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How is IIT Ropar for an M.Tech in power engineering?

Sanjay Tomar Posted On : September 8th, 2021
M.Tech Water Resources Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar in 2020

Some experience preferably an internship in the private sector can come in handy if you want to pursue M.Tech in Power engineering at IIT Ropar.

Before you make up your mind, research the challenges of power engineering, its strengths, and drawbacks, the scene of the program in our country, the opportunities that remain unused, etc.

Decide if you would like to address these problems on your own or with the team you will be making. There is still a gaping difference between demand and supply in our country. There are also problems in transmission, losses in transit; thefts that take place by unscrupulous elements.

Other than these, there are also generation gaps, technology or equipment that has become obsolete. You will need to address these problems when you will pursue the course and apply your knowledge in the real world.

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