What does it take to get into XLRI, Jamshedpur?

2 Answers

Aanand Sharma Posted On - Mar 16, 2023
MBA in Marketing & Operations, Xavier School of Management

During an interview, the interviewer will typically evaluate you based on two factors. The first factor is your score, which is based on various parameters such as your confidence and knowledge. The second factor is the interviewer's judgement call, which is based on their overall impression of you.

If the interviewer gives you three ayes, then you're in, period. If you receive two ayes, your score will be considered. However, if there's only one aye or fewer, you won't be considered.

Although there is no set pattern for interviews, the interviewer will usually try to make you comfortable at the beginning before finding a way to put you under pressure. For example, they may present you with a puzzle that you have a limited amount of time to solve. The key here is to stay calm and not let the pressure rattle your confidence.

Once the interviewer has put you under pressure, they'll want to see how you perform. It's essential to remain the same person you were in the first half of the interview to demonstrate your abilities effectively. With these tips in mind, you'll be well-equipped to navigate any interview with confidence and ease.



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Hema Kumari Posted On - May 27, 2021
Studied B.Tech Civil Engineering & Architecture, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (2021)

In order to get admission to XLRI Jamshedpur, you must qualify two steps. Firstly, the entrance exam arranged by the institute itself called XAT, and secondly, the interview. 

Here are few things to keep in mind as per the experience of my sister:

  • The question paper of the XAT exam includes different questions of English Aptitude, Reasoning, Mathematics, and different Pictorial Reasonings.
  • For better preparation, there are many coaching centers available in Jamshedpur itself such as T.I.M.E and Career Launcher. These centers can introduce you to different aspects required for MBA in IIM hence helping you to qualify for XAT.
  • The admission is based on the percentile system, hence, the top percentile will be decided by the results of candidates.
  • After being selected, you need to clear an interview where you will be evaluated on the basis of your confidence, knowledge, communication skills, etc.
  • Also, a judgment call will be made according to that particular interviewer. If it's all three ayes, you're in, period. If it's two ayes, then your score will be considered. If there's only one aye or lesser, you won't be considered.

Overall, choosing XLRI is an appreciable decision. All you need to do is just prepare well for the entrance exam and interview. In the end, all that matters is your hard work and potential to get into any prestigious institute.



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