whom English is not their medium of instruction must demonstrate competency in English in the selection procedure.
Non-Resident Indians (NRI) / Foreign students should submit their relevant documents while applying for the course. The entire process of admission will be handled by the Dean Foreign Affairs, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Admission Guidelines
Application Form can be availed from the Academy's Administration Office on payment of Rs. 1000/-(One Thousand Indian Rupees Only) in cash or by sending a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Paragon Educational Society, payable at Hyderabad.
Sixty candidates will be enrolled in the month of June every academic year based on their performance in the overall selection process which includes an All India Entrance Examination held in HYDERABAD followed by a Group Discussion Round and Personal Interview.
Candidate should submit a physical fitness certificate by a registered medical practitioner in the enclosed format.