Do students from IIM/FMS/JBIMS/SPJIMR/IIFT/XLRI bunk classes like engineering students?

1 Answer

Pragya Tripathi Posted On - Feb 28, 2023
CSE IITK'15, IIMA Batch of 2015-17

At IIM/FMS/JBIMS/SPJIMR/IIFT/XLRI, attendance is seen as a crucial aspect of the learning experience. Every effort must be made to be present in class and to participate actively in the discussions. In fact, class participation is considered to be such an important factor in determining grades that a significant portion of the total course weightage is allocated to it. This system is in place to encourage students to be engaged in the learning process and to ensure that they are taking full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them.

On the other hand, at IIT Kanpur, there is a more relaxed approach to attendance. While it is still advisable to attend classes and to be present for lectures, there is no strict requirement in place. This gives students more flexibility and allows them to choose when they want to attend classes based on their personal schedules or other commitments. It also means that engineering students are not penalized if they miss a class or two, as long as they are able to make up for it by participating in other ways, such as completing assignments or preparing for exams.

Overall, both B-schools and Engineering colleges have different approaches to attendance and class participation. While IIM Ahmedabad places a strong emphasis on being present in class and participating actively, IIT Kanpur takes a more relaxed approach. Ultimately, the choice between the two institutions will depend on the individual student's preferences and learning style.



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