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5 Reviews Found
Sharing Rooms for First Year on Campus. The meal Plan is very good with many options to choose from. The rooms are kind of small but cozy.
Free For Me Reason In-state tuition, campus environment, close to home, a great American university, and many opportunities.
As a pharmacy student, I live in an apartment off-campus. It is more practical for me as I work off-campus as an intern at a pharmacy. I live with other pharmacy students and this helps because they are going through the same thing as me
I chose UGA because it has the best pharmacy school in Georgia. It's also top ten in the country. I wanted to go to a school that had a strong football community as well. UGA seemed to be the perfect fit for me
As a pharmacy student, I live in an apartment off-campus. It is more practical for me as I work off-campus as an intern at a pharmacy. I live with other pharmacy students and this helps because they are going through the same thing as me.
I chose UGA because it has the best pharmacy school in Georgia. It's also the top ten in the country. I wanted to go to a school that had a strong football community as well. UGA seemed to be the perfect fit for me.
I lived in the best dorms my first year, which were very nice but much more expensive than off-campus living. If you do your research, there are plenty of affordable housing areas off campus that provide a high quality of living and convenience.
I was able to use my in-state scholarship for tuition and it is a good school with my major program of study. I preferred to go to a public four-year college that is a little far from home.
I stayed on campus for the first year and then in an apartment for the other 3 years. I think this is good so that you can experience more of the town and stuff but stay connected to the school by living nearby.
It was close to home and offers a good education. Also, a lot of my friends went there so that was really good. I also like the campus and the social scene. When I visited, it felt like home. Uga is a great place to be.