BhubaneswarBIMITCourses & FeesMaster of Business Administration [MBA] (Marketing)

Master of Business Administration [MBA] (Marketing) From BIMIT, Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar, OdishaEstd 1995
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2 YearsFull Time
Tution fees₹75000₹75000
Total Year Wise fees75,00075,000

Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants seeking admission to 2 year Full-time MBA Program should meet the following criteria as specified by the institute.

Academic Requirement: 

Candidate should have Passed the Bachelor's Degree examination of minimum 3 years duration in any discipline from any university of Odisha or equivalent recognised university as defined by UGC. 

Entrance Exam:

  1. Students desirous of joining MBA program are to appear in the Orissa Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) every year during (March – April). Advertisement is published in all the local papers. Examination is conducted in the major cities in Orissa and some of the major cities in Eastern India. In the (OJEE) examination every successful candidate will be assigned a rank for each program separately.
  2. Through a central counseling conducted by (OJEE) the candidate will get the opportunity, according to his rank to choose one of the colleges offering the selected programme. Fees payable and documents required at the time of central counseling will be published by Orissa JEE through advertisement.
  3. The Orissa JEE will send a list of candidates to the respective colleges and students have to enroll themselves at the college level to be conducted by each college separately.
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Dr. Ansuman Sahoo
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration
Shri. Sachidananda Panda
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration
Shri. Manoj Kumar Behara
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration
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