Vishveshwarya Technical Campus - [VTC], Sangli - Hostel Details

Sangli, MaharashtraEstd 2012 Shivaji University Kolhapur, Kolhapur
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Vishveshwarya Technical Campus Sangli Hostel For Male

Fee: ₹15,000

College provides Well Furnished Separate Hostel for Boys (60 Boys).

  1. 24 Hrs Electricity supply with backup of 125 KVA generator
  2. Hot Bath water using solar hot water system.
  3. Separate study room in Girls hostel.
  4. Mini gymnasium at girls hostel
  5. 24 Hrs Security System
  6. Dispensary and first aid facility
  7. Cooking gas and electric geezers for Girls hostel
  8. Care taking rector and warden
  9. Hostel has Beautiful green campus

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Vishveshwarya Technical Campus Sangli Hostel For Female

Fee: ₹15,000

College provides Well Furnished Separate Hostel for Girls (45 Girls) at reasonable fee.

  1. 24 Hrs Electricity supply with backup of 125 KVA generator
  2. Hot Bath water using solar hot water system.
  3. Separate study room in Girls hostel.
  4. Mini gymnasium at girls hostel
  5. 24 Hrs Security System
  6. Dispensary and first aid facility
  7. Cooking gas and electric geezers for Girls hostel
  8. Care taking rector and warden
  9. Hostel has Beautiful green campus

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Vishveshwarya Technical Campus Sangli Latest News

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