(Since Jul 10, 2018)
A Post Graduate in Computer Science from MMMUT, Gorakhpur, researches and updates Admission related information. He can be reached for various admission related queries.
Education is not a business, it is a gift of enlightenment that a teacher delivers to their disciple, believes Md. Khan
The success and failure of any endeavour depends upon leadership, believes Prof. Renu Joshi
How Online Education is Bridging Rural-Urban Divide in India?
Work towards the set goals and never forget your moral values while achieving them, suggests Dr. Verma
Focus and pursue your dreams with utmost devotion and commitment, suggests Prof. Purvi
Degree in management: why choose it and what are your options?
Get the Global Edge with Singapore Institute of Management
Having a dynamic experience in hospitality, Mr. Talukdar suggests students give each job the same value
With strong determination and will power, one can reach one's goals easily, asserts Dr. Bakhshi
According to Dr. Panda, passion, focus and enthusiasm are the foundational stone to lead a successful life
Be honest to yourself, believe in your capabilities and leave no stone unturned to make your dreams a reality, suggests Dr. Yadav
Great things begin with small actions, believes Dr. Sonali Sarkar