Rural Dental College, Ahmednagar - List of Professors and Faculty

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Rural Dental College Ahmednagar Faculty Details

Professor & Head
Dr. Palekar Umesh Gopal
Department of Prosthodontics
Professor & Head
Dr. Palekar Aparna Umesh
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontic
Professor & Head
Dr. Shah Seemit Vinod
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Professor & Head
Dr. Munde Anita Dnyanoba
Oral Medicine & Radiology
Professor & Head
Dr. Patil Rahul Bhagwat
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Professor & Head
Dr. Toshniwal Nandlal Girijalal
Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics
Professor & Head
Dr. Mopagar Viddyasagar
Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry
Professor & Head
Dr. Mani Ameet Madan
Professor & Head
Dr. Viragi Prashant Shrikant
Public Health Dentistry

Rural Dental College Ahmednagar Latest News

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Dr. Palekar Umesh Gopal
Professor & Head, Department of Prosthodontics
Dr. Palekar Aparna Umesh
Professor & Head, Conservative Dentistry & Endodontic
Dr. Shah Seemit Vinod
Professor & Head, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
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