This university offers a 5-year program instead of 6 years like most of the other medical universities do. I am looking to finishing my degree as soon as possible. I also like Australia that is why I chose this university.
Course Curriculum
It is adequate and relevant. I also like the study environment, facilities, and clinical experiences. It can be improved if my university arranges more classes instead of a self-directed style.
Very helpful provides adequate study materials, online medical resources are widely available and can be easily accessed, readily takes constructive feedback from the students.
Tuition fee and Student amenities fee.
Examination Structure
Year 1 pre-clinical, Year 2 pre-clinical, Year 3 clinical: medical and surgical aspects. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), written exam and assignments including EBM. Year 4 OSCE and Year 5 OSCE and written exam.