Aberystwyth University is one of the top-100 Universities in the United Kingdom. It has achieved many excellence in its teaching and research.

Aberystwyth University offers undergraduate & postgraduate programs in a variety of courses. The graduation programs are offered in single, joint & integrated honors.

In 2018 The University was awarded a gold in Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and Student Outcomes Framework. Also recognized as one of the safest universities in Wales for students, as per The Complete University Guide.

As per National Student Survey 2020, Aberystwyth University is one of the top-5 universities in the United Kingdom for its overall student satisfaction.

Aberystwyth University Ranking Highlights

  • Ranked 58th in UK among 100 Best Global Universities by US News 2021.
  • Ranked 485th among Best Global Universities, according to QS Top University Ranking for 2021.
  • Ranked 328th among Best Global Universities in Europe, according to US News World University Ranking for 2021.
  • According to Times Higher Education World University Ranking, Aberystwyth University is ranked between 401–500th position among world universities.
  • 4 Subjects are ranked among top-10 in the United Kingdom, as per Complete University Guide.
  • 19 Subjects are among the top-50 in the United Kingdom, as per Complete University Guide.

Aberystwyth University Global Ranking

The most popular ranking agencies have acknowledged Aberystwyth University among their top ranking lists.

Agency Ranking
Times Higher Education #401-500
US News #792
QS Rankings #485
CWUR 792
ARWU #901-100

QS Top Universities

As per the QS top universities ranking, the university was performing well till 2019 when they witnessed their highest ranking. Their ranking dropped the following year and it has not witnessed any growth this year as well.

Year Ranking
2017 #491-500
2018 #481-490
2019 #432
2020 #484
2021 #485

Ranking Criteria : The ranking criteria for Aberystwyth University according to QS Top University.

Parameter Score
Overall Score 24.6
Academic Reputation 9.6
Employer Reputation 5.7
Faculty Student 25.6
Citations per Faculty 46.1
International Faculty 57.1
International Students 57.6

US News

Aberystwyth University Ranks #792 among best global universities as per US News, 2021 Rankings. It is ranked as #328 best global universities in Europe and ranked #58 among Best global Universities in the United Kingdom.

Ranking Indicators Ranking
Global Score 41.5
Global Research Reputation #724
Regional research reputation #466
Publications #1160
Books #373
Conferences #1362
Normalized citation impact #571
Total citations #1002
Number of publications that are among the 10% most cited #937
Percentage of total publications that are among the 10% most cited #517
International collaboration - relative to country #521
International collaboration #341
Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1% most cited
Percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1% most cited


As per the table shown below, the ranking has been decreased after it witnessed a growth last year. Although, the overall ranking is much better than previous years.

Year Ranking Score
2016 809 44.41
2017 780 42.69
2018 920 70.3
2019 704 72.3
2020 792 71.6

Ranking Criteria :

CWUR rankings are calculated on the basis of ranking Indicators on the scale of 100. The overall score is 71.6

Aberystwyth University National Ranking

As per national rankings for the year 2020, Aberystwyth University has performed much better than its global ranking , it managed to grab a place in the top-100 universities in UK. One of the top ranking agencies, US News uses the same analyzing parameters that are used for world rankings to determine the country-wise ranking. Some Popular UK ranking agencies like Times, Guardian, CUG also included Aberystwyth University in its top-100 Universities.

The National Ranking of Aberystwyth University as per various Global and UK's well known agencies:

Agency Ranking in UK
Times #45
Guardian #54
Complete University Guide #58
UK Uni #55
ARWU #60-65
Center for World University Rankings #52
Us News #58

Aberystwyth National Ranking Criteria by the Complete University Guide

The Complete University Guide calculates national ranking on the basis of these indicators:

Ranking Indicators Score Ranking Weight age
Overall Score 642 #58 64%
Entry Standards 124 #71 58%
Student Satisfaction 4.31 #2 86%
Research Quality 2.84 #53 71%
Research Intensity 0.76 #32 76%
Graduate Prospects 77.7 #56 78%
Academics Service Spend 1932 #37 65%
Facilities Spend 435 #110 22%
Student Staff Ratio 16.8 #86 16.8%
Good Honours 70.7 #103 71%
Degree Completion 82.8 #75 83%

Aberystwyth University Subject-Wise Ranking

QS Top University

Subject Ranking 2018 Ranking 2019 Ranking 2020
Politics #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Agriculture & Forestry #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Earth & Marine Sciences #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
Geography #101-150 #101-150 #151-200

As per the subject-wise ranking of QS top university, every subject has performed well except Geography as it witnessed a drop in its current ranking.

As per other subjects, they will either witness a growth next year or they will remain the same.

Subject-wise Ranking: US News

Subjects Ranking Global Score
Geosciences #209 #46.7
Plant & Animal Sciences #285 #48.5
Social Sciences & Public Health #491 #24.1

Subject-wise Ranking: The Complete University Guide

Subjects offered at Aberystwyth University Ranked in Top-10

Subjects Ranking Score
Agriculture & Forestry #6 96
Celtic Studies #7 92.1
History of Art/ Architecture & Design #4 95.9
Iberian Languages #10 94.6

Aberystwyth University is one the top-100 universities in UK and also the top-1000 University in the world. It is well known for its research, high quality teaching standard and overall student satisfaction . The university has received a gold in Teaching Excellence Framework for its high quality teaching.

As per the Complete University Guide, Aberystwyth University is ranked #2 for its overall student satisfaction. The National Student Survey also listed the university among top-5 universities for overall student satisfaction.

As per The Subject ranking of Complete University Guide, 4 courses offered by Aberystwyth are listed among top-10 in United Kingdom, 19 subjects are listed among top-50 subjects and other 3 subjects are listed in top-100 subjects in United Kingdom.