Assistant Professor
Mr. S. J. Mane
Department of Civil Engineering
Associate Professor
Dr Saswati Datta (Ghatak)
Department of Civil Engineering
Professor & HOD
Dr. B. B. Musmade
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Assistant Professor
Mr. Vipin Suryakant Vibhute
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
HOD and Associate Profess
Dr. Vinayak Gajanan Kottawar
Department of Computer Engineering
Assistant professor
Ms. V.L Kolhe
Department of Computer Engineering
Assistant professor
Mrs. S.S Pawar
Department of Computer Engineering
Associate Professor
Dr. Vinayak Gajanan Kottawar
Department of Computer Engneering
Assistant Professor
Abhijit Janardan Patankar
Department of Information Technology
Assistant Professor
Aarti Sidu Gaikwad
Department of Information Technology
Associate Professor
Dr. Manish Sharma
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Assistant Professor
Mrs. K.M. Jadhav
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Assistant Professor
Mr. Vipin Suryakant Vibhute
Department of Instrumentation & Control Engineering