This college was the only college that offered a pathway into a bachelor of health science or a bachelor of nursing. Some of my friends went to this college and suggested I go here. The university is all local.
Course Curriculum
I am studying a standard course. It only had 8 units which I feel is very little however it is good for those not use to university life or have been out of a learning environment for some time. Personally, some of the units are irrelevant.
The faculty of the university is very nice. All of the teachers and lecturers are very informative. I've learned a lot in my 3 short weeks however I feel some teachers are more constructive than others.
Thankfully my course is a Commonwealth course which means that it's all fees are government subsidized and I only incur a fee of $150 per semester. However, payment plans are available such as HECS which is very useful for many students from various economic backgrounds.
Examination Structure
I believe the exam structure is structured poorly. There are too many overlapping exams and exam periods. There are not enough intervals in between and there is not enough study time between commencement of the course and exam date.