How is electronics and computer at Thapar University? Should I prefer it over electronics and communication?

1 Answer

Agnish Mukherjee Posted On - Aug 3, 2023
BE from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology

There is a considerable difference between the two branches of Electronics and Computer and Electronics and Communication. You can make an informed decision only after knowing the nature of the branches and seeing if they align with your interests. So, let’s look at these branches individually

Electronics and Communication - This branch covers concepts related to electronic circuits, and their application in electronic devices. It also includes concepts related to communication systems, CORE Electronics, and its application in embedded communication systems.

Electronics and Computers: This branch has been recently started in collaboration with Trinity College and  Dublin. The branch covers basic electronic circuits and devices. It includes courses like Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine learning, etc. Basically, it’s the control of electronic devices using the methods of a computer.

Go for the branch that intrigues you the most.You can go through the detailed syllabus and also contact the current students to get a better understanding. 



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