For Physics department, the Btech course is quite challenging. And students do fail in exams.
Good aspects- Engineering Physics is purely research based branch so if you are interested in research this branch is heaven for you.
Bad Aspects- There are very less jobs in core. For good opportunities you need to have masters or PHD. If you want good job after bachelor's then you have to learn other skills like coding, ML, analytics etc.
In majority of the courses for a particular semester, there are 2 quizzes, 1 mid sem, 1 endsem exam, 1-2 assignment or term paper depending on the prof.
Usually there are 3-4 classes of 1 hr each and if there is a lab then add 3 hrs more for that. 3rd year classes are mostly in afternoon session from 2-5 or 2-6 PM. 4th year classes are in morning session form 9-12 or 8-12 PM in my department. Other department schedule classes according to them.
Most professors follow Teacher Centred Methodology with Inquiry based learning. Discussion are highly encouraged. Some profs give group projects and assignments for collaborative learning.
I don't want to name the faculties without their permission but I would definitely tell you about their qualities which I admire the most. One of my profs who thought us Quantum Mechanics is one of the best professor of our department. He didn't bothers students at all with unnecessary assignments. At the start of semester he even asked us" How you would like to be evaluated?" Means we were given the chane to choose the no of exam or quizzes we want to take. He also has no attendance policy and encourages learning irrespective of where you learn from. Another one is my Thesis Supervisor who is one of the most chill and coolest profs I have ever met in my college. I wanted to work on his research and explore the field. When I approached him regarding the same he happily accepted my request. A really great guy, he not only made me understand his work but also helped me whenever I faced problems.
Some not so admired faculties just don't give a damn about the students. They just teach what they are supposed to teach, clear doubts and leave doesn't matter whether the students are learning or not. Some even hold personal grudges against students for not attending their classes.
Attendance depends on prof to prof. Some take it seriously some don't. Those who take it seriously 75% attendance is mandatory. If you don't fulfil it you could be debarred from taking end semester exams. Yes one of my friends got debarred from registering in endsems and eventually had to drop 1 year because he didn't attended one of profs classes and he took it personally.
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