This school was the perfect distance from home (1 hour) and has a beautiful campus and lively student social life. The downtown has great stores and restaurants and the school is a great size (big, but not too big).
Course Curriculum
My course curriculum is great. The school requires history students to take history courses based on different time periods and different parts of the world. The extra optional classes are great and the professors know what they're talking about.
The faculty is very passionate about what they teach. They have a very strong understanding of course content and are excited to share they\'re knowledge with the rest of the students.
There were no required exams to get into my school. I did apply to American universities which required me to take the SAT. I achieved 1410 on the SAT.
The fees for the school vary by program. Social science majors typically have to pay around $8000 per year.
Examination Structure
The exam structures vary. Some classes use only multiple choice questions which are typically easy because the answers come straight from the Powerpoint. Some classes use "ID" questions in which you're required to identify the term and explain its significance.