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IGNOU What is the procedure for submitting assignments?

Niharika Mann Posted On : October 13th, 2022
M.A. in Psychology & Clinical Psychology, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Below are the following steps: 

A. Go to IGNOU's assignment page and download your assignment.

Take care to only download assignments for the current year. Many students make the mistake of downloading the previous year's assignment, only to discover this on the day of submission. If you download the incorrect assignment, all of your hard work will be for naught.

B. Worksheets

A4 sheets with rules on both sides are standard in all study centers. If you intend to submit in punched files, you can purchase punched sheets. IGNOU's regulations clearly state that assignments should be written on white sheets only. Printing is not permitted. You must complete your entire assignment. Printouts of complex diagrams and graphs, on the other hand, can be pasted.

Your teachers can best advise you on this because it varies from course to course.

C. Writing Assignments 

To be honest, most students copy their assignments from the internet or their friends. You can use whatever method you want, depending on how accommodating the teachers at your study center are. It is recommended that you write your assignment yourself. The reasons are straightforward: 

a) You will read and try to understand the topics presented in books as you work on your assignments. If you sincerely complete your assignment by reading and understanding concepts on your own, you will have completed more than half of your exam preparation.

b) Your assignment will be one-of-a-kind and may make an excellent first impression.

c) You do not need to be concerned about the viva.

If you choose to copy your assignment, please prepare thoroughly for the viva. You can get good grades in assignments if you give a good viva.

D. Set a deadline.

When you download an assignment from IGNOU's website, the deadline is usually written on the front page of each course's assignment. Although the deadline specified in the assignment is always extended by about 15-20 days. To be on the safe side, complete your assignment well before the deadline specified in your assignment.

E. The Submission Date

Organize your assignments neatly and orderly in files.

Go to your Study Center, where you will be given a receipt to fill out. It will be stamped and signed by your study center once completed. Keep the receipt safe until the results are announced. If your assignment grades aren't updated on IGNOU's website, your receipt will come in handy. After that, turn in your assignment to the teacher. They will begin checking it while also considering your viva. 

F. Final approval

When the results are announced, double-check your grade card to ensure that your assignment grades have been properly updated. If you have any questions, please contact the regional center using the assignment submission receipt.

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